Berlin hit by ballot shortages and long queues amid marathon chaos

Voters in the German capital have faced long queues and a tense atmosphere at polling stations as the city tries to navigate three elections, a referendum and a marathon on the same day.

Berlin hit by ballot shortages and long queues amid marathon chaos
Numerous voters queue up outside of a Berlin Prenzlauer Berg polling station to cast their vote in the 2021 election. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Hauke-Christian Dittrich

According to reports in German media, Berlin’s polling stations ran out of ballots and were unable to restock them thanks to road closures during the marathon – leading to delays of more than an hour and long queues for would-be voters.

“There is chaos here at the moment,” an election officer in west Berlin told German daily Welt. “Three elections and the Berlin marathon together – that couldn’t go well. The result? There are no more ballot papers here.”

On Sunday, Berlin is voting in three elections: the federal elections, the state elections, and the elections for the district councils. In addition, eligible voters will be voting in the ‘Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co.’ referendum, which will decide the fate of the Berlin rental market. 

By midday, 27.4 percent of Berlin’s eligible voters had cast their ballots. This is around the same turnout as in the 2017 federal election, when 27.2 percent had voted by noon, according to the state election commissioner.

In two polling stations in the district of Wilmersdorf, election volunteers had to inform people queuing that there would be long delays, as voters bickered with each other and grew impatient. 

“You can wait, you can come back later. We’ve been on the phone for hours, they say the slips are on their way, but they can’t get through because of the marathon,” election workers told irritated voters.

Around 3pm, according to Welt, the Wilmersdorf election helpers were sent off on bicycles to fetch more ballots from the district town hall at around 3pm, after people had been queuing for around an hour. 

Finally, at 3:40pm, voting was allowed to continue as the missing ballots were finally delivered.

Writing on Twitter, other Berliners shared reports of chaos at polling stations across the city. 

“At the Ustinov School polling station in Charlottenburg, the ballot papers have run out! Substitutes can’t get through because of Berlin Marathon! Unbelievable,” former ARD journalist Ulrich Deppendorf wrote.

Some helpers also informed Welt that they had called the police as they grew concerned about potential unrest. 

According to Welt, Monika Grütters (CDU), State Minister of Culture, was one of the voters affected by long delays. “Berlin is not getting it right,” she told reporters. “I passed other polling stations, they have the same problem.”

‘Unfortunate delays’

According to the Federal Election Officer’s Twitter account, the missing ballots were primarily for the district assembly vote, rather than the federal elections. 

“Due to mixed-up ballot papers, there were unfortunately delays and invalid votes in some polling stations in Berlin on Sunday,” they confirmed, adding: “There are no indications that ballot papers for the parliamentary (Bundestag) election are missing.”

READ ALSO: LIVE: Germany awaits results of crucial federal election

People will also be permitted to return to the polling stations until 6pm in order to cast their vote in the District Assemblies if they were unable to beforehand, the Federal Election Officer confirmed.

Anyone who turns up at the polling station by the 6pm deadline will be permitted to vote – even if queues mean they end up casting their vote after that time. 

“The proper conduct of the Bundestag election is thus guaranteed,” they tweeted. 

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Germany’s ‘traffic light’ parties sign coalition agreement in Berlin

Two and a half months after the federal elections on September 26th, the three parties of the incoming 'traffic light' coalition - the SPD, Greens and FDP - have formally signed their coalition agreement at a public ceremony in Berlin.

Traffic light coalition
Germany's next Chancellor Olaf Scholz (front, left) on stage in Berlin with other members of the new coalition government, and their signed agreement. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler

The move marks the final stage of a 10-week week process that saw the three unlikely bedfellows forming a first-of-its-kind partnership in German federal government. 

The SPD’s Olaf Scholz is now due to be elected Chancellor of Germany on Wednesday and his newly finalised cabinet will be sworn in on the same day. This will mark the end of the 16-year Angela Merkel era following the veteran leader’s decision to retire from politics this year. 

Speaking at the ceremony in Berlin on Tuesday morning, Scholz declared it “a morning when we set out for a new government.”

He praised the speed at which the three parties had concluded their talks and said the fight against the Covid crisis would first require the full strength of the new coalition.

Green Party co-leader Robert Habeck, who is set to head up a newly formed environment and energy ministry, said the goal was “a government for the people of Germany”.

He stressed that the new government would face the joint challenge of bringing climate neutrality and prosperity together in Europe’s largest industrial nation and the world’s fourth largest economy.

Green Party leader Annalena Baerbock spoke of a coalition agreement “on the level of reality, on the level of social reality”.

FDP leader Christian Lindner, who managed to secure the coveted role of Finance Minister in the talks, declared that now was the “time for action”.

“We are not under any illusions,” he told people gathered at the ceremony. “These are great challenges we face.”

Scholz, Habeck and Lindner are scheduled to hold  a press conference before midday to answer questions on the goals of the new government.

‘New beginnings’

Together with the Greens and the FDP, Scholz’s SPD managed in a far shorter time than expected to forge a coalition that aspires to make Germany greener and fairer.

The Greens became the last of the three parties to agree on the contents of the 177-page coalition agreement an in internal vote on Monday, following approval from the SPD and FDP’s inner ranks over the weekend.

“I want the 20s to be a time of new beginnings,” Scholz told Die Zeit weekly, declaring an ambition to push forward “the biggest industrial modernisation which will be capable of stopping climate change caused by mankind”.

Putting equality rhetoric into practice, he unveiled the country’s first gender-balanced cabinet on Monday, with women in key security portfolios.

“That corresponds to the society we live in – half of the power belongs to women,” said Scholz, who describes himself as a “feminist”.

READ ALSO: Scholz names Germany’s first gender-equal cabinet

The centre-left’s return to power in Europe’s biggest economy could shift the balance on a continent still reeling from Brexit and with the other major player, France, heading into presidential elections in 2022.

But even before it took office, Scholz’s “traffic-light” coalition – named after the three parties’ colours – was already given a baptism of fire in the form of a fierce fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Balancing act
Dubbed “the discreet” by left-leaning daily TAZ, Scholz, 63, is often described as austere or robotic.
But he also has a reputation for being a meticulous workhorse.
An experienced hand in government, Scholz was labour minister in Merkel’s first coalition from 2007 to 2009 before taking over as vice chancellor and finance minister in 2015.
Yet his three-party-alliance is the first such mix at the federal level, as the FDP is not a natural partner for the SPD or the Greens.

Keeping the trio together will require a delicate balancing act taking into account the FDP’s business-friendly leanings, the SPD’s social equality instincts and the Greens’ demands for sustainability.

Under their coalition deal, the parties have agreed to secure Germany’s path to carbon neutrality, including through huge investments in sustainable energy.

They also aim to return to a constitutional no-new-debt rule – suspended during the pandemic – by 2023.

FDP cabinets
Volker Wissing (l-r), FDP General Secretary und designated Transport Minister, walks alongside Christian Lindner, FDP leader and designated Finance Minister, Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP), the incoming Education Minister, and Marco Buschmann, the incoming Justice Minister. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler


Incoming foreign minister Annalena Baerbock of the Greens has vowed to put human rights at the centre of German diplomacy.

She has signalled a more assertive stance towards authoritarian regimes like China and Russia after the commerce-driven pragmatism of Merkel’s 16 years in power.

Critics have accused Merkel of putting Germany’s export-dependent economy first in international dealings.

Nevertheless she is still so popular at home that she would probably have won a fifth term had she sought one.

The veteran politician is also widely admired abroad for her steady hand guiding Germany through a myriad of crises.