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QUIZ: See if you would pass a Norwegian citizenship test?

Would you pass the Norwegian citizenship test if you took it today? See how many of these questions you can answer and you'll get an idea.

Would you pass the test?
Would you pass the test? Photo by Rune Mathisen/ Flickr.

Passing the citizenship test will get you one step closer to becoming eligible to apply for a Norwegian passport. The test includes questions on history and geography, democracy and welfare, education, health and working life in Norway.

A little unsure over what to expect? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

The Local has prepared 20 sample questions from Kompetanse Norge along with answers that will help you practice for the actual test. It will also give you a better idea of what kind of facts, trivia and knowledge you should be brushing up on.

Remember, for the test to be valid as part of your application for Norwegian citizenship, it must be taken in either Nynorsk or Bokmål. Good luck!

Sample Questions

  • Hvor kan man søke om godkjenning av utenlandsk utdanning? – Where can one get approval for schooling and education that was done outside of Norway?

AnswerFor approval of higher education taken outside of Norway, you can contact the Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT) or “the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education”. NOKUT is an independent expert body under the Ministry of Education and Research. You can find more information about this organization here.

  • Hva heter den lengste fjorden i Norge? – What is the name of the longest fjord in Norway?

Answer: The longest fjord in Norway is Sognefjord. The Sognefjord extends 204 km from the foot of the Jostedalsbreen glacier in the Jotunheimen National Park. It is also the deepest fjord reaching down to 4,291 feet at its deepest points.

  • Hvilket år fikk samene sitt eget sameting? – What year did the Sami get their own parliament?

Answer: The year 1989. Although the Sami Parliament was established in 1987, the first official election didn’t happen until 1989. The Sami Parliament replaced the Norwegian Sami Council, which existed between 1964 to 1987. 

  • Hva betyr religionsfrihet? – What does religious freedom mean?

Answer: Religionsfrihet or “religious freedom” is the right to personal freedom to follow any religion. This includes the right to practice the religion or beliefs professed alone or in a community with others. In Norway, you have the right to participate in religious demonstrations, services, or education. However, you also have the right to not partake in any religion and live without a designated faith.

  • Hvor stor andel av barn i Norge bor sammen med begge foreldrene sine? – What percentage of children in Norway live with both of their parents?

Answer: 76 percent of children between the ages of 0 and 17 live with both parents in Norway. 24 percent of children live with one of their parents. This percentage has increased since 1989 when it was 18 percent.

  • Hvor mange år varer grunnskolen i Norge? – How many years is primary school in Norway?

Answer: There is a 10-year obligation to attend primary school in Norway. Traditionally, children begin their primary education at six years of age and are finished by the time they are 16 years old. There are 2,799 primary schools in the country of Norway, but the size of them depends very much on where in the country you are living. 

  •  Hvem har rett til å ta ut skilsmisse? – Who has the right to file for divorce?

Answer: Both partners in a marriage have the right to file for divorce. There doesn’t need to be an explanation given for the separation. But as a rule, partners must have been separated for at least a year before they file for divorce. 

  • Hva er kontantstøtte? – What is kontantstøtte, or ‘money support’?

Answer: Kontantstøtte, or “financial support”, is a part of the welfare scheme for parents who have a child between the ages of one to two years that is not enrolled in preschool full-time. If your child is adopted, then you have the right to receive financial support after they are two years old.

  • Hvem har rett til fastlege? – Who has the right to see a general practitioner?

Answer: All persons in the population register who have the status of resident in a Norwegian municipality have the right to a GP. It is your responsibility to choose your GP, as well as your children’s GP.  

  • Hvem får gratis behandling hos tannlege? – Who gets free treatment with a dentist?

Answer:  In Norway, you can visit the dentist free of charge until you are 18. This includes all treatments except for teeth straightening treatments, such as getting braces. 

  • Hvor mye må gravide kvinner betale for svangerskapskontroller? – How much do pregnant women have to pay for a pregnancy-related doctor’s appointment?

Answer: All medical appointments in the public health system concerning pregnancy are free of cost. This is an effort to make sure pregnant women get the best treatment, follow-up, and advice without having financial concerns. You can choose to go to your GP or be assigned a midwife throughout the forty weeks of pregnancy. 

  • Hvor mye betaler man hos tannlegen hvis man er mellom 18 og 20 år? – How much does one have to pay at the dentist if they are between the ages of 18 and 20?

Answer: Between the ages of 18 and 20 years, one pays 25 percent of the total costs of a dentist visit or treatments. This means the state covers 75 percent of the total bill. It is the patient’s responsibility to make appointment times with their chosen dentist. So don’t wait around for a reminder in the post.

  • Hvem får tilbud om gratis vaksiner i vaksinasjonsprogrammet? – Who is eligible for free vaccines under the vaccination program?

Answer: Children between the ages of 0 and 16 who are registered as living in Norway can be a part of the vaccination program free of charge. Here is an outline of when and what vaccinations are a part of the program. 

Note that if you are over the age of 18, the coronavirus vaccine is also free of charge to anyone registered in Norway.

  • Hva er skolefritidsordning/aktivitetsskole? – What is activity school?

Answer: Activity school is an after school program that offers an alternative learning arena that supports Norwegian public schools learning guidelines. It also provides space for physical activity or play. Depending on where you live in Norway, activity school may be free of charge, or parents have to pay for a spot for their children. 

  • Hva koster det å gå på offentlig grunnskole? – How much does it cost to go to a public primary school?

Answer:  Primary school for both the parents and children attending school is free of charge. This is to provide equal education rights for all students no matter their social, ethnic, or economic background. 

  • Hvor kan man søke om stipend og lån til utdanning? – Where can one apply for a stipend or loan for education?

Answer: Current students and future students can apply for a grant or loan through Lånekassen. This loan is meant for students to have enough money for food, accommodation, and educational materials while they study. For more information about the types of loans and grants, you can receive, look here.

  • Omtrent hvor mange prosent av voksne i Norge har høyere utdanning? – Roughly what percent of adults in Norway have attended or have attended higher education?

Answer: 34 percent of residents in Norway have a higher educational degree. This is a relatively low percentage compared to Norway’s Savndinavian neighbour’s, Sweden (44 percent) and Denmark (40 percent).  

  • Hva kaller vi en interesseorganisasjon for arbeidstakere? – What do we call an interest organization for employees?

Answer:  An interest organization for employees is called a fagforeningThere are many different organizations, and your choice of work is likely covered by at least one organization. A fagforening often offers discounts to local establishments, provides professional guidance, and can step in if there are problems in the workplace. 

  • Når fant man olje i Norge for første gang? – When did Norway first discover oil?

Answer: Norway first discovered oil in 1969. The first oil well was drilled in 1966, but it was dry. Nevertheless, this discovery has contributed a significant amount of economic growth to the modern-day welfare state. 

  • Hvor lang er en normal arbeidsuke? – How long is a normal work week?

Answer:  A full-time job in Norway is considered to consist of 37,5 work hours per week. Many positions allow for flexible working hours, or flexitid. While others, such as shift work, require employees to follow set working hours. 

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Why Norwegian citizenship can be easier to obtain as you get older

Due to the many requirements, applying for Norwegian citizenship is far from straightforward. However, those approaching their advanced years may have an easier time of things.

Why Norwegian citizenship can be easier to obtain as you get older

The older we all get, the more time and effort we spend thinking about where we’d like to settle down.

Norwegian citizenship helps boost your options as you’ll have the right to live in Norway and be a member of the national insurance scheme indefinitely.

Those who would hold dual citizenship if they become Norwegian may benefit from gaining the rights of EEA citizens, too.

READ ALSO: Six surprising Norwegian citizenship rules you should know about

Why Norwegian citizenship may be easier the older you are

Well, firstly, you can be subject to slightly easier language requirements – or they may not apply at all.

Applicants over age 67 do not need to meet the language requirement to pass an oral Norwegian test at the B1 level. CEFR-level B1 means the language user can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest, or pertinent to everyday life.

Those over 55 also face less strict requirements. They simply need to pass the language exam at the A2 level. This level means users can handle very short social exchanges, even if they can’t usually understand enough to keep the conversation going.

Being able to bypass these exams makes citizenship a lot more appealing and more obtainable.

Another perk of being older is that you will be more likely to meet the other requirements. For starters, the older you are, the more likely you are to be in a long-term relationship, which means that your citizenship waiting times might be shorter.

Should you have a Norwegian spouse, you can apply for citizenship after you have lived in Norway for five years and have been married or have lived with a Norwegian for a total of seven years. During this seven-year period, it doesn’t matter whether you have lived abroad or in Norway.

This can make it easier to obtain Norwegian citizenship.

The things that make it harder to obtain citizenship if you are older.

Firstly, learning languages can be more difficult for older people. Therefore, if you are still young enough that you can’t completely skip the language requirements, but are old enough that you might struggle then you may be at a disadvantage.

Furthermore, the citizenship rules for those with Norwegian parents are less lenient for older generations.

As the rules for claiming citizenship when one parent was Norwegian at birth can be quite complicated for those born before 1979, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) advises that you contact them directly to find out whether you will be eligible for citizenship.

Meanwhile, those born before September 1st, 2006 can become Norwegian through parentage if their mother was Norwegian, or if their father was a Norwegian citizen and was married to their mother.

The rules are far more straightforward for those born after 2006. In that event, you automatically became a Norwegian citizen at birth if you have a Norwegian mother or father.