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How to get along with your neighbours in Norway

Being a good neighbour in Norway is about much more than taking your shoes off and trimming the hedges. Here's how to make the best impression with those living nearest to you. 

How to get along with your neighbours in Norway
Being a good neighbour in Norway is about much more than taking your shoes off. Photo: Jon-Eric Melsæter

The dugnad

The dugnad can be described as a communal gathering that brings individuals together to achieve a common goal. Dugnads are often hosted in housing blocks or neighbourhoods as a way to clean up and maintain the communal areas. You can expect to be asked to paint, clean gutters and rake among other common chores. It’s not mandatory, but if you want to get to know your neighbours better and help out, the dugnad is the perfect event to accomplish both of these wants.

READ ALSO: 10 Norwegian words you need to learn to understand Norway

Keep it down

Sure, being considerate by not making too much noise is basically an international rule for that good neighbours need to respect. But it’s so important in Norway, we feel like we really need to emphasise just how much Norwegians appreciate the quiet. If you are new to Norway, you may be surprised at how generally more quiet public and private areas are. To be a good neighbour, be extra considerate between the hours of 10pm and 7am. And don’t do any disruptive chores like mowing the lawn or loud renovation projects on Sundays or on public holidays. 

And when you know it will get a little loud

If you are going to have a party, renovation, or major construction work going on, it would be wise to give your neighbours a nabovarsel, or “neighbour warning”. At times, a nabovarsel is demanded by law if you plan on having on-going construction projects. It is not a requirement to let your neighbours know if you are hosting a party that will likely run late into the night. Though giving warning either on the neighbourhood’s Facebook page, or on a written note posted in a common area is always considerate and often appreciated. 

Know where to draw the line

This isn’t a metaphor. We’re talking about your property line. A lot of properties in Norway  are not a perfect square and blend seamlessly into one another making the end of your land and the start of your neighbours sometimes hard to distinguish. To avoid future conflict (or extra time spent mowing a lawn that isn’t yours), take the first step and reach out to your neighbour to make sure you are in agreement about the division of land. 

Klippe Hekk 

Norwegian comedies often portray poor lawn maintenance as a common reason as to why neighbours fight. It’s funny to watch on TV, but there aren’t many laughs if you are dealing with this conflict in reality. To avoid any tense moments with your nearest neighbour(s) make sure you klippe hekk  or “cut the hedges” to ensure any trees or bushes do not encroach on your neighbour’s property. 

If you have fruit trees along your property, pick up the fruit that may have fallen on your neighbour’s property. But ask for permission first before you cross the property line.  

READ ALSO: Seven things foreigners might find surprising about Norwegian social culture

Find out the best way to communicate

No matter what your housing situation is, there are likely many methods of communication you can use if you have a question or concern regarding your home and the area surrounding it. From single-family homes in small towns, to apartments in the center of the nation’s capital,  a lot of neighbourhoods have created Facebook groups or other ways to communicate important information and with each other through social media. There are also housing associations which host meetings for residents to attend in-person. So if you’re new to the area, ask around and find out how you can best stay connected and informed within your neighbourhood’s community. 

Don’t show up empty handed

If you’ve RSVP’d yes to an event that is being hosted by one of your neighbours, then don’t show up without having something to offer. It doesn’t have to be a large or expensive donation. Hosts are often happy when gifted flowers as a show of gratitude. Many bring communal snacks or side dishes to share. And almost everyone brings their own alcoholic drinks. If you’re unsure about what to take with you, then send the host a message beforehand and ask what would be most helpful to bring. 

And show up on time if there is food involved

Culturally, Norwegians aren’t particularly punctual for more relaxed social occasions. The classic Vorspeil  or “pre-party” and Nachspiel or “after-party” have more of a ‘come when you can make it’ mentality. But if your neighbour, or anyone else you have a connection with, has invited you to a dinner or an event that revolves around food, then make sure you show up at the time they have asked you to arrive. 

Take off your shoes

It is not custom to wear shoes in Scandanvian houses, and this is true around all of Norway as well. You can choose to do what you like in your own home. But if you ever find yourself walking through your neighbour’s front door, take off your footwear immediately to avoid any uncomfortable stares. Or perhaps even a firm request to take off your shoes. 

Figuring out the winter logistics

The freezing cold winters in Norway can take up a better part of the year. So there are a few winter logistics you might want to have sorted out. Shovelling snow for example. Find out if it is a shared responsibility to shovel snow away from common walkways or if the job is outsourced. For bonus points, offer to do the shovelling yourself if you have the time.

If you plan on being away for a long time during the winter months, you might think it is wise to save money and energy by turning off your heat. But if you live in a building or complex that has shared heating, then keep your home heated to a minimum of 10°C to prevent the shared heating system from malfunctioning due to frozen pipes. This will keep your neighbours from having  to deal with any repairs, extra costs, and temporarily cold homes while you are away. 

Useful Vocabulary

nabo – neighbour

fellasområder – common areas 

borettslag – housing association 

rolig – calm

nabofestneighbourhood party 

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Six shoppers you’ll encounter in nearly every Norwegian supermarket

While the selection of supermarkets in Norway is far from diverse, much more variety can be found among the customers perusing the aisles.

Six shoppers you'll encounter in nearly every Norwegian supermarket

Your supermarket choice in Norway can say a lot about you, as The Local has previously written in a lighthearted take on supermarkets in the Nordic country.

READ MORE: What your Norwegian supermarket choice says about you

However, the customers you find in the supermarkets probably say even more, as they say a lot about the country and society as a whole. There are a few common characters you’ll meet in Norway’s supermarkets, and we’ve listed some of them.

The shoppers treating themselves to a trip to the upmarket chain

If you can regularly shop somewhere like Meny or Coop Mega, you are likely doing well for yourself.

These supermarkets are considerably more expensive than their cheaper alternatives, but they offer a wider selection of goods and amenities, such as fresh fish, a butcher’s counter, a better selection of bread, and a wider range of world cheeses.

For this reason, many shopper in Norway will treat themselves to the weekend shop at Meny once in a while.

These customers are easily spotted by the baskets full of luxuries rather than everyday goods (after all, the essentials are cheaper pretty much anywhere else) and are seen oscillating between a look of amazement at the product selection and the inevitable shock at the prices, 140 kroner jar of gazpacho anyone?

Still, we all deserve a treat now and again, and it’s worth wincing through the checkout process and never looking at the receipt again to feel the contentment that comes with treating yourself once in a while.

The last-minute shoppers rushing to the tills

People often associate Scandinavia with a cold efficiency that should, in theory, mean everything runs like clockwork.

Thankfully, the locals are just as fallible and human as the rest of us – and punctuality isn’t a virtue valued by some Norwegians.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that there are always a few shoppers rushing through the store for some reason or another.

The two most common offenders are those who forget that stores close on Sundays and need something for dinner the next day. Stores on a Saturday evening are almost exclusively filled with those who have forgotten to get enough supplies to see out the weekend.

The country’s tight alcohol laws also mean there is a daily deadline to be aware of. Alcohol sales either stop at 8pm or 6pm, depending on whether it’s a weekday or not. Five to ten minutes before these times, a few customers always try to get through the store before the cut-off point.

READ ALSO: Everything you need to know about supermarkets in Norway

The pizza aisle shoppers

Norway is home to world-class produce and has produced many world-class chefs. However, the country’s culinary pedigree can still be considered lacking.

Norwegians eat more frozen pizzas per capita than anyone else on Earth, and the pizza aisle of a supermarket is typically one of the only parts of the store with more than one or two different options.

In truth, there’s more than one type of shopper in the pizza aisle. In the big cities, you’ve got the students and young people filling up either before or after a night out on the town who want something simple and satisfying.

Then there are the people who are drained from work and can’t face the thought of the hassle cooking something brings.

There are families after an easy option everyone likes on a Friday night, and then there are the people who grew up with pizza as a childhood treat and are now craving a slice of nostalgia in their adulthood.

The Sunday shoppers

If you missed the Saturday deadline, you’ll have the ignominy of trying a smaller convenience store-sized shop for your mealtime needs.

Pretty much everyone in such a store on a Sunday gives one another the knowing look of admitting they’ve “ballsed it up” by not getting the shopping in earlier.

The stores are packed, the layouts are almost always strange to comply with the maximum size requirements, and the prices are exorbitant.

Some will accept their fate and opt for something easy like a frozen pizza, while others will put on a more defiant face and try to find enough decent ingredients to make something worth eating. Either way, you’ll wind up in the same store in a few Sundays despite promising yourself to be more organized in the future.

The bargain hunters

Norway’s expensive, but that doesn’t mean people take that fact lying down. Instead, it means many pride themselves on getting good value for money like they can.

Almost every supermarket has a reduced-to-clear section, and almost always, a few people will hover around it, waiting to dive in and rummage through the discounted goods.

The rules of engagement aren’t super clear when it comes to the meet-and-fish fridge, as some people, mainly old Norwegians, treat the opportunity to reach the fridge first as a full-contact sport, shoving past and hurling arms to place an authoritative hand on the fridge door.

One pro tip would be to try and combine this with the weekend luxury shop. This is because these stores’ fish and meat counters will have heavy discounts on Saturday as some of the produce won’t last beyond Sunday or Monday.

Doing so can help you fill your freezer with decent-quality stuff for less than the cost of their cheaper alternatives.

Bargain hunting has been brought into the modern age too. You’ll see plenty of customers scrolling through their phones to see what savings they can make with customer loyalty schemes on this shop, or looking for their membership barcode to benefit from cashback and reductions at the tills.

The pick and mix fanatics  

Every day of the week, although Friday and Saturday especially, you’ll find a group of shoppers, trusty plastic scoops in hand, gathered around the pick-n-mix.

You’ll find families trying to get enough of everybody’s favourites, couples stocking up for a movie night, or adults who have got their perfect ratio of sweets already figured out in their heads.

Such is the popularity of pick n mix, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a decent-sized supermarket without a section of sweets ready to be bagged up. Another way of illustrating the love Norwegians have for pick n mix is that some families will choose their regular store based on the quality of the pick n mix compared to other stores around.