In Sweden, the season of the midnight sun is here again

In the most northernmost parts of the country, the sun will now not set until mid-July.

In Sweden, the season of the midnight sun is here again
A view of the midnight sun near the Finnish border. Photo: Helena Landstedt/TT

It’s the season of the midnight sun (midnattssol) when the sun remains fully above the horizon around the clock.

At 1.02am on Thursday, the sun went up at Sweden’s northernmost point Treriksröset, and it will stay there until mid-July.

As of today (00.56), the season of the midnight sun has also begun at Sweden’s most northerly inhabited location, Keinovuopio.

In Kiruna, the northernmost town in the country, the sun will set at 00.23 on May 27th, before rising at 00.49 the same day and remaining visible 24/7 until July.

Even if you do not live in an area that gets the midnight sun in Sweden, the days are still growing longer. Down in Stockholm, the sun is currently up for almost three quarters of the day (more than 17 hours), and the same is true in Gothenburg, with Malmö getting more than 16 hours of sunlight each day.

The summer solstice, when the day is at its longest and the night at its shortest, is on June 21st.

Do you live in northern Sweden? Please send your photos of the midnight sun to, with ‘Midnight sun’ as the subject line.

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