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How you can travel for free in parts of Germany

People with a travel pass in many parts of Germany will be able to travel for free in other local public transport networks for the next two weeks.

How you can travel for free in parts of Germany
A train to Potsdam from Berlin. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Christoph Soeder

A host of local public transport providers have joined together for the ‘Deutschland Abo-Upgrade’. The promotion, which runs until September 26th, makes free travel possible on local transport networks throughout Germany for people who have a monthly or annual ticket.

Here’s a look at what you should know.

Who is eligible and how can I participate?

Customers of lots of public transportation companies across the country who have a valid season ticket are eligible to participate. Abo customers with an annual pass are included, as well as people with a special travel pass, such as a student Semesterticket, a senior citizen’s transport pass – or from their employers. However, it’s unclear whether everyone with a Sozialticket from the Job Centre is eligible for the offer. They are urged to check with their local transport provider to find out if they can take part. 

If you’re interested, you can register online free of charge on the campaign’s homepage to receive the upgraded ticket.

The time restrictions of some subscription offers, such as the ticket being valid only after 9am, are not excluded from this promotion. It also means that you can travel at any time if you have this ticket. The only thing to note is whether the relevant transport association is taking part in the special ticket upgrade.

READ ALSO: German public transport slammed as ‘failure’ as half of user turn to car

“After you register, you will receive your upgrade ticket via email. In combination with your valid season ticket, you’ll be able to use more than 95 percent of the local transport services across Germany from September 13th to 26th 2021 at no additional cost,” said the Abo-Upgrade organisers. 

In most places involved you can ride for free on the U-Bahn, bus, trams, trains and regional trains. 

Where can I travel for free?

The free travel only applies for local networks so long-distance trains (EC/IC/ICE) are not included. But you can travel for free on the public transport network in places such as Hamburg, Berlin and Brandenburg, Munich, the Nuremberg area as well as in the Frankfurt area. The places taking part are coloured in dark green below in the map.

The areas in dark green are taking part in the promotion. Screenshot:

Using local trains you could travel, for instance, from Hamburg to Sylt in three hours, or from Munich to Garmisch in just over an hour. 

A trip from Magdeburg to Hamburg takes just under three hours (with one change of trains), or a direct connection from Magdeburg to Berlin takes less than two hours.

Traveling south, on the other hand, is more difficult since cities like Nuremberg or Munich are primarily served by ICE connections. 

But you could, for instance, pay for an ICE train to Munich from Berlin – but travel for free in the Munich area when you arrive. 

You can find out more about who’s taking part on the Abo promotion homepage, and for any other regulations.

READ ALSO: Why this German city plans to make public transport free

Why is it happening?

According to local transport providers throughout Germany, the promotion is a “thank you” to regular customers for not cancelling their monthly and annual passes after a year and a half of the Covid pandemic.

And the association wants to draw attention to the precarious situation of public transport. Currently, transport companies nationwide are recording about 15 percent fewer subscription ticket holders than at the end of 2019.

“The second, very long lockdown from November 2020 to March 2021 has hit public transport much harder than we thought, especially with the decline of subscription tickets,” said Lars Wagner, spokesman of the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV).

More people working form home as well as fewer events and appointments have put extreme pressure on passenger numbers. This will likely change people’s mobility in the long term, Wagner suspects. “Up to and including 2019, we had 22 consecutive years of passenger records. That’s been over for a year and a half,” Wagner said.

Anything else I should know?

You can’t apply the transport regulations for your Abo to another area’s region. 

So it’s not possible, for example, to take another person with you free of charge, even if this is possible in your own region. 

Meanwhile, anyone who wants to save money on rail travel after the end of the promotion has the option of purchasing a discounted trial Bahncard 25 for €9.90 instead of €17.90. After registering, customers will receive an eCoupon that can be redeemed when ordering a Bahncard on

The trial Bahncard is valid for three months and even after the promotional period has expired.

Why can’t free local travel happen all the time?

Good question. It’s one that many people are asking, particularly because it makes getting a long-term public transport ticket more attractive as we try to fight climate change. 

Transport expert Annette Stolle from Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), told Spiegel she welcomes a change in the way that public transport works in Germany.

For several years, DUH has been calling for the so-called Blue Ticket: for €365 a year – €1 a day – a passenger would be able to travel not only by bus and train in your local transport association, but nationwide on local transport.

The advantages are obvious, said Stolle. “We need inexpensive and easy-to-understand tickets and a better range of services to make people less reluctant to change.”

But VDV representative Wagner said a Blue Ticket is not currently on the table. He said Germany has to “face reality”, saying the budget situation is too tight for that. 

In Vienna, a €365 local transport ticket is already in place.

Wagner said Germany cannot automatically follow the Austrian capital. He said: “Vienna has invested massively in expansion for 20 years. Areas have been intensively rebuilt, and every euro of parking fees is spent on local transport. Large employers who benefit from good public transport connections pay an extra subway tax – so that in the end a €365 ticket can be offered.”

READ ALSO: Berlin considers annual public transport ticket for €1 a day

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Anmeldung: Berlin to re-launch online housing registration in October

Finding an appointment at the Bürgeramt to register an address has long been an unwanted chore for new arrivals in Berlin - but from October, this gruelling ritual will be a thing of the past.

Anmeldung: Berlin to re-launch online housing registration in October

Every foreigner who’s lived in the German capital has experienced the stress of trying to find an appointment at the Bürgeramt, or citizens’ office. 

In order to register an address – a process known as the Anmeldung in German – residents generally have to scour a list of available appointments, sometimes waiting weeks for a spot or travelling to a far-flung part of the city to complete the process. 

From mid-October, however, the city has announced that people will be able to register and deregister their place of residence online. The Local has contacted officials to ask for the specific date in October that this is happening and will update this story when we receive the information. 

According to the Senate, the move will free up around 500,000 appointments that would ordinarily have been taken by the hundreds of thousands who move into and around the city each year.

Berlin had briefly offered online registrations during the Covid-19 pandemic, but removed the service once social restrictions were lifted. 

How will the new system work?

The online registration system is apparently based on Hamburg’s system, which was developed under the so-called ‘one-for-all’ (EfA) principle. This means that other states around Germany can adopt the same software as part of their digitalisation efforts.

People who want to register address will need to fill in an online form, provide proof of their new residence and also identify themselves using their electronic ID, which will either be an electronic residence permit or a German or EU ID card. 

READ ALSO: What is Germany’s electronic ID card and how do you use it?

After the process has been completed, a sticker for the ID card will be sent out via post.


A German residence permit or ‘Aufenthaltstitel’ with an electronic ID function. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Daniel Karmann

This can then be used to update the information on a residents’ eID card and access the registration confirmation digitally.

Those who don’t have access to a validated electronic ID will need to either activate their eID function at the immigration office or Bürgeramt or register their address in person.  

In 2024, the service will only be available for single residents, but online registration for families is also in the pipeline.

Is Berlin making progress with digitalisation?

It certainly seems like it. This latest move is part of a larger push to complete digitalise Berlin’s creaking services and move to a faster, more efficient online system.

At the start of the year, the capital centralised its naturalisation office in the Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA) and moved all citizenship applications online. 

Since then, citizenship applications have been completed around ten times faster than previously – though tens of thousands of applicants are still waiting for a response on their paper applications.

More recently, the LEA also announced that it had moved to a new appointment-booking system designed to end the predatory practice of appointment touting, or selling appointments for a fee.

Under the new system, many residents permits – including EU Blue Cards – can be directly applied for online, with in-person appointments reserved for collecting the new (or renewed) permit.

READ ALSO: What to know about the new appointments system at Berlin immigration office

Meanwhile, those who can’t apply online yet can access appointments by filling in the contact form, with the LEA hoping that this will deter people from booking appointments with the intention to sell them on. 

In another move to speed up bureaucracy, Berlin also opened a new Bürgeramt in the district of Spandau this September, with the governing CDU announcing on X that more new offices would follow in the near future.