What you need to know about the Swedish government’s proposals to cut tax for 7.5 million people

Sweden's Finance Minister has announced three tax cuts ahead of the autumn budget, which she expects will have an impact on the wallets of three quarters of the total Swedish population.

What you need to know about the Swedish government's proposals to cut tax for 7.5 million people
The changes proposed would affect low- and middle-income earners, members of unemployment insurance funds, and people on sickness benefits. Photo: Johan Jeppsson/TT

“This means more money in the wallet for ordinary people,” Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson, one of the favourites to take over as leader of the governing Social Democrats, promised when she announced the cuts.

One of the cuts would be a further extension of a tax cut aimed at low- and middle-income earners. This will be up to a maximum of 2,820 kronor per year in 2022 for those earning over 265,000, with smaller reductions for those on lower salaries.

Another proposal is to increase the tax reduction for sickness and disability benefits, reducing the gap between taxes on those benefits and earned incomes. Currently, people who receive these benefits pay around 10,000 kronor more in tax on average when compared to a working person on the same income level, and Andersson said the change would lead to “increased fairness in society” by supporting a “financially vulnerable group”. 

The third proposal is a tax reduction for payments to unemployment insurance funds (a-kassor), equal to 25 percent of the annual fee or a tax reduction of roughly 400 kronor per year for most members of these funds. The goal of this change is to encourage more workers in Sweden to join the funds, which pay members who become unemployed. 

So how much more would you get in your wallet if the proposals go through?

Andersson presented examples showing that a retired person on a pension of 240,000 kronor for example, would benefit to the tune of 1,668 kronor each year, and that a family made up of an assistant nurse and shop assistant (with annual salaries of 371,920 and 362,880 kronor respectively) would have 3,432 kronor extra after the changes.

“I think it’s not enough to be considered as a promise aimed at winning votes [in the September 2022 election], it doesn’t have enough impact on the wallet. But we’ll see what the rest of the budget will consist of. After all, this is a small part of the total budget,” Emma Persson, a private economist at Länsförsäkringar, told the TT newswire.

“The winners in this are those who are part of an unemployment insurance fund, live on sickness benefits and low- and middle-income earners who get to see a small boost to their wallet. Even if it is not a huge tax cut, for a person who earns 25,000 kronor, it is about 110 kronor a month,” she added.

In order for the cuts to actually come into effect, the government will need to get its budget passed by parliament in a vote. 

That’s not necessarily guaranteed, given that the margins between the different blocs are extremely thin and a previous alliance with the Centre and Liberal parties collapsed earlier this year. 

Passing its budget would require the government to get support from both the Centre and Left parties, who were both positive about Wednesday’s announcement.

However, the Centre’s economic political spokesperson told the TT newswire the reduction was “completely insufficient” to convince the party to vote in favour.

The Left Party said it would need to hear more about plans for financing the proposals, with their spokesperson welcoming the change to sickness benefits, but noting: “If you lower taxes, there will be less money for grandma’s elderly care and for healthcare that needs more resources. In the long run, it is unsustainable, so we expect this to be financed by raising taxes for those who have large capital incomes, large fortunes or large incomes in general.”

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Winners and losers: What are the tax cuts for Sweden in 2025?

A total of 27 billion kronor of Sweden's 60 billion kronor budget reforms will go towards lowering taxes. Let's take a look at the main tax cuts and who is set to benefit the most.

Winners and losers: What are the tax cuts for Sweden in 2025?

Who are the winners and losers?

Two high earners who have a joint income of around 180,000 kronor a month will get just over 3,400 kronor more in their bank account every month, whereas a couple of pensioners will only get 226 kronor more a month, according to banking giant SEB.

What are the tax cuts?

A new employment tax credit, a rebate given to everyone who has a job, worth 11 billion kronor. This will benefit everyone earning more than 16,000 kronor a month.

A rule that previously reduced the employment tax credit the more you earned will be scrapped. People earning between 778,000 kronor and just over 2 million annually will benefit the most. It’s expected to cost the state 4.7 billion kronor.

Taxes for pensioners are being lowered to the tune of 2.5 billion kronor, which means a median pensioner will see their taxes lowered by approximately 1,400 kronor a year.

The cap on who has to pay state tax will be raised to monthly salaries of 53,590 kronor. This cap is usually automatically raised every year in line with inflation, but last year the government suspended the hike due to Sweden’s rampaging inflation at the time.


Are you one of 3.5 million people in Sweden saving money in an ISK account? In the new budget, the fixed tax on ISK accounts will be scrapped for any accounts with a balance of less than 150,000 kronor, rising to 300,000 kronor in 2026.

Cutting Sweden’s aviation tax will cost the state 870 million kronor. It corresponds to around 80 kronor for a domestic flight.

A total of 3.2 billion kronor will be spent on lowering the tax on fuel for vehicles.

If you own a motorhome, you’ll get a tax cut of almost 7,000 kronor, as 90 million kronor of the budget is allocated to lowering taxes on recreational vehicles.

What are the reactions?

The centre-left opposition immediately accused the government of unfairly prioritising high earners, also criticising the fact there’s significantly less money earmarked for welfare in this budget compared to last year: down from 16 billion to 7.5 billion kronor.

“It not only makes a mockery of ordinary people, but is also bad for the Swedish economy,” said Mikael Damberg, finance spokesman for the Social Democrats.

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Pensioners’ association PRO also argued their members should have been compensated more in the budget. “We’re really talking ‘thumbs down’,” PRO chairwoman Åsa Lindestam was quoted by the TT news agency as saying.

Swedish Commerce, the association serving the trade and commerce sector, on the other hand welcomed the budget, as its members are directly affected by strengthening customers’ purchasing power – a key priority for the government in the bill.

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise also praised the budget for trying to speed up growth, get more people into work and strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness.