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What changes could Norway’s new government make to taxes? 

A new Norwegian government is on its way, but will it mean a higher or lower tax bill for residents?

What changes could Norway's new government make to taxes? 
Labour leader Jonas Gahr Støre is currently negotiating with the leaders of the Socialist Left Party and Centre Party. Photo by Arbeiderpartiet on Flickr

Victorious opposition parties are in the process of thrashing out the early details of Norway’s next coalition government. 

During these negotiations, the parties will have to compromise and broker deals and agreements to secure the coalition that works best for them.

But how will all this affect your tax bill over the next five years? 

The three parties currently expected to form a coalition all made pre-election promises to cut taxes for those on low and middle incomes. Labour, the Centre Party and the Socialist Left Party are the most likely coalition outcome at the time of writing.

Each of the parties has slightly different visions for achieving promised tax cuts. Generally though, they are all pulling in the same direction, so it will be relatively easy to implement the changes to tax without the need for drawn-out negotiations.

Residents of Norway pay an income tax of 22 percent, in addition to a bracket tax that is calculated based on your income. For example, those who earn between 260,100-651,250 kroner per year will pay a bracket tax of four percent. The bracket tax can be as high as 16.2 percent for high earners. You can read more about tax brackets in Norway here

Labour wants to cut income tax for everybody with a yearly salary of less than 750,000 kroner per year and increase it for those on higher wages. Labour says these cuts would mean more money in the pockets for 80 percent of Norway’s workforce. 

Analysis: How the 2021 general election result could change Norway

The Centre Party wants to cut income taxes for those earning low to middling salaries. In addition, the party also intends to rejig Norway’s flat tax rate, which it believes hits families on low incomes the hardest. 

Then, finally, there’s the Socialist Left Party which, much like the parties it could join in government, has said it would cut taxes for those on lower incomes and raise taxes for people taking home the biggest paychecks.

However, as we’re sure you are all aware, income tax isn’t the only taxation around, so what are the party’s policies regarding other levies? 

Labour Party 

Pensioners are also set to shave money off their tax bills to the tune of around 2,500 kroner per year. In addition, the party says it would keep corporation tax at 22 percent and increase Norway’s controversial working capital, or wealth tax. 

The wealth tax is levied against a person’s assets, with heavy discounts on a person’s main point of residence, for example. You can read more about Norway’s wealth tax here

Furthermore, Labour will not reintroduce inheritance tax. 

In terms of taxes to protect the environment, the Labour party has pledged to increase CO2 taxes until 2030 gradually. However, the party states motorists will be protected against climate levies.

READ ALSO: What the election win for Norway’s left wing coalition could mean for foreign residents

Centre Party 

Like Labour, the Centre Party supports maintaining the wealth tax. However, the Centre Party is against a national property tax. Municipalities currently decide whether to implement the charge. 

The party also wants lower taxes for businesses in rural areas and sectors such as tourism, transport and culture. 

For people who get involved in their local communities, the Centre Party has proposed tax deductions for those who fund grassroots organisations. 

Norwegian election: What foreign residents should know about the Centre Party’s election promises

Socialist Left Party 

The Socialist Left Party’s other tax policies are probably the ones most at odds with their potential coalition partners. 

Inheritance tax, which the other parties are opposed to reintroducing, could be brought back into the fold if the party has its wishes granted. Further, the party wants to increase wealth tax and slash the discount for shares and equity when calculating that charge. 

It also back a hike on climate taxes with deductibles in place for those on lower incomes. 

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How Norway’s 2025 budget will impact foreign residents

Norway’s government won’t unveil its budget for another few weeks, but several proposals, such as income tax cuts, have already been made public. Here's how foreign residents in Norway will be affected.

How Norway's 2025 budget will impact foreign residents

Norway’s budget for 2025 will be unveiled on October 7th. It is the last budget the current government will present before the general election next year.

Tax cuts

Finance minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum said this summer that those on ordinary incomes would pay less income tax in 2025. How much income tax will be cut is currently unknown.

Tax residents of Norway currently pay a flat tax rate of 22 percent, and then a further “bracket tax” based on how much they earn. For example, those who earn up to 670,000 kroner per year pay a four percent bracket tax, while those making between 670,001 and 937,900 kroner pay a 13.6 percent bracket tax.

READ ALSO: How does Norway’s bracket tax for income work?

Norway’s tax card system would also be tweaked to benefit those with part-time jobs. Next year, you can earn up to 100,000 before paying tax. This could benefit foreign students in Norway.


The government will continue its electric subsidy for households next year. The government announced its intention to continue the policy this spring.

Currently, the state covers 90 percent of the electricity price above 73 øre per kWh – or 91.25 øre including VAT.

Residents of Norway’s 212 least central municipalities will have 25,000 kroner of their student loans written off per year from 2026.

Those in Finnmark and Nord-Troms will have their loans written off at a rate of 60,000 kroner a year.

READ MORE: The incentives to attract people to northern Norway


The government will spend an extra 2.8 billion kroner on fighting crime. Of this, 2.4 billion kroner will go directly to beefing up the number of police officers in Norway. Some 90 million kroner would be put towards cracking down on financial crime.

Furthermore, 405 million kroner would also be spent on fighting youth crime, by creating a fast track court for young offenders and creating more juvenile detention places.

Travel changes

Up to 2.9 billion kroner extra spending will go into maintaining Norway’s rail infrastructure. Signal and track failures have been a constant source of delays in east Norway, where services regularly struggle with punctuality.

Over 12 billion kroner will be spent on Norway’s rail system.

Norway could finally reveal more details on its proposed tourist tax. The country’s industry minister, Cecilie Myrseth, has previously said that a proposal would be tabled this autumn.

The minister didn’t say whether this would be related to the raft of proposals included in the budget.

A potential tourist tax has long been promised by the current government as part of the Hurdal Agreement it was formed on in 2021.

As part of its budget cooperation with the Socialist Left Party, the government will be required to assess whether a subsidy scheme should be introduced for long-distance bus travel in Norway.

Bus routes without an alternative, such as train, could be subsidised under the scheme.