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EXPLAINED: What do proposed changes to Sweden’s rental laws mean for tenants?

What do the plans to change Swedish rental laws mean for residents, and could the row over the proposals really bring down the government? The Local explains.

EXPLAINED: What do proposed changes to Sweden's rental laws mean for tenants?
The proposals would only apply to newly built apartments. Photo: Ulf Grünbaum/

What’s happening?

The Left Party threatened to topple the government over planned changes to the housing system in Sweden, which would introduce market rents for newbuilds. 

After the government did not respond to the Left’s ultimatum (which gave them 48 hours to either drop the proposals or go back to the drawing board and involve the Swedish Tenants’ Union in negotiations), the party said it would begin preparing a no-confidence motion.

The only snag was that the Left don’t have enough MPs to put such a motion forward. After they said they would not put the motion forward together with the far-right Sweden Democrats, the latter party — which does have the required number of MPs — said it would submit the motion on its own.

So that’s where we stand now, with the government said to face a vote of no confidence next week, unless the parties come to an agreement before then.

What are the rental laws up for debate?

Sweden currently has fairly strict regulations on renting.

One of the rules is that landlords may only charge a “reasonable rent” (skälig hyra) rather than choosing the price they set. This applies both to people who rent directly from property owners on a so-called first-hand contract, and to people who sublet apartments that they rent or own. In the latter case, they may charge a bit more than their own direct costs, but only to cover bills and services or any furniture included in the rental, and in the case of people who own the property, four percent may be added to cover the cost of capital.

What are market rents and how would the government’s plans work?

Market rents are the opposite system to what’s currently in place in Sweden: landlords would be free to choose the price they set based on the market; in other words, based on demand.

The government’s plan would only apply to newbuilds, so previously constructed apartments would not be affected.

One of the planned changes is that location would play a bigger part in setting the price, so that housing in popular areas would go up in price. Rent would also rise each year in line with inflation.

Early in June, the government presented the results from a review into market rents, which had the stated aim of creating “a model that contributes to a long-term well-functioning rental market and efficient utilisation of the current stock”.

Why are market rents on the table?

The proposal is part of the so-called January Agreement between the ruling Social Democrat-Green government and the Centre and Liberal parties. 

After the 2018 election left neither of Sweden’s traditional political blocs with a clear majority, the government was forced to negotiate with its former opposition, and gained “passive support” from the Centre and Liberal parties. This meant that while the latter two parties are not part of the government, they agreed not to vote against the government’s formation, but in exchange they asked for significant influence on policy, resulting in the 72-point deal.

One of the points was that market rents should be introduced for newly built properties.

What are the pros and cons of each system?

The reasoning behind the current system is that it is fairer and keeps housing affordable. But caps on rental prices have also meant fewer new rental properties get built, especially smaller homes, because these are less profitable for owners.

Together with a rising population, especially in Sweden’s larger cities, this has led to a major housing shortage. Queues for first-hand rental contracts are often a decade or more, which means many people, and particularly newer arrivals to the cities, end up on second-hand contracts. In theory, these should not be much more expensive, but the huge demand for housing means people do get over-charged, and other restrictions on subletting mean these contracts can typically not last more than a year or two, creating an insecure situation for second-hand subletters.

Market rents could stimulate the production of more housing, shortening housing queues, but critics such as the Left Party and the Swedish Tenants’ Union (Hyresgästföreningen) say it will make housing more unaffordable, worsen protections for renters, and increase housing segregation.

Another concern, which was even highlighted in the government’s press conference announcing the changes, is that the new system may incentivise landlords to terminate contracts with tenants if they can find someone who will pay more, thus creating more precarious housing situations. That would be possible because rent would be set individually between landlords and tenants. The government said that “complementary proposals” would be put forward to address the concerns with the market rents.

What are the next steps?

The government will now send its proposals out for consultation, which means feedback from affected organisations will be gathered. After that, a final version would be prepared, with the aim of putting the bill to parliament in early 2022. If passed, they would then enter law from July 1st, 2022.

But before that, the government looks likely to face a no-confidence motion next week, so it remains to be seen how the outcome of that affects the planned changes. 

How would a no-confidence motion work?

In order for the vote to go to parliament, it would need at least 35 members of parliament to sign it. The Sweden Democrats said they were willing to join forces with the Left Party (which only has 27 MPs) for a no-confidence vote, but the Left has rejected their help, so the Sweden Democrats said they would submit the motion themselves.

At the time of writing this update on Friday afternoon, a majority of parliamentarians have said they’d support the motion: not just the Sweden Democrats and Left Party, but also the conservative Moderates and Christian Democrats. The latter two parties actually back market rents, but don’t support the government.

If the no-confidence goes to parliament it would need at least 175 members of parliament to vote in favour. The support of those four parties would be enough to achieve that.

Hasn’t the Left threatened to topple the government before?

Yes. The Left party are traditionally allies of the governing centre-left Social Democrats, but they were not happy about the January Agreement and the influence it gave to the two centre-right parties.

Back when the current government was being formed, the Left’s then-leader Jonas Sjöstedt was clear about his party’s new status as “the left-wing opposition”, and said they would not hesitate to bring a no-confidence motion if Löfven went ahead with reforms on for example de-regulating the housing market or workers’ rights.

Last year, the Left Party threatened a no-confidence vote over planned changes to Swedish hiring and firing laws. Ultimately, that didn’t happen because the government renewed talks with unions over the laws, and got them on board with its proposals.

The Left is in a difficult position because it aligns much more closely with the government than with the centre-right parties, but the government has moved further to the right on some of the issues that are core priorities to the Left Party.

Tune in to The Local’s new podcast, Sweden in Focus, on Saturday, as we discuss this article in more detail.

Member comments

  1. It’s strange that the new leader of the Left Party, Nooshi Dadgostar, hasn’t realised that the numbers are stacked against her. She herself has said nix to the Sweden Democrats, and there’s no way that the C, L, M and CD parties will vote with her against the government on this particular issue. So why go ahead with the threat of a no-confidence vote that is doomed from the outset? Really odd. One can understand her wanting to make her mark as the new leader, but she’s a polical featherweight compared to Löfven and Johansson and other prominent Social Democrats. She doesn’t stand a chance. Perhaps there’s an ulterior motive lurking somewhere. Will be interesting to see what happens once the 48 hours expire.

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Should you buy a home in Sweden this summer?

Considering the fickle trends in the Swedish housing market, prospective homebuyers might find themselves at a crossroads this summer.

Should you buy a home in Sweden this summer?

After a period of falling prices driven by increased interest rates, the Swedish housing market is seeing a rebound, particularly in the biggest cities.

However, it’s also taking longer to finalise home sales.


Recent data from Swedish property listings site Hemnet indicates that while home sales – and housing prices – are on the rise, the time to complete transactions has notably increased.

For instance, the average sale time for an apartment in Sweden increased to 27 days in the first half of the year, up from 22 days during the same period last year. Similarly, houses now take an average of 31 days to sell, compared to 30 days previously.

The slowest market is in the Gävleborg region, where it takes an average of 44 days to sell a home. The fastest transactions occur in Stockholm, with apartments selling in just 16 days and detached homes in 23 days.

This variation in market activity across the country calls for a deeper look into where the best opportunities might lie for homebuyers this summer.

Renewed market confidence in Sweden’s biggest cities

The confidence in the Swedish property market is on its way up in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö, Erik Holmberg, a market analyst at Hemnet, told The Local.

“I would say that we have seen a weaker market in the last couple of years, almost everywhere in the country, since the Swedish central bank started to increase the interest policy rate, which affected the market a lot,” he said.

“But in the last half of the year or rather in the last year, the confidence has come back in bigger cities – in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö… When we look at price developments last year, in three of Sweden’s biggest cities, we see prices increasing again.”

However, the analyst warned that the opposite is currently true in other areas of the country, which have seen a continued decrease in market activity and flatter developments in the same time interval.

A new trend emerging in Stockholm?

As Hemnet’s analyst explained, in Sweden, housing market trends usually start in Stockholm, when the market begins to change, causing a ripple effect.

“And that’s what we have seen. Now, market activity and prices are increasing again in the bigger cities. Usually, when the market changes, other areas in the country follow, and that could be the case now,” said Holmberg.

“When the rates and inflation situation become clearer, other parts of the country might follow the market in the big cities. Our main scenario is that we will see this spread,” he said, adding that prices in Stockholm have picked up quite fast in the last year but that the demand is still affected by the high interest rates.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw swift price developments in some areas with the highest demand, such as city centres.”

The effect on the rental market

Another aspect to consider is the rental market, which could see significant changes in the short to mid-term.

Holmberg pointed out that properties which fail to sell might enter the rental market.

“What we’ve seen is that it’s harder to sell properties today, so, probably, more people who own homes and can’t sell them will put these unsold homes on the market for a while. This could affect the supply of apartments for rent and, in turn, prices,” the analyst said.


What different types of homebuyers should know

For buyers, the current market presents a mixed bag.

“In Sweden, we often talk of having a seller’s or buyer’s market. Today, it’s good for buyers that they have a lot to choose from; there’s a record-high supply almost everywhere in the country. That means it’s easy to find something,” said Holmberg.

However, he also cautioned that the slow market makes agreeing on terms with sellers challenging, with sales times at record highs.

“Sales take some time in today’s market, and that’s important to understand for both sellers and buyers, especially for homeowners who are changing homes, meaning they’re both buying and selling something; it’s a tough market for them.

“Today, this group often chooses to sell their home before they buy something new. That makes up a big part of record high sales times; we have people waiting for the right bid before moving from the selling to the buying side…” Holmberg said, noting that the market is different compared to two to three years ago when it was “very hot”.

“So, remember that even if prices grow, it’s still a tough or slow market.”


On the other hand, first-time buyers might find a silver lining in the form of lower prices compared to a couple of years ago, making it a potentially favourable time to enter the Swedish housing market.

“First-time buyers are in another situation, which may be better because the prices are lower than two years ago, of course, and if you’re just buying something, you don’t need to worry about the selling part,” Holmberg told The Local.

“That’s why this could be a good situation to enter the housing market this summer, but even so, despite supply being really high, it could still be tough because many sellers have put down a listed price but don’t necessarily plan to sell at this price.”