FOCUS: Why Madrid’s regional elections are so important to Spanish politics

The leadership of Spain’s wealthiest region is at stake but the vote could also have national ramifications. Here's why the experts believe that “more than a just region is at stake" with Madrid's upcoming elections.

FOCUS: Why Madrid's regional elections are so important to Spanish politics
Four of the six candidates of Madrid's regional elections: PSOE's Ángel Gabilondo, PP's Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Unidas Podemos's Pablo Iglesias and Vox's Rocío Monasterio. Photos: AFP

The snap election in the Madrid region, which will take place on May 4th, was called last month by regional leader Isabel Díaz Ayuso, a rising star of the right-wing Popular Party (PP), after breaking up her ruling coalition with the centrist Ciudadanos.

Ever since, the battle for Madrid has been dominating Spanish headlines for weeks before the campaign formally opened on April 18th.

In a sign of the ballot’s importance, Pablo Iglesias, leader of far-left Podemos, stepped down as a deputy prime minister in Sanchez’s coalition government to run as the party’s candidate.

“More than a just region is at stake,” said University of Zaragoza political scientist Cristina Monge.

“It’s also the party leaders taking part, the issues and the media coverage all of which evokes a national election campaign.”

Ever since the poll was announced, Sanchez has joined a weekly rally in Madrid alongside Socialist candidate Angel Gabilondo, a dour former education minister.

With the Socialists unlikely to oust the PP from power, Sánchez has focused on warning voters against the “threat” posed by Vox, the far-right faction which propped up Ayuso’s previous government and looking to make further inroads next week.

Polls show the PP, which has run the region for over 25 years, winning most seats but falling short of an absolute majority, meaning it will likely fall back on the support of Vox to govern.

A man attends a far-right party VOX campaign meeting at the bullring in San Sebastian de los Reyes, near Madrid,  ahead of regional elections in Madrid. Photo: OSCAR DEL POZO/AFP


Pablo Simon, a political analyst at Madrid’s Carlos III University, said Sánchez’s involvement could be “a double-edged sword” in that it “doesn’t necessarily mobilise the left but definitely mobilises voters on the right” who fiercely oppose his leftist government.

And Ayuso has made criticism of Sánchez’s handling of the pandemic a focus of her campaign, prompting Gabilondo to remind her last week that he was actually the party’s candidate.

Adopting “freedom” as her slogan, she has consistently fought the Sanchez government’s instructions, instead imposing one of Spain’s loosest curfews and defying recommendations to shut bars and restaurants.

“Ayuso benefits from her strong opposition to the Spanish government over the coronavirus issue, which favours the PP” in this vote, said Antonio Barroso of Teneo consultants.

But Sánchez will have to pay the price for getting personally involved in the campaign, analysts warn.

If the PP gains further ground in Madrid, it will take advantage of that on the national political scene where it serves as Spain’s main opposition — and will “hold him responsible”, Simon said.

But Barroso said a victory for Ayuso after running such a hardline campaign could open an “internal fracture” within the PP which has become more centrist in recent months under current leader Pablo Casado.

Such a fracture “could favour Sánchez”, making him appear like “a moderate” to centrist voters, Barroso said.

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Spain’s plan to limit temporary accommodation rejected

Spain's left-wing government had planned to tighten its grip on temporary accommodation rentals as a potential means of making more long-term rentals available, but the country's right-wing parties on Tuesday rejected the proposal in parliament.

Spain's plan to limit temporary accommodation rejected

If passed, the new law would have meant that anyone who wanted to temporarily rent a property would have to explain why and provide a valid reason.

For example, students or researchers would have to show the research contract or course booking to show it would only last a few months.

It would have also meant that if more than six months passed or more than two consecutive contracts issued, it will have automatically become a long-term habitual residence instead.

On Tuesday September 17th, the proposal was ultimately rejected in the Spanish Congress, voted against by Spain’s three main right-wing parties – Catalan nationalists Junts, Spain’s main opposition party the PP and far-right Vox.

The aim in part was to try and rectify the controversial Housing Law, which came into effect in 2023.

In most people’s eyes, the legislation has failed as landlords have found several loopholes to get around the restrictions, prices have continued to increase and the stock of rental properties is even more diminished.

READ ALSO: Has Spain’s Housing Law completely failed to control rents?

As a result of the fear of heightened regulation for landlords, many have left the traditional market and turned to tourist rentals or temporary accommodation instead, which are far more lucrative. 

This has had the opposite effect, increasing rental prices instead of stabilising or decreasing them.

READ MORE: Why landlords in Spain leave their flats empty rather than rent long-term

Seasonal contracts and room rentals allow landlords to raise prices every six or nine months and they not subject to the price limitations of the housing law.

The idea of this new law was to try and set the maximum duration of a temporary rental contracts at six months in order to avoid this, but it could have potentially also caused problems for many who need this type accommodation such as students, digital nomads, those living here on a short term basis etc. 

During the debate, Sumar’s spokesperson, Íñigo Errejón, defended the law saying that it is a “solvent”, “fair” and “precise” proposal, which will help “correct an abuse” and “close the gap through which “Landlords can use to avoid the LAU (Urban Leasing Law) and rent regulation”.  

Far-left party Podemos blamed the ruling PSOE for having left this “hole” in the housing law, but also agreed that the restrictions on temporary accommodation were needed to try and rectify this.

READ ALSO: Has Spain’s Housing Law completely failed to control rents?

Junts (Catalonia’s main pro-independence party) and the PNV, the Basque nationalist party, were firmly against it. They agreed that the problem must be solved and that “accessible decent housing was needed”, but raised the situation of students, interns, residents or workers who need housing for flexible periods.

Junts party member Marta Madrenas warned of the harmful effects that this limitation on temporary rentals can have for university cities such as Girona.

Vox and the PP meanwhile argued that they don’t want to help cover up the mistakes made by the left with regards to the Housing Law.

Vox deputy Ignacio Hoces stated that the increase in seasonal rentals has occurred due to the “failure” of the Housing Law, since this has caused rental prices to “skyrocketed” by 13 percent and the supply to be reduced by 15 percent.

Temporary accommodation, referred to as alquiler temporal or alquiler de temporada in Spanish, is considered to be anything that’s longer than a month but shorter than a year, middle ground between short-term and long-term rentals. It is also referred to as monthly accommodation or seasonal accommodation.