Corruption trial begins for Austria’s former far-right leader

Austria's former vice-chancellor and longtime leader of the far-right Freedom Party went on trial for alleged corruption on Tuesday, in a case linked to a scandal that brought down the government.

Corruption trial begins for Austria's former far-right leader
Austria's former Vice-Chancellor and disgraced former leader of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) Heinz-Christian Strache. Photo: ALEX HALADA / AFP

Heinz-Christian Strache, one of Europe’s most high-profile far-right leaders, was forced to resign as vice-chancellor in 2019 after a video was published showing him offering public contracts in return for electoral campaign support from a woman posing as a Russian investor.

The scandal, dubbed “Ibiza-gate” as the video was secretly filmed on the Spanish party island, spawned a sweeping corruption investigation which uncovered several different accusations of wrongdoing.

‘Ibizagate’: What you need to know about the corruption scandal which continues to grip Austrian politics

A prosecutor laid out the charges at the beginning of Tuesday’s proceedings, saying that what Strache said in the Ibiza-gate tapes was “burned into the collective memory”.

Strache arrived at the court in Vienna wearing a mask and a dark suit, refusing to comment to journalists covering the trial.

The 52-year-old struck a combative figure as he sat in the dock, taking copious notes as the prosecutor spoke. 

Leaked messages

The trial concerns charges that Strache helped change a law for a Freedom Party (FPOe) donor when he was in a coalition government with the centre-right People’s Party (OeVP) of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

The donor, Walter Grubmueller, owns a private clinic in Vienna and told a parliamentary committee that he had invited Strache aboard his yacht and on a vacation at his holiday home on the Greek island of Corfu in 2016.

While negotiating the coalition agreement with the OeVP, Strache directly asked the clinic owner “which amendment to the law” he would need for his “clinic to finally be treated in a fair manner”, according to chat messages uncovered in the investigation which were leaked to the media.

In the messages, the donor reportedly said that he would deliver a draft law to the FPOe’s party headquarters.

After Strache took office in 2017, the far-right took charge of the health ministry and went on to oversee a change in the law that widened the category of establishments eligible for public funding.

According to expert estimates, this means clinics like Grubmueller’s were allowed to apply for as much as 2.2 million euros ($2.6 million) in funding in 2019 alone.

Grubmueller is also standing trial alongside Strache, but denies any wrongdoing or that he profited from the amendment.

When the “Ibiza-gate” footage emerged in 2019, the coalition between the Freedom Party and the People’s Party collapsed.

In the video, Strache claimed that several high-profile billionaires and international gambling company Novomatic had been funding political parties through off-the-books donations to associations, some owned by high-ranking OeVP politicians.

All those named by Strache deny any wrongdoing. The claims triggered an array of investigations, including a probe into the appointment of Thomas Schmid — a civil servant and Kurz ally — as head of the Austrian state holding company OeBAG.

Kurz told a parliamentary committee that he had no hand in the appointment, but leaked chat messages have suggested otherwise.

Prosecutors have now put him under investigation for the possible offence of making false statements to the committee.

Far-right infighting

Kurz, who returned as chancellor after a snap 2019 election, denies the allegation. If he is indicted, he faces going on trial for an offence which can be punished by a prison sentence of up to three years.

Since Strache resigned after 14 years at the helm of the Freedom Party, he has also been accused of embezzling party funds to pay for his luxurious lifestyle.

The revelations disillusioned many of the party’s voters, and the FPOe slumped from 26 percent of the vote in the 2017 general election to 16 percent in 2019.

Last year Strache attempted a comeback with a bid to be Vienna’s mayor, but his list won just three percent of the vote.

The FPOe has spent much of the time since the scandal consumed by infighting.

Last month Strache’s successor as leader, Norbert Hofer, resigned after weeks of tension with party colleague and former Interior Minister Herbert Kickl.

Kickl, seen as a party ideologue and mastermind of some of its anti-Islam and anti-migrant campaigns, swiftly took over as leader. 

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Why 1.5 million people can’t vote in Austria’s crucial federal election

Almost one in five people in Austria won’t have a say in the upcoming election, mainly due to the country’s restrictive citizenship laws.

Why 1.5 million people can't vote in Austria's crucial federal election

As Austria prepares for its upcoming National Council elections on September 29th, nearly 1.5 million people living in the country will be unable to participate despite being of voting age, Austrian media has reported.

This group, which represents around 19 percent of the population aged 16 and over, is largely composed of residents who do not hold Austrian citizenship.

While Austria has some of the most restrictive citizenship laws in the world, the election will still see some new eligible voters—particularly descendants of Nazi regime victims—casting their ballots for the first time, thanks to a 2019 amendment to the citizenship law that made the naturalisation process less restrictive for these cases. Among them is British actor Stephen Fry, whose grandmother fled Austria to escape Nazi persecution.

READ ALSO: Austria improves nationality law for descendants of Nazi victims

Over the past two decades, the number of residents not eligible to vote has more than doubled, from around 9 percent in 2002 to 19 percent today. Of the 1.5 million residents unable to vote, about half are citizens of other EU countries. While they are allowed to vote in EU elections, they are excluded from Austria’s national elections.

This growing number of non-voters contrasts with the shrinking pool of eligible voters. Despite having around 6.3 million eligible voters, Austria’s stringent naturalisation process means that only a small fraction of its long-term foreign residents can (or want to) attain citizenship and the right to vote.

READ ALSO: What makes Austrian citizenship so hard to get?

Who is eligible for citizenship in Austria?

Currently in Austria, if someone wants to take up citizenship via naturalisation they have to undergo an extensive and expensive process and fulfil specific criteria.

Generally, there needs to be at least 10 years of lawful and uninterrupted residence in Austria. But there are exceptions for those with citizenship of an EU or EEA country, those born in Austria, or married to an Austrian, for example.

The main hurdles, however, include having to give up any other citizenships, as Austria doesn’t allow dual citizenship in naturalisation cases with few exceptions, and paying a high fee, which depends on the municipality.

What’s at stake?

The elections will determine the composition of the National Council, Austria’s parliament. The far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) is currently leading in the polls, followed by the centre-right Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP). The results could significantly change the country’s political landscape.

While many are still unable to vote, Austria’s decision to grant citizenship to descendants of Nazi regime victims has (slightly) expanded the voter base. 

Under this provision, around 27,800 people, mostly living abroad, have regained Austrian citizenship. The Foreign Ministry has encouraged these new citizens to participate in the elections.