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Essential tips for international students looking to rent in Norway

Students who have been accepted to study in Norway may be searching for accommodation. Ahead of the new academic year, here are the top tips when looking for a student house in Norway.

Essential tips for international students looking to rent in Norway
Trondheim, one of Norway's most popular student towns. Photo by AQEEL AFZALI on Unsplash

Students found out from The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service whether they were accepted by their first choice university last month.

This will mean, among other things, they will need to start looking for a place to live while they study. 

According to a survey conducted by the Norwegian Consumer Council, two-thirds of students studying in Norway will rent a house without physically seeing it in person. 

This proportion is likely to be higher amongst foreign students due to Norway’s strict Covid-19 border rules, making research trips to Norway to scout out student accommodation practically impossible. 

Pia Høst, director of consumer rights and guidance at the Norwegian Consumer Council, believes that students are particularly vulnerable to being scammed by rogue landlords. 

“They don’t have much experience in the housing market. The market is very hot at the moment, and students have a very short time to find a place to live. All three factors together mean you can get a bad apartment or even be cheated,” Høst explained in the survey’s findings.

Examples of issues student house hunters will run into include the property not looking like the pictures, being in poor condition with issues like mould, being potentially dangerous, or maybe the home not even existing. 

Luckily, the Norwegian Consumer Council has published its top tips for those looking for a student house. 

READ ALSO: Why do Norwegians fall out with their neighbours? 

If possible, try to see the property before you pay 

This may not be possible for many international students, but as an alternative, perhaps see if you can book a virtual tour before you stump up for a deposit, or if its a shared house ask some of the students already living there about the property. 

Use a contract 

This one is a must because it protects your right as a consumer. A copy of a standard contract in Norway can be found here if your landlord is inexperienced or one isn’t provided. 

Check what is included in the rent

Make sure to check what is included in the rent before signing the contract. Not every property will come with furniture or bills included in the price. This will save you any nasty shocks by checking what exactly you are getting for your money. This is important as the cost of energy bills in Norway during the winter can be sky high. 

If you’re struggling to find a place you can advertise yourself to landlords 

In Norway, you can use services such as Hybel, where you can not only look to rent property, but you can advertise yourself as a prospective tenant. 

You can create a tenant profile where you can list your budget, requirements and about yourself. This will help landlords find you and if you list yourself as a student you may attract landlords experienced in dealing with student accommodation. 

Your university may be able to help 

Even if you are deciding against student halls and instead want to explore the private renting sector it may be worth asking the international department at your university as they may have a list of local landlords or housing options. 

Posting a housing advert can be pricey in Norway so not every property available to rent is listed with estate agents or on sites like

Outline who’s responsible for what

Another important one when looking over the rental agreement is knowing who will be responsible for what.

For example, if the tenant is responsible for accidental damage, they may need to fork out in the event of an accident.

Additionally, check whether the landlord is responsible for maintaining the house’s condition. In that case, it will mean they will have to pay for repairs if they are problems with the heating or electricity, for example. 

Check the notice period

Before signing on the dotted line, it’s essential to know what the notice period is to terminate your tenancy is. Some rental contracts in Norway will be for more than one year, but only one year will be mandatory.

If you wish to end the contract early, you will need to give reasonable notice. Otherwise, you may be liable to pay for the remaining time on your contract. 

The notice period in Norway is typically three months and must be given in writing. A tenant can terminate the lease without providing a reason, a landlord will have to however.

Request a deposit account 

There are many deposit services whereby tenants can put their deposits into holding accounts for the duration of their tenancy.

This system helps to ensure that the process of recovering the deposit is both fair and straightforward. 

In Norway, you will typically be asked to put down between six weeks and three months rent as a security deposit.  

Document damage to the house and take inventory when moving in and out of the property

When moving in, document any damage to the house, take inventory and let the landlord know if anything is missing or there’s any damage. This is so that you don’t have to pay for any damage to the property you have not done but the landlord may have missed. 

Keep the home in good condition 

This one is common sense. You’ll need to keep the house clean and avoid damage to ensure you aren’t charged for cleaning or repairs once your tenancy ends. 

If you are moving into a house share, don’t sign on behalf of the whole household

When moving into a house share, make sure that the contract is divided between everyone in the property, rather than having one person responsible. 

This is because you do not want to pay for damage other people have done to their rooms or be responsible for paying a share of a person’s rent if they drop out. 

Know your rights and complain if the landlord doesn’t perform their duties

It’s important to complain and let the landlord know if there is an issue. In addition to this, it’s just as important to follow the case up and complain to the Rent Disputes Tribunal or National Mediation Service to resolve the problem.

Useful Vocab 

Kollektiv– Flat/house share 

Kollektivet- The hosue share 

Husleie– Rent 

Eindom– Property 

Studentbolig– Student housing 

Samordna Opptak– The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service

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The things that landlords in Norway can and cannot ask tenants

Norway’s rental laws make most things pretty clear, and there are many requests landlords can make, but there are also plenty of things they can't ask you.

The things that landlords in Norway can and cannot ask tenants

Cannot ask: Anything that could lead to discrimination

The country’s rental rules come with rules against the discrimination of tenants. Therefore, they cannot ask for anything that could lead them to be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, pregnancy, ethnicity, religion, outlook on life, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or age.

If they disclose that they have chosen not to rent to you based on these grounds, they have broken the law.

Can ask: For references

Landlords looking to assess a tenant’s reliability can ask for references. This will give them peace of mind that the person they are renting to is responsible, respectful, and pays their rent on time.

They can also ask potential tenants to attend viewings. If a landlord selects a tenant with better references or who attended a viewing over you, then they haven’t done anything wrong—even if you asked first.

Cannot ask: For a credit check

It has become more common for tenants to bring credit checks to viewings to give prospective landlords peace of mind – however, a landlord cannot require one from a tenant to rent the home.

Cannot ask: You do not have guests

When a property or room is rented out, the tenant has exclusive use of that area. Essentially, this means they cannot decide who is allowed to visit, how often they visit, or for how long they visit.

This means that landlords cannot ask you to limit visits or prohibit certain visitors from coming.

However, they can request you not have visitors or put in certain conditions if there are safety concerns or the guests cause significant disruption or if there is a risk of overcrowding.

Cannot ask: To pay more rent for having more visitors over

Under the Norwegian Tenancy Act, tenants have the right to have their spouse or cohabitant/partner, as well as directly related kin (either their own or that of their spouse/cohabitant) and foster children join their household.

That means you have the right to, for example, have your partner move in with you without the landlord being able to refuse and without changing the rent for that reason.

If your rental agreement means you are charged for bills based on consumption, then they may ask you to contribute more in utilities.

However, landlords cannot put up the rent if you have lots of visitors or if you have somebody move in with you.

READ MORE: Can my Norwegian landlord decide how often I have guests and visitors?

Can ask: For a large deposit

Landlords are legally allowed to request a deposit equivalent to six months’ rent – which can be quite the sum.

Additionally, the norm in Norway is three months. This means that tenants are well within their rights to ask for what many will think is a significant deposit.

However, they cannot request deposits larger than six months rent.

Cannot ask: For a deposit to be paid directly to them

Deposits in Norway must be paid into a third-party account. Most rental platforms offer such services.

This is to try and ensure that things are as fair as possible in the event of a dispute over the deposit.

If a landlord asks you to pay the deposit directly to them, this is a major red flag and not allowed.

Cannot ask: You to pay additional charges on top of the rent

The landlord cannot levy additional charges for things like cleaning, property tax or housing association fees. All of these costs should be covered by the rent, and they cannot ask you to pay more because of these costs.

Landlords can charge you for electricity water, and drainage (if a meter is installed).

Cannot ask: For you to pay for certain maintenance

Unless otherwise stated in your contract, the landlord is typically responsible for maintenance. Maintenance is considered the work to maintain the home’s standard when the tenant moved in.

However, the tenant will have to cover some costs. These are taps, locks, power sockets, bathroom fixtures, switches and objects that aren’t fixed to the property, such as pots and pans.

Additionally, the landlord can ask the tenant to reimburse them for maintenance costs if they believe they have not used the home or furniture with sufficient care.

Items such as cookers, washing machines, and dishwashers are the landlord’s responsibility if they belonged to them initially. Although, it’s worth pointing out that the rule about misuse or sufficient care also applies to domestic appliances.

READ MORE: Who pays which rental costs in Norway?