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Is it easy for a foreign resident get a loan in Switzerland?

When it comes to borrowing money from a Swiss bank, nationality may play a role in some cases, but not in others. This is what you should know about this process.

Is it easy for a foreign resident get a loan in Switzerland?
Getting a losn in Switzerland is subject to many conditions. Photo by Claudio Schwarz/Unsplash

Like almost everything in Switzerland, consumer loans are regulated by legislation, in this case the Consumer Credit Act.

It defines a loan as between 550 and 80,000 francs, “offered by commercial providers of financial services”. Lower or higher amounts are not subject to the Consumer Credit Act.

As is the case in many other countries, Swiss banks have strict criteria about who they lend money to. After all, no financial institution wants to deal with people who are not creditworthy.

Whether or not a foreign national can borrow money from a bank depends on their permanent place of residence and permit status.

As a rule, Swiss lenders don’t give loans to non-residents. So if you reside abroad, there is practically no chance that a bank in Switzerland will lend you money.

However, some financial institutions make exceptions for cross-border workers. If you fall under this category, you can use this interactive tool, select “ Permit G” under “Residence Permit” and see what, if any, options, there are.

READ MORE: EXPLAINED: What cross-border workers should know about taxation in Switzerland

If you are a foreign national but have a permanent residence status (Permit C), your chances of getting a loan are practically the same as those of Swiss citizens — provided, of course, that you meet all the requirements set by lenders (see below).

What about other permit holders?

If you have a B Permit, you might be approved for a loan, depending on how long you have had this permit — obviously, the longer the better.

However, “you may be offered a higher interest rate or a limited loan amount. This is because of the statistically higher probability that you will return to your home country. Some lenders require the loan to be repaid by the time the B permit expires”, according to consumer comparison site 

Holders of other, temporary or conditional permits are not accepted.

What conditions — other than residence permit — should you fill to be considered for a loan?

You must be at least 18 years of age, though additional restrictions may apply to applicants under 25 — for instance, a higher interest rate or a limited loan amount. That’s because “lenders are generally more cautious with young applicants as their financial circumstances are usually less settled and the risk of default is deemed to be higher,” Comparis noted.

The same cautious approach applies to pensioners, especially those who have no regular income. The social security payments (AHV/AVS) do not count as income for the purpose of the loan.

There is also other eligibility criteria, based on employment status and salary. People with a regular income have a higher chance of obtaining a loan than those who are self-employed, temporarily employed, work on hourly basis or, logically, unemployed.

Other factors, including your existing debts, are also taken into account in the decision process.

Basically, lenders favour applicants with a stable income and good financial standing, in much the same way as supplemental health insurance carriers prefer young and healthy people.

Keep in mind that if your loan application is rejected, this will be recorded in the database of the  Central Office for Credit Information, making it more difficult, though not impossible, to get a loan in the future.

READ ALSO: Does having a good credit score matter in Switzerland?

The same rules do not apply to American citizens

That’s because Swiss and European banks are subjected to US demands to disclose the assets of Americans overseas in order to prevent tax evasion.

As adherence to these requirements is a major headache for the banks and in some cases also violates their country’s privacy laws, financial institutions prefer not to deal with Americans at all, even those who are permanent residents.

If you are a US citizen who also has Swiss nationality, you may have an easier time of it, but could still face hurdles in obtaining loans and other banking services.

There is no immediate relief in sight, although many organisations representing Americans abroad are lobbying in Washington to change the existing legislation.

READ ALSO: Why are Americans being turned away from Swiss banks?

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Three budget cuts Switzerland wants to make that will impact you

This may come as a surprise to anyone believing Switzerland has no money woes, but the country is facing a deficit of several billion francs. Here are some ways it is planning to solve it.

Three budget cuts Switzerland wants to make that will impact you

Switzerland’s deficit — estimated at about 3 billion francs a year — is mostly due to additional spending on boosting up the army and state pensions.

To keep a tighter grip on its expenses, the Federal Council has set up a group of experts tasked with analysing the state of Swiss finances and proposing some cuts to achieve its goal of reducing the budget by at least 3 billion francs by 2027 and by at least 4 billion by 2030.

The group has presented over 60 measures that could considerably curb government spending, making it possible to save 4 to 5 billion francs per year.

These are some of the proposed measures that could, if approved, impact many households in Switzerland:

Social welfare

One idea is to scrap federal subsidies for childcare, leaving the funding of the scheme to each canton.

“Elimination of support for extra-familial childcare would have the most significant impact, resulting in savings of between 800 and 900 million francs a year,” the experts reported.


The group proposed to abolish tax benefits for capital withdrawals under the second and third pillar-pensions.

This measure, which would reduce tax incentives to withdraw retirement capital, would generate an additional income for the federal government of about 200 million francs per year.

READ ALSO: What is Switzerland’s ‘third-pillar’ pension and how can it benefit you? 

Public transport and road infrastructure

Financing of the railway infrastructure fund (BIF) and the national road and agglomeration transport fund (NAF) are to be reduced.

Projects that are not yet under construction would have to be ‘re-prioritised’: they would require a constitutional amendment with a mandatory referendum.

What is happening next?

Right now, these are just proposals put forth by the expert panel, and may or may not be implemented in the end.

The next step is for “all the measures proposed by the group of experts to be discussed with the cantons, political parties, and social partners during round tables,” the Federal Council said.

“Following the round tables, the Federal Council will decide which measures to adopt and submit to the ordinary consultation procedure. This will probably begin in January 2025,” the government noted. 

Does all of this mean Switzerland is in financial trouble?

Not really.

In fact, it is on a more solid financial ground than most countries.

According to media reports, “despite the higher budget deficits, Switzerland’s government debt will still be low by international comparison, reaching 16.6 percent of GDP by 2028. This compares with 46 percent in Germany, 92 percent in France and far below the 101 percent level in Britain, according to data from the International Monetary Fund.” 

READ ALSO: What is Switzerland’s debt brake and how does it affect residents?