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Renting in Germany: What you need to know about keeping pets

Getting a pet can be a great idea, especially if you’re still working from home. But what’s not so fun is being fined by your landlord for not checking the rules first. Here's what you should know if you're renting in Germany.

Renting in Germany: What you need to know about keeping pets
Many of us would love a dog like Toni from Püttlingen, Saarland. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Oliver Dietze

The low down

In Germany, not all pets are regarded the same under tenancy law. The larger or more dangerous the animal, or the more pets you plan to keep, the more complicated it gets. You’ll have better luck in long-term rented accommodation and houses in particular, and of course finding an animal-lover landlord will help. Legally, landlords generally need a justifiable reason to ban pets, but either way you should always ask first or at least check your contract. 

Small animals

For the most part, small animals which can be housed in cages, aquariums and terrariums, can quite easily be kept in rented accommodation without too much resistance.

Small pets like hamsters, fish, guinea pigs and rabbits are usually pretty harmless and won’t cause problems in the apartment or disturb the neighbours. Just be careful about hamsters and other creatures who like to chew things like wires.

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“Small animals may not be prohibited by the landlord,” Gunther Geiler, managing director of the German Tenants’ Association in Nuremberg, told Immowelt.

There are, of course, exceptions. Rats leave people pretty divisive, along with ferrets, who can be refused on account of causing bad smells in the apartment. Birds are also subject to judgement on an individual case basis, due to risk of noise disturbance, for example. 

Cats and dogs

As always, the landlord must be asked first. They may have reason to accept certain breeds of dogs and reject others which are so-called “dangerous dogs”. In terms of dogs specifically, noise disturbance may be an issue if you’re in close proximity to a number of neighbours. Naturally, service dogs can be an exception to bans, but the specific laws vary regionally.  

Are you thinking of giving a cat a home like this one in Frankfurt? Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sebastian Gollnow

Another important point to note is that both dogs and cats must be registered at your local Bürgeramt (‘Citizens’ Registration Office’), and re-registered every time you move. However, owning a dog means you also have to pay Hundesteuer (‘dog tax’). The more dogs you own, the more tax you pay.

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Of course, service dogs are exempt, and you’re free from paying tax the first year if you’ve adopted a rescue dog. It is also mandatory for dog owners to get Hundehaftpflichtversicherung (‘dog liability insurance’), in case of property damage or any accidents.

Don’t forget to microchip your dogs, cats and maybe also smaller creatures – even indoor pets can make a great escape and a microchip will make reuniting with your lost pet much easier. Also, once microchipped, you can register with the website Tasso (also available in English) which helps to identify and return missing animals to their owners.

Exotic or dangerous pets

When to comes to tarantulas, reptiles or poisonous snakes, tenants often need to get a legal permit, as well as have the landlord’s permission.

“Anyone who wants to keep dangerous animals in the rented apartment must ask the landlord for permission,” says Oliver Fouquet, a lawyer for tenancy law in Nuremberg.

For non-dangerous pets which are still on the more unusual side, such as a corn snake, you don’t need a legal permit but you should still check with your landlord. Similar to dogs and cats, the landlord can only prohibit this if they have compelling reasons.

READ ALSO: Everything you need to know about having a pet in Germany

To conclude…

Always check with your landlord and tenancy agreement. Many landlords write into the contract on what conditions pets are allowed. Landlords can still restrict the keeping of certain pets, particularly with regard to size, danger to others or the residence, and disturbance to neighbours.

Permission can be given and then later revoked, if the landlord has sound reason, but legally the odds are often in the tenant’s favour. It also goes without saying to make sure that you have suitable space and facilities to best care for your pet. Often, keeping pets in rented accommodation has to be considered on an individual, case-by-case basis, so do ask and hopefully you’ll be able to enjoy your accommodation with a furry friend. 

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What are the rules around driving a friend or relative’s car in Germany?

If you want to travel around in Germany, a friend, relative or maybe a neighbour might offer you their vehicle to use. But what does the law say about driving someone else's car in Germany?

What are the rules around driving a friend or relative's car in Germany?

Many people in Germany do not have a car, especially those living in larger cities where public transport works well.

However, sometimes you might need one, whether it is to transport something or maybe to go on a trip through the country.

Fortunately, even if you do not own a car yourself, you can still drive someone else’s vehicle, whether it belongs to a relative, friend, or maybe a neighbour. You can obviously also rent one from a rental agency or through carsharing.

Valid licence and approval from owner

In Germany, motor vehicle liability insurance – or Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung – is linked to the vehicle and not to the driver. This means that the owner’s insurance normally covers anyone who drives the car – as long as they have permission and the insurance policy allows it.

Therefore, in principle, you can drive someone else’s car if you have the owner’s permission and, of course, a valid driver’s license.

However, you still need to read the fine print on the car’s insurance policy to make sure it doesn’t have any particular restrictions on additional drivers, as some policies might specify who is allowed to drive. Some policies will only allow one person to drive: the policyholder. If the policy allows additional drivers, you’re typically good to go.

This is also important if you rent a car in Germany. If you do, you’ll need to declare every driver who may potentially drive it and provide their licence information. If you plan on driving the car outside Germany, you’ll need to declare where. This typically increases the cost of the rental. If you use a carsharing service, only you can typically drive the car you’re renting.

While borrowing someone’s car, you should also have the vehicle’s registration documents and proof of insurance. If you forget the documents, you might need to pay a fine or face complications in the case of an accident or a ticket.

If an accident occurs, you need to contact the car owner. The owner’s insurance company will handle claims or damages.

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Valid licence in Germany

To drive someone else’s – or indeed anyone’s – car in Germany, you need to have a valid licence.

If you have a valid German or another EU licence, this is straightforward.

EU driving licences on a table.

EU driving licences on a table. Having a valid licence is a legal requirement for driving in Germany. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sina Schuldt

If you have a non-EU licence, you can typically drive on it in Germany for the first six months you’re here.

After six months of legal residence in Germany, you won’t be able to drive on your non-EU licence. You will need to convert your non-EU licence to a German one. You can check out The Local’s guide for how this is done.

READ ALSO: How do I convert my foreign driver’s licence into a German one?

Car insurance in Germany

If you own a vehicle in Germany, you’re required to have insurance on it.

The cost of your car insurance is based on a wide range of factors, such as driving experience, car engine size, and location.

Inexperienced drivers, high-powered cars, and drivers living in urban areas typically face higher insurance premiums.

Maintaining a no-claim driving record will lead to a lower fee, as it often leads to lower insurance premiums with your next insurer.

Car insurance premiums can vary quite widely in Germany.

You might be able to get some premiums for €400 a year or even lower. But again, this depends on the make and model of your car, its current estimated value, how old it is, how much experience you have driving and a host of other factors – including whether you allow additional drivers on it.

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