Nearly 50C: Southern Spain set to sizzle in historic heatwave 

Spain’s first heatwave of the year will start this weekend with temperatures expected to near 50C in Andalusia, according to meteorologists. 

Nearly 50C: Southern Spain set to sizzle in historic heatwave 
Photo: Jaime Reina/AFP

After a relatively mild June and a drop in temperatures in the northern half of the country on Tuesday and Wednesday, the customary calor of the summer is scheduled to land in most of Spain. 

Starting on Thursday July 8th, the mercury will start rising to reach the mid forties in parts of central and southern Spain by Saturday. 

By Sunday the whole southern half of Spain is expected to have to endure temperatures above 40C. 

The following map shared by French meteorologist Guillaume Séchet shows how the so-called ‘heat dome’ will mean temperatures of around 47C in Andalusian cities such as Seville, Huelva, Ecija and Jerez and in areas of the Castilla-La Mancha region.

This meteorological phenomenom is reported to have caused temperatures as high as 46C in Canada over the past days, reportedly leading to hundreds of deaths.

“It’s a desert heat — very dry and hot,” David Phillips, a senior climatologist for Environment Canada, told AFP.

“Canada is the second coldest country in the world and the snowiest,” he said. “We often see cold snaps and blizzards but not often do we talk about hot weather like this.”

Spain’s national weather agency AEMET recently warned that July, August and September this year will be hotter than average.

The highest temperature recorded in Spain was on July 13th 2017 in Montoro (Córdoba, Andalusia): 47.3 C. 

Yellow and orange alerts for temperatures above 30C have also been activated in Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Galicia, Murcia, the Basque Country, La Rioja, the Valencia region, the Canary Islands and Navarra for the upcoming weekend. 

But in Murcia, Andalusia and the Valencia region the temperatures on Tuesday are already in the high thirties. 

Fortunately, this scorching heatwave will not last too long, four days from Saturday to Tuesday.


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Norway to get a taste of summer with 20C days this week

Summer is finally here! Or least it is if you live in southern Norway, where a warm front coming up from Europe will bring t-shirt temperatures of 20C by Thursday, according to forecasts.

Norway to get a taste of summer with 20C days this week

Warm air from southern Europe will combine with a high pressure zone which will bring clear skies and sunshine, with summery weather coming towards the end of the week, Norway’s national weather forecaster Yr has reported. 

“Thursday and Friday especially will be nice,” Ingrid Villa, a meteorologist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, told the public broadcaster NRK. “Then we will probably get temperatures of over 20 degrees Celsius in some places.” 

Patches of 20C warmth are expected both in western Norway around Bergen and in Western Norway around Oslo, with the area around Tromsø expected to have slightly cooler weather, although Villa said that “it will absolutely be something like summer there too”. 

The warm sunny weather is, however, expected to pass northern Norway by, with grey overcast skies expected for much of this week. 

But if you think summer has come to Norway to stay, you risk disappointment as much cooler temperatures are expected next week.  

“There’s nothing unusual in getting an early taste of summer in April and the start of May, and then we can quickly go back to cooler more spring-like weather,” Villa said.