British campaigner in Italy Harry Shindler awarded OBE for supporting UK nationals’ rights

A World War II veteran who founded a support group for British nationals in Italy has been awarded an OBE for his services to fellow Brits abroad, the UK government has announced.

Harry Shindler at home in Italy.
Harry Shindler at home in Italy. Photo: Alex Macbeth/The Local.

Harry Shindler, who will be 100 years old in July, has long fought for the rights of UK nationals living in Italy and founded The Association of British Expats in Italy in 2010.

After almost 40 years of working to help Brits overseas retain their ability to vote in British elections, Shindler has been included in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours list.

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The ex-serviceman been awarded an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire), the second highest ranking Order of the British Empire award, behind CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire).

The title came seven years after his first royal recognition, when he was awarded an MBE in 2014.

In a statement the UK government said 129 people were being recognised for “exceptional service to the UK overseas or internationally” including those who have “given exceptional support to British nationals overseas during the pandemic”.

Clarissa Killwick from campaign and support group ‘Brexpats – Hear Our Voice’ said, “We are so pleased Harry has received this further recognition. UK nationals all over the world are indebted to him for being determined to campaign for what is right, no matter how long it takes.”

“I am in Italy and help run the Facebook group, Beyond Brexit – UK citizens in Italy. Harry is a very important figure for our group members, who would also like to express their gratitude and add their congratulations.”

She added that she “was struck by his modesty” and said that he is “unstoppable”.

Shindler’s most recent campaign work has focused on restoring voting rights to foreign-based UK citizens who, under current legislation, lose their right to vote in British elections after living abroad for more than 15 years.

In its ‘Votes for Life’ pledge, the UK government in May said it will soon act to ensure that British citizens living abroad do not lose their right to vote in the UK even if they have been abroad for over 15 years.

Shindler, who fought in the Battle of Anzio and took part in the liberation of Rome, has also spearheaded initiatives to keep the memory alive of British service personnel who helped free Italy from fascism in the Second World War.

Speaking to The Local from his home in Porto d’Ascoli on the Adriatic coast in 2018, Harry said, “So many Brits abroad have gotten involved. They’re all coming together.”

He eventually settled in Italy after first visiting as a soldier in 1982 with his wife and son.

His campaign to get Brits abroad the vote has turned him into something of a legendary figure, whose work has inspired the citizens’ rights group British in Europe.

Other UK nationals living abroad have also received a nod from the palace in this year’s honours list, with these Brits in Spain receiving titles for their services to British nationals across the EU.

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NEW: Brits living in Italy under post-Brexit rules advised to pay healthcare fee

British nationals who moved to Italy before January 1st 2021 and don't have health coverage should pay Italy's 'voluntary' healthcare fees or take out private insurance, the UK government's website for British nationals overseas said in an update on Wednesday.

NEW: Brits living in Italy under post-Brexit rules advised to pay healthcare fee

British residents covered by the post-Brexit withdrawal agreement (WA) who are currently without access to healthcare are advised to pay the Italian government’s fees or get private insurance, the British government said in an update published on its Living in Italy website on Wednesday afternoon.

The recommendation is a sharp reversal from the UK government’s previous March 2024 update, which said that British residents covered by the WA should not be subject to fees for using the Italian national health service (servizio sanitario nazionale, or SSN).

“The Italian government has recently decided that British nationals who entered and have been living in Italy prior to January 1st 2021 and are beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement can register for free with the Italian national health system and are therefore not required to make voluntary contributions,” the update read at the time.

READ ALSO: Trouble proving residency rights leaves Brits in Italy paying €2k health charge

As of Wednesday afternoon, however, the site’s authors had removed this text, saying that the UK government’s representatives had been made aware of “inconsistencies amongst Italian authorities in interpreting and implementing” their own guidelines.

“British people with rights under the Withdrawal Agreement as elective residents (not in employment) who have not yet qualified for permanent residency have had significant problems accessing health services. This also affects renewing their healthcare cards,” the latest update reads.

“If this affects you and you have no healthcare cover, we recommend that you pay the voluntary contribution to register with the Italian National Health System, or get private health insurance.”

Many of The Local’s British readers have been battling local authorities’ varying interpretations of the rules for those who are covered by the WA.

READ ALSO: Why Brits in Italy say they’ve been ‘hung out to dry’ over €2K healthcare fee

Italy’s government significantly raised its ‘voluntary’ healthcare fee to a minimum annual charge of €2,000 from the start of 2024, though there has been a persistent lack of clarity over exactly who it applies to.

In the absence of clear national guidelines, local health authorities have reportedly applied differing interpretations of the rules for WA beneficiaries, with several British nationals reporting being wrongly charged the fee in January.