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What are the reasons for losing Spanish residency or nationality and can I get it back?

You may have spent a lot of time and effort gaining residency in Spain or even Spanish citizenship, but there are several scenarios in which you could lose your rights to these. Find out what they are and if you can get your status back again.

What are the reasons for losing Spanish residency or nationality and can I get it back?
Can you lose Spanish residency or citizenship? Photo: Spain's Foreign Ministry

What are the reasons I could lose my Spanish residency?

Temporary EU Residents and their non-EU families

  • You could lose your residency if you leave Spain for more than six months in a year (12 months) in certain circumstances. 

There are however a few exceptional circumstances including leaving for longer than six months for compulsory military service or one 12 consecutive month period for pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting to another country.

Permanent EU residents

You can only lose your right to permanent residence if you live outside of Spain for more than two consecutive years.

Temporary non-EU residents

The following reasons form part of Spain’s Migration Code (Reglamento de Extranjería) RD 557/2011, articles 162-166 and are outlined in Spain’s official BOE bulletin.

If you have temporary residence in Spain (five years) and are from a non-EU country you can lose your residency for the following reasons:

  • If you don’t renew your residency or wait to do so after it expires. You must renew your card in the 60 days before it expires. Remember you need to pay the associated fees for this too. 
  • If you change or lose your nationality. 
  • When you leave Spain for more than six months in a period of one year.
  • In the case of sporadic absences from Spain, the sum of these periods outside the country during the last five years must not exceed 10 months if you intend to apply for permanent residency. If the reason for the absence from Spain was work related, the allowed sum is 12 months over a five-year period if intending to apply for permanent residency.
  • When the circumstances under which you applied for the authorisation are no longer applicable.
  • When it has been proven that your application for residency was fraudulent.
  • If you no longer have a valid ID document and are not in the process of renewing it.

Other reasons could include:

  • If you commit a crime. According to Malaga law firm Sánchez Bermejo, anything from a positive breathalyser test to petty theft could put you in danger of losing your residency card. 
  • If you owe money to Spain’s Hacienda tax officer or the country’s social security system. states that when you renew your residency card you must prove you have no debts of this nature, otherwise you can’t renew it.
  • If the Spanish authorities have issued an order to expel you for any legal reason. 
  • If you applied to work in Spain, but are not working or are not trying to get a job. According to, you should aim to stay employed at least six months out of the year in order to retain your status. 

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expiry date tie card spain

Permanent non-EU residents

If you have permanent residency valid for ten years, you can lose your residency for the above reasons (with the exception of the time periods outside of Spain and the EU), as well as for the following reasons: 

  • If you have obtained authorisation for residency of Larga Duración EU (long-stay) in any of the other EU member states.
  • According to the British Embassy in Madrid, foreigners who have a permanent TIE card can spend up to five years away from Spain without the risk of losing their residency. 

Can I get my residency status back again if I lose it?

If you are a non-EU citizen and want to live in Spain again after losing your residency, you can do so, depending on your specific circumstances, but you will need to apply again.

The process will be slightly different depending on whether you had temporary or permanent residence. If you had a temporary residence, you will need to apply completely from scratch, according to Immigration Lawyers Spain.


What are the reasons I could lose my Spanish citizenship?

In terms of Spanish nationality – the Spanish government lists three main reasons you could lose your citizenship, which include being emancipated, residing abroad or voluntarily acquiring another nationality.

“The acquisition of the nationality of Ibero-American countries, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea or Portugal does not affect your Spanish nationality”, the Spanish government website states. 

losing spanish nationality

The reasons are explained below:

  • If they are emancipated, mostly live abroad and have voluntarily acquired another nationality. Also those with another nationality other than Spanish who for a period of three years exclusively use their other nationality. This does not apply to countries which Spain has dual nationality agreements with.
  • Foreigners who are not of Spanish origin but achieve nationality through naturalisation and for a period of three years use their previous nationality, which they were supposed to have given up.
  • If they forged their documentation to achieve Spanish nationality or committed another form of fraud relating to this.
  • If they join the armed forces or a political position in another country when it was expressly prohibited by the Spanish government.
  • According to the Spanish government “In the case of Spanish nationals who were born abroad and are Spanish by virtue of having been born to a Spanish father or mother also born abroad. They shall lose Spanish citizenship if, within a term of three years from emancipation or reaching legal age, they do not declare their wish to preserve their Spanish nationality”.

Can I get my Spanish citizenship back if I lose it?

The good news is that yes you can. If within a term of three years, you declare your wish to preserve your nationality, you can do so.

According to the Spanish government, in order to do so, you must do the following:

  • You must be legally resident in Spain. However, this requirement shall not apply to migrants or the children of migrants. Furthermore, the Ministry of Justice may waive this requirement where exceptional circumstances occur.
  • You must declare your desire to recover your Spanish nationality before the Registrar of the Civil Registry.
  • You must register the recovery of your nationality in the Civil Registry.

READ ALSO: Everything you need to know about getting Spanish citizenship

Member comments

  1. This one is the one I’m most worried about:
    In the case of sporadic absences from Spain, the sum of these periods outside the country during the last five years must not exceed 10 months if you intend to apply for permanent residency. If the reason for the absence from Spain was work related, the allowed sum is 12 months over a five-year period if intending to apply for permanent residency

    When I travel to France or any other Schengen country, I don’t go through passport control or anything else. Does these stays outside Spain count? How do they track that? What if I simply train over to France and don’t even take a flight? I’m slightly worried with the extensive traveling I’ve been doing for the last 4 years that in 1 year’s time I may be right up against the limit.

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EXPLAINED: How Spain’s new Social Security app works

Whether you're self-employed, an artist, a student or a domestic worker, Spain's new social security app aims to simplify and streamline bureaucratic processes you might need to do when it comes to managing your working life and pension.

EXPLAINED: How Spain's new Social Security app works

Spain’s Social Security Ministry has launched a new free mobile app aimed at simplifying and synchronising tax, pension and working life procedures, allowing you to better access records and update information.

The app is specifically aimed at easing the bureaucratic burden on the self-employed, domestic workers, artists and young people studying or doing work experience.

Spain’s Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, presented the app this week, stating that it represents “a great step forward for citizens to have a closer and more fluid relationship with Social Security.

Through this application, personal data can be updated and verified; detailed information on contribution bases can be accessed and your Work Life report can be easily downloaded, among many other services.”

In Spain, your ‘Working Life report’ is known as el informe de vida laboral. According to the Social Security website, it is “a document that contains information on all the periods contributed by the worker to the Spanish Social Security system.” In other words, all the information on your entire employment history in Spain.

READ ALSO: How to check how long you have left to get a pension in Spain

The app essentially moves over the various processes usually done on the Social Security portal or in Spain’s social security offices so users can receive a more personalised service including tailored alerts and the ability to download documents to their mobile phones in offline mode.

It also allows users to easily check the details of their working life including for who and for how long they’ve worked somewhere, the type of contract they have, the working day or the relevant collective bargaining agreement, as well as information on contribution bases and how much they are owed in the event of sick leave and for calculating your pension.

How do I access and use the app?

First you’ll need to download the app from the Google Play or Apple App store. Once you’ve downloaded it to your phone, there are three ways to log-in in and register:

  • Permanent Cl@ve
  • Digital certificate (Android only)
  • SMS


Once registered and logged in, push notifications can be turned on as well as a biometric access — either fingerprint or facial recognition.

Once this has been done, you can access your personal information, whether it be working or pension matters, and all the normal procedures you’d previously do via the portal can be carried out and all this information can be downloaded in files.

What can you do with the app?

As mentioned earlier, the new app basically aims to streamline the processes you’d normally do via the Social Security Ministry portal or in person.

This includes checking your social security number or requesting one, consulting your tax contribution bases and employment history, updating your personal details, or managing tasks for the self-employed, domestic workers artists or young people doing work experience, such as registering or deregistering as economically active and downloading supporting documents.

READ ALSO: How to de-register as self-employed in Spain

Focus on young people, freelancers, artists and domestic employment

The application offers four different profiles to use the app: self-employed, domestic employment (for both employees and employers), artists and trainees.

The autónomo profile allows you to access all the information and procedures available if you are registered or are about to start self-employment, including registration and de-registration, modifying your contribution base, consulting tax receipts, and estimating your contributions according to your income, among other things.

In the domestic employment section, whether you yourself work domestically or are going to hire someone to work at home, you can consult all the necessary information such as calculating the contributions to be paid, registering and de-registering, updating the salary information and the working hours of the employee, or consulting payslips issued.

READ ALSO: The rules for hiring a domestic worker in Spain

For artists, you can manage your inactivity, request a refund of income from contribution bases or deregister from the working artists’ register.

For students doing internships or work experience (alumnos en prácticas in Spanish) the app is useful for both those about to start their internships and for those who’ve already started them, with access to their personal profile, a guide to resolve doubts, information to find out about the benefits of pensions contributions and they can carry out procedures such as requesting the social security number, downloading the Work Life Report and consulting contribution bases.

READ ALSO: How self-employed workers in Spain can get a better pension