‘A million more unemployed’: Fears as Italy’s Covid freeze on layoffs set to end

Italy is the only European country to ban companies from laying off staff amid the pandemic. But mass job losses are expected across the country as the freeze comes to an end in June.

'A million more unemployed': Fears as Italy's Covid freeze on layoffs set to end
Photo: Filippo Monteforte/AFP

Trade unions in Italy are warning of a “social tsunami”, as they say the freeze saved thousands of jobs after the pandemic plunged Italy into deep recession – but the European Union has been disparaging, and employers are angling for its end.

Companies were first banned from sacking workers under former premier Giuseppe Conte in February 2020, when Covid-19 sparked Europe’s first nationwide lockdown in Italy. The measure, which is unique in Europe, was later extended.

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When Mario Draghi became prime minister in February this year, he said the government “should protect workers… but it would be a mistake to protect all economic activities equally”, saying there must be a “choice”.

The freeze is due to expire at the end of June for the biggest companies, notably in industry and construction, although small and medium-sized firms, particularly in services, have until the end of October.

The European Commission this month denounced the Italian ban on layoffs as “counterproductive” as it protects employees on long-term contracts but not those in more precarious jobs – notably women and young people who have so far felt the brunt of the economic problems in Italy.

READ ALSO: ‘Left behind’: Why are so many women unemployed in Italy – and what’s being done about it?

Photo: Anna Monaco/AFP

It asserted that in France and Germany, which instead offered financial support for people whose hours were cut by struggling companies, the effects of the pandemic on employment have been less severe than in Italy.

The members of Draghi’s coalition government, who rallied around the former European Central Bank chief after Conte’s government collapsed, are divided on the subject.

The biggest party in parliament, the Five Star Movement, has echoed trade unions in calling for a further extension of the layoff ban for everyone, and Labour Minister Andrea Orlando, from the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), last month raised the prospect of an extension under certain conditions until August, before back-tracking under pressure from employers.

‘A million more unemployed’

The minister for economic development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, a member of the League, has instead proposed extending the freeze for the hardest-hit sectors, such as textiles.

The fear is that Italy could face a wave of redundancies when the ban ends.

“The most realistic estimates point to 70,000 to 100,000 layoffs, which is certainly not negligible, but is not enormous,” Francesco Seghezzi, head of the Adapt Foundation, which specialises in research on employment, told AFP.

Trade unions fear the numbers could be much higher, warning of “a million more unemployed”, while the Bank of Italy estimates 440,000 jobs were saved in 2020 thanks to the rule.

Despite the ban, there were 550,000 layoffs in Italy in 2020, as those related to disciplinary issues or the closure of companies were exempt.

There are also hundreds of thousands of workers in more precarious jobs whose contracts were not renewed.

In total, almost a million jobs were lost last year in Italy.


The unemployment rate reached 10.4 percent in the first quarter of 2021, the highest since the beginning of 2019. Among the 15-24 age group, it rose to 39.2 percent for women and 32.7 percent for men.

But the economy is now picking up steam once again and some sectors such as manufacturing and construction are instead struggling to find staff owing to a lack of skilled recruits.

Almost 1.3 million jobs, most of them temporary, need to be filled between June and August, according to the Union of Chamber of Commerce (Unioncamere).

“The signs of economic recovery are so encouraging that the lifting of the ban on layoffs could have a less dramatic impact than initially feared,” David Benassi, professor of sociology at the University of Milano-Bicocca, told AFP.

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Italy’s Meloni breaks silence on youth wing’s fascist comments

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Friday condemned offensive comments made by members of her far-right party's youth wing to an undercover journalist, breaking weeks of silence over the scandal.

Italy's Meloni breaks silence on youth wing's fascist comments

The investigation published this month by Italian news website Fanpage included video of members of the National Youth, the junior wing of Brothers of Italy, which has post-fascist roots, showing support for Nazism and fascism.

In images secretly filmed by an undercover journalist in Rome, the members are seen performing fascist salutes, chanting the Nazi “Sieg Heil” greeting and shouting “Duce” in support of the late Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.

Opposition parties have been calling on Meloni to denounce the behaviour since the first part of the investigation aired on June 13.

Those calls intensified after a second part was published this week with fresh highly offensive comments directed at Jewish people and people of colour.

READ ALSO: Italy’s ruling party shrugs off youth wing’s Fascist salutes

Party youths in particular mocked Ester Mieli, a Brothers of Italy senator and a former spokeswoman for Rome’s Jewish community.

“Whoever expresses racist, anti-Semitic or nostalgic ideas are in the wrong place, because these ideas are incompatible with Brothers of Italy,” Meloni told reporters in Brussels.

“There is no ambiguity from my end on the issue,” she said.

Two officials from the movement have stepped down over the investigation, which also caught one youth party member calling for the leader of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), Elly Schlein, to be “impaled”.

But Meloni also told off journalists for filming young people making offensive comments directed at Jewish people and people of colour, saying they were “methods… of an (authoritarian) regime”.

Fanpage responded that it was “undercover journalism”.

Meloni was a teenage activist with the youth wing of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), formed by Mussolini supporters after World War II.

Brothers of Italy traces its roots to the MSI.

The most right-wing leader to take office since 1945, Meloni has sought to distance herself from her party’s legacy without entirely renouncing it. She kept the party’s tricolour flame logo – which was also used by MSI and inspired France’s Jean-Marie Le Pen when he created the far-right National Front party in 1972.

The logo’s base, some analysts say, represents Mussolini’s tomb, which tens of thousands of people visit every year.

Several high-ranking officials in the party do not shy away from their admiration of the fascist regime, which imposed anti-Semitic laws in 1938.

Brothers of Italy co-founder and Senate president Ignazio La Russa collects Mussolini statues.