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Norwegian expression of the day: Ta det med en klype salt

If someone is trying to tell you the world is coming to an end, ta det med en klype salt.

Norwegian expression of the day: Ta det med en klype salt
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Why do I need to know this?

Some Norwegian expressions have the same meaning as the English versions. However, other’s don’t translate as easily.

Have you ever heard someone say ta det med en klype salt? You may struggle to find out what is true. 

What does it mean? 

When directly translated, ta det med en klype salt means, “take it with a pinch of salt”.  Luckily for those familiar with the English language, the expression means the same in Norwegian as it does in English. 

Taking it with a pinch or a grain of salt means to not take a story or piece of information you are hearing too seriously. A healthy dose of salt, or skepticism, should be used in some cases. 

Ta det med en klype salt may mean the same in English, but its origin is ancient. There are two potential explanations.

The first explanation goes that the expression stems from food being easier to swallow with a helping of salt, or adding your own interpretation to what you are given (or being told).

Other sources show the idiom comes from the fact that swallowing salt can be effective against swallowing some poisons.

Simply put, ta det med en klype salt means to not take everything someone says too literally or seriously. 

Use it like this

Ta det jeg sier med en klype salt og le av det. – Take what I say with a pinch of salt and laugh about it.

Ikke bli provosert over hva han sier. Vi må ta det med en klype salt – Don’t be disturbed by what he says. We need to take it with a pinch of salt. 

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Norwegian word of the day: Skog

‘Skog’ is the Norwegian word for ‘forest’, and the word is used in several typical expressions in Norway.

Norwegian word of the day: Skog

What does it mean?

Skog very simply means forest. A forest is en skog, while the forest would be skogen. Meanwhile, the plural is skoger.

The word has its roots (pun somewhat intentional) in Norse skógr and Old Danish (skogh).

Forests make up 44 percent of Norway’s land area, or around 14 million hectares. This is around half the landmass of the UK.

Whether the forest is owned by local authorities or a private person or company, the public can typically access it via the Right to Public Access (Allemannsretten). This also means they can hike, camp, and pick berries.

Given that so much of Norway is covered by forests, it’s no surprise that they have become part of so many common phrases and expressions.

Some of these are very similar to English. If you were to say, ‘ikke se skogen for bare trær’, this would mean to ‘not see the forest for the trees’.

This is used in the same way as it would be in English and means not seeing something that’s right in front of you or being so preoccupied with details that you miss the main point.

Alternatively, something futile would be ‘som å rope i skogen’ (like shouting in the woods). Because if you were deep in the forest, who would hear you shout?

You can use forest imagery to be descriptive in Norwegian, too. If you’re driving in a new area and are overwhelmed by all the turnoff signs, you could describe it as ‘en skog av trafikkskilt(a forest of traffic signs).