Who are the refugees coming to Germany via Belarus?

At the Eisenhuettenstadt reception centre for refugees on Germany's border with Poland, 19-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker Siban dreams of making a new life for himself after an exhausting journey from Belarus.

Refugees in Brandenburg, Germany
Refugees check their mobile phones at the arrival centre of the initial reception facility of the eastern German state of Brandenburg in Eisenhuettenstadt, on October 25th, 2021. Photo: JENS SCHLUETER / AFP

“I want to live here,” he says in broken German, learned through a few months of online courses.

Siban spent eight days trekking across Poland by foot to get to Germany after flying to Minsk from Turkey.

“I had no water, no food, it was cold. It was very tiring,” he tells AFP.

Siban is one of more than 6,100 illegal migrants who have entered Germany via Poland from Belarus since the beginning of this year, most of them from the Middle East, according to German authorities.

The EU accuses Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko of flying migrants from the Middle East and Africa to Minsk and then sending them into the bloc on foot in retaliation for sanctions imposed over a crackdown on the opposition.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has branded the alleged scheme “a hybrid threat, in which migrants are used as political weapons”.

The migrants are initially crossing from Belarus into Poland and the Baltic States, but many are then travelling on to Germany – seen as welcoming to migrants after Angela Merkel’s decision to leave the borders open to hundreds of thousands in 2015-16.

READ ALSO: How Germany is proposing to tighten controls on the Polish border

Tenfold increase

On arriving in Germany, the migrants are not being immediately sent back to Poland as EU rules would normally dictate, but taken to reception centres for registration.

The centre in Eisenhuettenstadt has seen 10 times more arrivals this year than in 2020, Olaf Jansen, head of the city’s migration authority, tells AFP.

It feels like 2015 all over again, “even if we don’t have the same numbers” at the national level, he says.

A dozen new tents have been set up to accommodate the new arrivals and create space for Covid-19 testing centres.

Around half of the 1,300 asylum seekers at the centre are from Iraq. The others are mostly from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and Yemen.

Refugees at the Polish border
A refugee sits as clothes dry at the grounds of the arrival centre of the initial reception facility of the eastern German state of Brandenburg in Eisenhuettenstadt. Photo: JENS SCHLUETER / AFP)

Most of them want to remain in Germany. “Very few want to continue the journey to France or northern Europe,” Jansen says.

“I want to stay in Germany and continue my studies. It’s good here,” says Rohullah, 23, who arrived four days ago from Afghanistan.

To pass the time, some play football between the tents, while others call their relatives while sitting in the courtyard. All have stories of exhausting journeys on foot.

Zeidun, 22, from Fallujah in Iraq, walked non-stop for 10 days across Poland before taking a taxi across the border.

Border controls

Many have stories of brutality by the Polish police. “They are dangerous. They hit, and they have dogs,” says a 21-year-old from Baghdad who gave his name as Mamontzer.

To cope with the influx, Berlin this week tightened its border controls with Poland.

On the route to Eisenhuettenstadt, a dozen police officers have been assigned the task of blocking the bridge linking the German city of Frankfurt (Oder) and the Polish town of Slubice.

Goods vehicles and taxis are being routinely stopped and searched.

Refugees in Brandenburg
Refugees are seen on the grounds of the arrival centre of the initial reception facility of the eastern German state of Brandenburg in Eisenhuettenstadt. Photo: JENS SCHLUETER / AFP

The influx has also provided fuel for Germany’s anti-migration movement, especially since the far-right AfD achieved some of its best results in last month’s general election in the eastern regions of the country bordering Poland and the Czech Republic.

Police last weekend broke up around a rally of around 50 activists from the radical far-right group “The Third Way” (Der III. Weg), which had called for its members to gather to take action against migrants seeking to cross the border from Poland.

READ ALSO: Germany to step up checks as far-right activists target Polish border

Other such initiatives were also reported in neighbouring Saxony.

During the operation, police seized pepper spray, a bayonet, a machete and batons.

By Florian Cazeres

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Germany mulls expulsions to Afghanistan after knife attack

Germany said Tuesday it was considering allowing deportations to Afghanistan, after an asylum seeker from the country injured five and killed a police officer in a knife attack.

Germany mulls expulsions to Afghanistan after knife attack

Officials had been carrying out an “intensive review for several months… to allow the deportation of serious criminals and dangerous individuals to Afghanistan”, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told journalists.

“It is clear to me that people who pose a potential threat to Germany’s security must be deported quickly,” Faeser said.

“That is why we are doing everything possible to find ways to deport criminals and dangerous people to both Syria and Afghanistan,” she said.

Deportations to Afghanistan from Germany have been completely stopped since the Taliban retook power in 2021.

But a debate over resuming expulsions has resurged after a 25-year-old Afghan was accused of attacking people with a knife at an anti-Islam rally in the western city of Mannheim on Friday.

A police officer, 29, died on Sunday after being repeatedly stabbed as he tried to intervene in the attack.

Five people taking part in a rally organised by Pax Europa, a campaign group against radical Islam, were also wounded.

Friday’s brutal attack has inflamed a public debate over immigration in the run up to European elections and prompted calls to expand efforts to expel criminals.

READ ALSO: Tensions high in Mannheim after knife attack claims life of policeman

The suspect, named in the media as Sulaiman Ataee, came to Germany as a refugee in March 2013, according to reports.

Ataee, who arrived in the country with his brother at the age of only 14, was initially refused asylum but was not deported because of his age, according to German daily Bild.

Ataee subsequently went to school in Germany, and married a German woman of Turkish origin in 2019, with whom he has two children, according to the Spiegel weekly.

Per the reports, Ataee was not seen by authorities as a risk and did not appear to neighbours at his home in Heppenheim as an extremist.

Anti-terrorism prosecutors on Monday took over the investigation into the incident, as they looked to establish a motive.