When will I receive my Covid-19 vaccine in Norway?

Vaccinations are a core component of Norway's plan to ease coronavirus measures and reopen society, but when will you receive yours and where can you check to find out?

When will I receive my Covid-19 vaccine in Norway?
A person receiving a shot. Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash

What is Norway’s Covid-19 vaccine policy?

Everyone living in Norway over the age of 18 will be offered a vaccine. Children aged between 12 and 15 in risk groups will also be offered vaccines

Vaccination is entirely optional in Norway and isn’t required for the Covid-19 certificate, more on that here

Vaccination is free for everyone in the Nordic country too. 

You can read more information on Norway’s vaccination program here

When will I receive my vaccine? 

Norway operates with two vaccine scenarios, one conservative and one more optimistic.

The short answer would be that Norway is aiming to offer everybody over the age of 18 their first jab by August 1st and expects everyone to be fully inoculated by mid-September. 

These targets are based on Norway’s “conservative” vaccination scenario. 

The scenarios offer a rough estimate on when municipalities will start offering offering each priority group vaccines. For example, according to the “conservative” schedule Norway should already be vaccinated everyone aged 45 and over and will start vaccinating those aged between 18 and 44 later in June.

The NIPH’s sober vaccination scenario. Source: NIPH

The more optimistic scenario envisages both doses being offered a week earlier than the sober scenario. 

However, in practice, this will depend on a few factors, such as the number of vaccines Norway will receive in the future and the efficiency of the inoculation program. 

READ ALSO: Pandemic in Europe won’t be over until 70 percent are vaccinated, says WHO

When will I know it’s my turn?

The exact timeframe you can expect to receive your vaccine shots depends entirely on where you live. 

This is because vaccination in Norway is handled by the individual municipalities, meaning that the date you get your jab is dependent on your municipality’s progress in vaccinating the priority groups. 

Essentially those who are older and have underlying conditions are prioritised over younger people with no underlying conditions. You can see the list of priority risk groups here

Here is an overview of how far in the vaccination program some of Norway’s largest cities are.

In Bergen, those who are 50 and older are being inoculated. Stavanger is offering shots to those aged 55-64 with no underlying conditions. Ålesund is giving vaccines to those 55 and up. Trondheim is vaccinating all priority groups. Tromsø is taking bookings from those aged between 25 and 39 and is vaccinating those aged between 55 and 64.

In Oslo, which priority group is being offered vaccines depends on the district you live in. For example, in Frogner, those aged between 55-64 are being offered shots, whereas in Bjerke, those aged 18 and up are being given doses. You can read more detailed info on Oslo here.

Once it is time for your priority group to be vaccinated, you will be contacted by the municipality to book a slot. In some cases, you may have to register before the authorities get in touch with you. You can either register directly with the municipality or via

You may also have to register in the municipality you live in if you are not in the national population register or your information is out of date.

If you’d like a rough time frame of when you will be vaccinated, it’s best to contact your municipalities coronavirus immunisation services. 

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) has put together a handy tool that offers a link to the website and contact details for the vaccine services in every municipality in Norway. 

The NIPH’s tool for checking when you will receive your vaccine. Source: NIPH

The sites will offer links to who to contact to register, which groups are being offered vaccines and, in some cases, weekly reports on the immunisation program.

Here is the link to the NIPH’s tool that offers links to every municipality.  

Currently, the interval between vaccine doses is up to nine weeks for healthy people under 65. This means you will be fully vaccinated no later than nine weeks after your first dose. 

However, the NIPH will trim the interval to four weeks later in the summer to ensure everybody is fully vaccinated according to schedule

How do I book my vaccine? 

As the immunisation program is handled by local authorities, there is no centralised booking system. This means that being booked in for a vaccine is a different process in each municipality across Norway. 

In Bergen, you will receive a letter from letters once it is your turn to book. In Oslo, you will receive an SMS with a link that you can follow to book the jab. In Stavanger, you will receive a message with an invitation. In Ålesund, there is an online booking system. In Trondheim, you can book online or by telephone. In Tromsø, you register to join the queue and then the authorities will text you.

To find out how to book an appointment in your area, you can use the NIPH’s tool

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Italy’s constitutional court upholds Covid vaccine mandate as fines kick in

Judges on Thursday dismissed legal challenges to Italy's vaccine mandate as "inadmissible” and “unfounded”, as 1.9 million people face fines for refusing the jab.

Italy's constitutional court upholds Covid vaccine mandate as fines kick in

Judges were asked this week to determine whether or not vaccine mandates introduced by the previous government during the pandemic – which applied to healthcare and school staff as well as over-50s – breached the fundamental rights set out by Italy’s constitution.

Italy became the first country in Europe to make it obligatory for healthcare workers to be vaccinated, ruling in 2021 that they must have the jab or be transferred to other roles or suspended without pay.

The Constitutional Court upheld the law in a ruling published on Thursday, saying it considered the government’s requirement for healthcare personnel to be vaccinated during the pandemic period neither unreasonable nor disproportionate.

Judges ruled other questions around the issue as inadmissible “for procedural reasons”, according to a court statement published on Thursday.

This was the first time the Italian Constitutional Court had ruled on the issue, after several regional courts previously dismissed challenges to the vaccine obligation on constitutional grounds.

A patient being administered a Covid jab.

Photo by Pascal GUYOT / AFP

One Lazio regional administrative court ruled in March 2022 that the question of constitutional compatibility was “manifestly unfounded”.

Such appeals usually centre on the question of whether the vaccine requirement can be justified in order to protect the ‘right to health’ as enshrined in the Italian Constitution.

READ ALSO: Italy allows suspended anti-vax doctors to return to work

Meanwhile, fines kicked in from Thursday, December 1st, for almost two million people in Italy who were required to get vaccinated under the mandate but refused.

This includes teachers, law enforcement and healthcare workers, and the over 50s, who face fines of 100 euros each under rules introduced in 2021.

Thursday was the deadline to justify non-compliance with the vaccination mandate due to health reasons, such as having contracted Covid during that period.

Italy’s health minister on Friday however appeared to suggest that the new government may choose not to enforce the fines.

“It could cost more for the state to collect the fines” than the resulting income, Health Minister Orazio Schillaci told Radio Rai 1.

He went on to say that it was a matter for the Economy and Finance Ministry, but suggested that the government was drawing up an amendment to the existing law.

READ ALSO: Covid vaccines halved Italy’s death toll, study finds

The League, one of the parties which comprises the new hard-right government, is pushing for fines for over-50s to be postponed until June 30th 2023.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had promised a clear break with her predecessor’s health policies, after her Brothers of Italy party railed against the way Mario Draghi’s government handled the pandemic in 2021 when it was in opposition.

At the end of October, shortly after taking office, the new government allowed doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to return to work earlier than planned after being suspended for refusing the Covid vaccine.

There has been uncertainty about the new government’s stance after the deputy health minister in November cast doubt on the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, saying he was “not for or against” vaccination.

Italy’s health ministry continues to advise people in at-risk groups to get a booster jab this winter, and this week stressed in social media posts that vaccination against Covid-19 and seasonal flu remained “the most effective way to protect ourselves and our loved ones, especially the elderly and frail”.