Why does Switzerland have the most Covid-related ICU admissions in Europe?

Switzerland’s hospitals have more Covid-related ICU admissions than any other European country on a per capita basis. Why?

Why does Switzerland have the most Covid-related ICU admissions in Europe?
ICU bed capacity in Switzerland is tighter than anywhere else in Europe. Photo: NIC COURY / AFP

Several hospitals across the country have indicated they are at capacity, with surgeries and other non-emergency operations postponed, mirroring the scenes from the early stages of the pandemic. 

Latest figures indicate that 81 percent of the country’s ICU beds are full, with half of those in intensive care admitted due to Covid-related illnesses. 

On a state by state breakdown, only one Swiss canton has an ICU capacity lower than 50 percent: Ticino. 

The capacities have hit 100 percent in Nidwalden and Schaffhausen, while it is above 90 percent in Aargau, Basel City and Vaud. 

The following image shows how this has developed over time, with ICU admissions rising steadily since the start of August. 

The majority of those in the ICU are unvaccinated, Swiss media reports. 

As reported by The Local Switzerland in early August showed that people who had been vaccinated had less than a 0.01 percent chance of getting infected, or a 0.002 percent chance of being hospitalised.

UPDATE: What is the risk of catching Covid and getting sick in Switzerland if you are vaccinated?

How does this compare with other countries? 

Per million inhabitants, there are 34.8 people in ICU in Switzerland. 

This is higher than France (33.7) and Spain (31.9), while most European countries have much lower admission rates. 

In neighbouring Austria, which is similar to Switzerland in population size and wealth, there are just 12.5 people in ICU per million inhabitants. 

Balkan countries have not been considered in the report. 

Why are Switzerland’s ICUs so full?

Many have asked why ICU admissions are highest on the continent, despite Switzerland’s world-class healthcare system. 

Two likely reasons are the country’s lagging vaccination rate and the relatively relaxed measures in effect to prevent the spread of the virus, Switzerland’s Tages Anzeiger reported on Saturday. 

According to the paper, “Switzerland does not really have the situation under control at the moment”. 

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Despite plentiful supplies of vaccine doses for several months, Switzerland lags behind much of Europe when it comes to vaccinations.

As at September 5th, just 51 percent of the Swiss public is fully vaccinated. 

That compares with 59 percent of the EU, 60 percent of Germany, 61 percent in France and 63 percent in the UK.  

Switzerland also has also seen more significant protests and demonstrations by vaccine sceptics and Covid deniers since the start of the pandemic – and particularly since the vaccines were rolled out. 

Covid-19 vaccines: Why is Switzerland lagging behind other EU countries?

Switzerland’s measures to combat the spread of the virus are also far less stringent than those seen in most of Europe.

While much of the continent – including Switzerland’s neighbours – have restricted events, bars, restaurants and gyms to people who have tested negative, been vaccinated or recently recovered from the virus, Switzerland’s only restrictions have been for events with more than 1,000 attendees and for travel. 

This is evidenced by the higher case rate in Switzerland, where confirmed cases (324 per million inhabitants) is behind only the UK (557) and Ireland (359). 

The Swiss government is pushing for stricter measures – including requiring the Covid certificate in bars, gyms, restaurants and at private events – although this plan has been delayed. 

READ MORE: When will Switzerland decide whether to enforce the Covid certificate in restaurants?

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What you need to know about the new Covid-19 wave in Switzerland

When the pandemic was winding down two years ago, health authorities warned that while the worst was over, Covid will keep re-emerging, in one form or another, in the future.

What you need to know about the new Covid-19 wave in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the number of laboratory-confirmed coronavirus cases has increased by around 50 percent over the last four weeks, according to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).  

Add to it the undeclared cases, and that figure is even higher.

“The number of positive tests is climbing, and further increases cannot be ruled out,” FOPH said.

Overall, however, the number of infections remains low.

Why is Covid still around in Switzerland?

As epidemiologists predicted, coronavirus will keep mutating, with different strains emerging over time.

Covid’s new variants, KP.2 and KP.3, are currently circulating throughout the country, causing the number of cases to go up.

That’s because the latest variants spread fast and are particularly resistant to antibodies — which means that whatever immunity you may have built up through previous infections or vaccinations are not sufficient to stop new infections.

What are the symptoms?

The most common ones are similar to those of seasonal flu — that is, cough, fever, headache, muscle pain, cold, sore throat, as well as tiredness.

But just as with the previous bouts, some people will experience milder symptoms, while others more severe ones.

For the time being, these variants have not caused serious developments in most people, and only a small number have required hospitalisation.

What should you do if symptoms appear?

If you do become infected, FOPH recommends avoiding contact with other people, especially those who are particularly at risk of complications.

Measures imposed by the government during earlier outbreaks, such as isolation and quarantine, are not necessary at this point — though health authorities say that, similarly to to previous bouts, you should wear a mask and keep your distance.

And if you are in a high-risk group, contact your doctor immediately.

Should you get (re)vaccinated?

Ask your doctor about that.

Compulsory basic insurance will pay for the vaccine for high-risk people, and possibly their carertakers, based on doctor’s recommendations.

Others must pay for the shot out of their pockets. A dose costs around 100 francs.

Should you cancel your vacation if you test positive?

It is up to you and your own sense of responsibility.

“It would be best to cancel the flight immediately,” said Christiane Meier, vice-president of the Association of Cantonal Doctors. If you decide to go anyway, “wear a mask and keep your distance,” she added.
Should we expect a further increase in the number of cases after the holidays?

According to FOPH, it is not yet possible to know for sure, though this possibility can’t be excluded.

Swiss health authorities are constantly monitoring the evolution, but are not making any predictions for the moment.

What they do say is that though new variants spread fast and resist immunity, “there is no reason to panic at this stage.”