Respiratory virus: What parents in Norway need to know

Cases of RSV, a common virus that affects the respiratory tract in children and adults, have increased to 135 registered cases in the last week compared to 36 cases the week before, according to Norway’s health authority NIPH.

Norway's health authorities have issued information about seasonal respiratory virus RS.
Norway's health authorities have issued information about seasonal respiratory virus RS. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The virus (Respiratory syncytial virus) usually causes cold-like symptoms but can give more serious respiratory infections in some cases.

“The increase in respiratory symptoms is being seen particularly in children and adults up to their forties, which fits well with the trend of children and their parents getting sick,” NIPH’s senior medical consultant Margrethe Greve-Isdahl said in a statement.

Although a seasonal increase in cases of the RSV is normal, it has begun earlier in the autumn than usual, according to NIPH.

The trend, which has also been observed in neighbouring Sweden and Denmark, has been linked to lower immunity in the population because social distancing measures taken against Covid-19 in 2020 also reduced the spread of other seasonal infections.

Outbreaks of RSV are usually most common between November and May.

Most adults and children usually experience the virus as a cold-like illness. In some cases, however, a more serious infection can persist in the respiratory system.

Infants under the age of 1 year can risk developing bronchiolitis, a blockage of small airways in the lungs which can require hospitalisation.

Between 1,000 and 2,000 children aged 0-5 are hospitalised with RSV in Norway each year, according to NIPH.

“In recent weeks we’ve seen an increase in confirmed cases of several different respiratory viruses alongside increased respiratory symptoms in the population,” Greve-Isdahl said.

How does the virus present in children if symptoms become serious?

Bronchiolitis can cause coughing fits and breathlessness and can particularly affect infants but also children up to the age of five. Symptoms often begin as a cold and develop over a few days. The virus can cause a loss of appetite in children. Breastfeeding mothers may notice a buildup of milk, NIPH writes.

“If you are concerned about your poorly child, it’s important to contact the health service. Children who are struggling to breathe should be seen by a doctor. Generally, the threshold for contacting a doctor should be lower the younger the child is,” Greve-Isdahl said.

What can parents do?

NIPH recommends parents keep children with new cold-like symptoms home from school, nursery or kindergarten, because respiratory infections are most easily transmitted during the first few days of illness.

Children can return to school or daycare once they no longer have a fever and most symptoms are receding, and the child feels themselves again. It’s okay for children to still have a runny nose, for example, if their symptoms have otherwise returned to normal.

The health authority also recommends avoiding visits to families with infants or women in the late stages of pregnancy if you have any cold-like symptoms.

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When can doctors in Denmark refuse to continue treating patients?

General Practitioners in Denmark have the right to break off a patient-doctor relationship in specific circumstances.

When can doctors in Denmark refuse to continue treating patients?

Although doctors in Denmark have the right to decide not to continue treating a patient – requiring them to find a new GP – the circumstances in which this can happen are limited, and must be approved by health authorities.

The frequency in which the circumstances arise is also low. A doctor decided to no longer receive a patient on 375 occasions in 2016, according to the medical professionals’ journal Ugeskrift for Læger. The following year, newspaper Jyllands-Posten reported the figure at 458.

There are two main categories of circumstances in which a doctor can choose to take this step. The first is in instances of violent or threatening behaviour from the patient towards the doctor. 

The second (and most common) is when the doctor considers the relationship to have deteriorated to the extent that confidence has broken down, according to Ugeskrift for Læger.

It should be noted that patients are not bound by any restrictions in this regard, and can decide to change their GP without having to give any justification.

A patient also has the right to appeal against a doctor’s decision to ask them to find a new GP. This is done by appealing to the local health authority, called a Region in the Danish health system.

In such cases, a board at the regional health authority will assess the claim and if it finds in favour of the patient may order the doctor to attempt to repair the relationship.

Doctors cannot end a relationship with a patient purely because a patient has made a complaint about them to health authorities. This is because patients should have the option of making complaints without fear of consequences for their future treatment. 

However, if this is accompanied by the conclusion on the doctor’s part that there is no longer confidence in them on the part of the patient, they can remove the patient from their list.

The right to no longer see patients in the circumstances detailed above is provided by doctors’ collective bargaining agreements, the working conditions agreed on between trade unions and employer confederations under the Danish labour market system.