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EXPLAINED: How you can save money on schoolbooks in Spain

Everything has gotten more expensive in Spain recently, and schoolbooks are no exception. With the return to classrooms just around the corner, here are some tricks parents can use to cut costs of textbooks and other materials.

EXPLAINED: How you can save money on schoolbooks in Spain
How to save money on school books in Spain? Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

August is slowly winding down and it’s time to start thinking about the back to school prep ready for September. There can be a lot to organise – and to buy, especially if you’ve got older kids who need an ever-growing list of school supplies.

All this can soon add up and cost quite a bit. According to a recent Milanuncios survey, 90 percent of families are concerned about the increase in prices of school supplies.

They estimate that they could easily spend up to €300 just on books, stationary, backpacks and uniforms. More than half of these families are considering resorting to second hand items to help cut the costs.

In fact, around 67 percent of those surveyed claims to have bought second-hand textbooks, and 55 percent are considering this for the new school year. Half believe that they could save between €100 and €199 by doing this.

According to news site Cuatro, it is the most expensive return to school in history, with an estimated €492 spent on each child, this is 10 percent more than in 2023. The majority of this will go on books, around €342, which is 17 percent more than last year. 

READ ALSO: Why are books so expensive in Spain?

Keeping this in mind, parents should be armed with all the tricks in the book to help reduce costs, so here are some handy cost-cutting tips: 

Compare prices in different bookshops

The website Ahorra en Libros allows you to compare prices in different bookshops, so you can find the cheapest new books. You can search them easily by using the ISBN number.

Independent bookshops

Many independent bookshops will give you the maximum authorised discount of 5 percent on books for Bachillerato (high school), and up to 10 or 15 percent for primary and secondary schoolbooks, so it’s worth asking for a discount.

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Second hand websites

Of course, the best way to save money (and to be less wasteful) is to buy second hand. Websites like OkLibros and Relibrea have been set up in recent years specifically to help people find schoolbooks.

Meanwhile many parents have also been using re-sale websites like Wallapop, where users can buy, sell or exchange with people in their neighbourhood.

Some bookshops like La Casa del Libro also have their own second hand book sections, which you can search on their website.

When buying used books, be sure to check that the ISBN number matches the one in the list provided by the school. Text books have to be reedited with new information every few years, so some of them get outdated very quickly.

Regional aid

If you live in Catalonia, there’s a scheme called Ayuda Gremio Llibreters which runs until November 30th. It’s specifically for students who attend public or concertado (semi private) schools in the region and allows them to get two vouchers of €30 to spend on textbooks, literature, stationary or dictionaries. Find out more from your local school or bookshop. 

For those that live in Madrid, you can join the ACCEDE Textbook Loan Programme. It means you can have free access to all the books you need for your children during the school year. At the end of the course, you must hand in the books so that other children can use them for the following year. It works in all public centres that teach Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education, Basic Vocational Training and Special Education and you can apply for it through your local school. 

READ ALSO: What are the laws on homeschooling in Spain? 

Check if your Spanish region offers deductions

Some regional governments offer either free text books or pay for part of the price parents pay for them. For the 2024/2025 academic year, Aragón, Asturias, the Balearic Islands, Murcia, Castilla-La Macha all offer to reimburse the cost of these text books, whilst other regions and provinces help out large or low-income families in other ways with the cost of text books. 

Help for large families 

The Spanish Federation of Large Families is an organisation dedicated to helping bigger families or those with disabled children through aid and benefits. The bookshop Casa del Libro collaborates with them and offers large families a five percent discount on books and eReaders, in addition to offering free shipping from €18. You must be a member of the Spanish Federation of Large Families to benefit.

Getting in touch with other parents at the school

Perhaps the most effective way of swapping books is by getting in touch with other parents. It’s likely many of the books on the curriculum will be the same as the previous year, so it’s worth trying to find someone in the year above who can pass on their books, and someone in the year below who might be able to reuse yours.

The school’s own second-hand scheme

Many schools have been organising their own book swaps, where children effectively “rent” their books and return them at the end of the school year. However, this means the books need to be looked after throughout the year and kept in good condition if you want to get your deposit back.

Youth Culture Voucher 

If your child is heading off to university and hasn’t yet applied for the Youth Culture Voucher, this can be another great way to cut down costs on books. Spain’s €400 youth culture voucher is back for a third year this year and is available to all those who turn 18 in 2024. A maximum of €100 can be spent on physical books.

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The ‘strange’ things Spanish parents do raising their children

Spain is a fantastic country to bring up kids thanks to the weather, the safety and Spaniards' overall love of children, but that doesn't mean there aren't aspects of Spanish child-rearing that surprise foreigners.

The 'strange' things Spanish parents do raising their children

One of the most obvious cultural clashes experienced when you move to a new country is just how differently parents go about bringing up their children.

We become so used to the traditions we ourselves were brought up in that other people’s parenting techniques can appear exotic, baffling and sometimes just downright bizarre.

So despite the fact that Spain is a very family-oriented country where babies and children are adored by relatives and even strangers, there are still culture shocks relating to Spanish parenting that foreigners who move here don’t quite understand.

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Spanish baby girls all have their ears pierced

When I was a girl I had the tortuous wait until I reached the grand old age of twelve before my parents allowed me to pierce my ears. In Spain baby girls are adorned with ear studs before they even leave the hospital.

Those parents who choose not to violate the velvety soft lobes of their new-born daughters will be forever having to correct people on the true gender of their baby. Dressing head to toe pink just won’t be enough.

READ MORE: Why do Spanish parents pierce their babies’ ears?

There is no set bedtime for a lot of Spanish children

While northern European parents may be preoccupied with establishing a routine of bath, book and bed by 7pm so that they can enjoy some adult time or even call in a babysitter and enjoy a rare night now, such habits are not prevalent in Spanish society.

Children stay awake late into the night, joining their parents in restaurants long past 10pm and tearing round terrazas with other youngsters on warm summer nights while their parents enjoy a drink or dinner with their friends. It is not unusual to find young children curled up in a chair fast asleep in a noisy bar or restaurant.

READ ALSO: Why I’ll never adopt Spanish bedtimes for my children 

Spanish kids often don’t get enough sleep. Photo: Vidal Balielo Jr./Pexels

Many Spanish children know how to swear like a trooper

Don’t be shocked to hear a Spanish child reel off a string of expletives or casually intersperse dialogue with “joder, mamá!”

While the equivalent might have earned an English child the threat of “washing your mouth out with soap and water” in Spain it is just a reflection of how prevalent swearing is in everyday language and is not a sign of being badly brought up. And the upside is adults don’t have to modify the way the speak in front of the kids.

READ ALSO: Oysters, not hostias! How to ‘swear’ politely in Spanish

Spanish children can get away with some swearing, but their parents may allow some cussing without a telling off. Photo: Mohamed Abdelghaffar/Pexels

Children actually wear ‘Sunday best’ and not just on Sundays

The Spanish take ‘Sunday Best’ to a whole new level, decking their children out for lunch in a restaurant or a walk in the park in corduroy knickerbockers, sailor suits and pinafores in outfits that wouldn’t have looked out of place in Edwardian times. Siblings are often decked out in matching ensembles.

The tendency to overdress means that in winter, children will be wrapped up as if for a day on the ski-slopes even if it is 10C outside and even in the height of summer it’s a rare sight to see a Spanish child running around barefoot in the sand or on the grass.

It doesn’t have to be a special occasion for some parents to dress their children in posh and pricy clothing. Photo: Cristina Quicler/AFP

Spanish children are allowed to play with fireworks

It seems to me that one of the greatest thrills of being a kid in Spain is setting off firecrackers in a town square to make unsuspecting guiris like me jump out of my skin. While in the UK, the dangerous job of setting up the fireworks for the annual Guy Fawkes night firework display fell to a man in protective clothing located far away behind a fence.

In Spain the laissez faire attitude to pyrotechnics means it’s not unusual to see a rocket whizzing through the crowds at a summer festival.

It’s not uncommon to see children let off firecrackers and play with pyrotechnics despite the dangers. (Photo by Guillermo Arias / AFP)

Long summer holidays and extended stays with the grandparents

With the school summer holidays stretching well beyond two months and the predominant situation of two working parents, Spanish children are frequently farmed off to the ‘pueblo’ to be looked after by the grandparents for at least a fortnight over the summer. Many spend several weeks at a summer camp at the start of the holidays before heading out of the cities and if they are lucky, to the seaside, to be spoilt by their grandparents. With great summer weather and free childcare and a chance for the older generation to spend quality time with the youngest it’s a win-win situation for the whole family.

READ ALSO: Why Spain’s ‘super-grandparents’ want to be paid to babysit

Many Spanish grandparents are ‘expected’ to take care of their grandkids on a regular basis. (Photo by DESIREE MARTIN / AFP)

Babies wear perfume

For some baffling reason Spain is obsessed with baby perfume. An American friend living in Madrid who had a baby shower ahead of the birth of her first baby was quite startled to receive not one, not two, but three different brands of bottled baby perfume with which to douse her new-born.  

Because what mother wouldn’t want to disguise that sweet freshly bathed new-born baby smell, right? 

Nenuco is the number one baby cologne brand in Spain; it’s been a tradition to use it on babies for years. Photo: Nenuco

This article was originally written by Fiona Govan in 2019.