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Six reasons to move to the German state of Bavaria

It may be known for its beer festivals, but there's more to Bavaria than meets the eye. From the quality of life to the interesting dialects, here's why you should consider moving to the southern German state, writes Nic Houghton. 

People climb the Wahlberg in front of the Zugspitze in Bavaria.
People climb the Wahlberg in front of the Zugspitze in Bavaria earlier in October. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Peter Kneffel

Deciding to move to a different country is never an easy process. Whether you’re single or have a family, leaving the relative comfort of home to try life in a completely different culture is a massive challenge but not one without numerous benefits.

Having lived in Germany for a decade, I’m often asked for advice on how to navigate moves, how to find a job or simply what to expect on arriving here. Something I often tell people is to choose their location carefully. Often it’s not as simple as just choosing where to live – employment obviously plays a massive part in any decision making process. 

That being said, many people seeking jobs in Germany will look to the large cities of the north and forget what opportunities may be found further afield. As an adopted Bavarian, I can only recommend my own state for inclusion in any possible search for a new home. 

Much more than Munich 

In total Bavaria has 13.1 million residents and around 1.96 million are non-Germans. 

As state capital and largest population centre in the state (with 1.4 million residents), Munich often eclipses all other choices for those seeking a new life in Germany. However, as culturally significant as Munich is, it is easily one of the most expensive cities to live in. The jobs might be in Munich, but that doesn’t mean you have to live there.

The picturesque town of Bamberg.
The picturesque town of Bamberg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Daniel Vogl

With high speed rail links connecting the major cities in the state, it’s perfectly possible to commute and live in one of the many other beautiful cities of Bavaria. If living life by the train schedule doesn’t float your boat, then it must not be forgotten that major companies are distributed throughout the state, as well as many smaller companies that are based out of small towns and villages. Don’t assume that Munich is the only option.

READ ALSO: Why Munich is the only city I’ve ever really felt at home

Traditional – but not stuck in the past

Bavaria is often seen from outside as the epitome of a particular brand of German conservative traditionalism. While you are certainly more likely to come across someone wearing Trachten (traditional clothing) on a Tuesday morning than other parts of Germany, this can be overblown.

Many cities still enforce silent days (no music or singing) on religious holidays and some cities still have regulations against making too much noise on Sundays. In reality most of the time it simply depends on your neighbours. Make an effort to introduce yourself and you’ll find that giving the house a quick hoover on a Sunday afternoon won’t lead to a knock at the door from the Ordnungsamt.

READ ALSO: Ruhezeit – what you need to know about ‘quiet time’ in Germany

Opportunity to learn German (with different dialects)

This one might seem kind of obvious, but you would be surprised how many people I know who’ve managed to live here for a very long time without ever really bothering to learn the language. It’s very possible, although it’s not recommended.

For one thing, any interaction with local or national government will be in German. Another point is that given the wide variety of dialects still active in Bavaria, getting a grasp on the language will open doors to a whole world of interesting language. Not learning any German essentially dooms a person to a half existence here, take the plunge and the rewards will be plentiful.

READ ALSO: 15 Bavarian words you need to survive down south

A balloon says 'I like you' in a Bavarian dialect.
A balloon says ‘I like you’ in a Bavarian dialect. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

A good helping of public holidays

Bavaria has significantly more public holidays than any other state in Germany thanks to the many Catholic holidays still observed in the state. Nominally there are 12 public holidays, but that very much depends if they fall on a weekend or not. Then again, if you happen to live in certain areas, this can increase to as many as 13 (due to local holidays). Some cities or areas of cities have their own public holidays or half days too.

Contrast this with Berlin which only has 10 public holidays throughout the year. Three extra days might not seem like much, but once you realise that Bavarians are living it up while you’re trudging to the U-Bahn in the capital, you might start to see the benefit. The placement of these extra days is vital too. Bavarians recovering from New Year know that January 6th (Epiphany) is free and so often offices won’t reopen until after the 6th, giving some workers an extra couple of days free. Equally, All Saints Day (November 1st) also secures you another day off. Choose wisely, it may well pay off in the longterm. 

READ ALSO: How you can make the most of Germany’s public holidays 

Large state with lots to see

Bavaria is the largest state in Germany and it shows. Travelling around there are thousands of areas of natural beauty, from rolling hills, to castles, to mountains. The size also means there’s always something to visit, whether that’s one of the many chocolate box villages or large cities. City tours can be mixed with mountain hikes or for the less actively inclined, there are numerous spa towns.

Sure, most of my weekends are currently filled with wrangling a small child, but these wonderful locations are still out there, waiting. 

A man enjoys a beer at the Starnberger See in Bavaria in early October.
A man enjoys a beer at the stunning Starnberger See in Bavaria in early October. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Come for the view, stay for the beer festivals 

If the public holidays, beautiful scenery or love of language didn’t seal the deal, there’s one more thing that Bavaria can offer. Sure, everyone has heard of Oktoberfest, but what many people don’t know is that most villages, towns and cities in the state celebrate their own beer fuelled local festivals.

One of the best parts about travelling the state of a weekend is the chance you might fortuitously discover one such festival in full swing. Although the purpose of the celebration may be unclear, the beer and sausages will answer most questions. 

Are you a Bavarian resident or are you considering a move there? Do you agree with this article or have more to add? Let us know by emailing or leaving a comment.

Member comments

  1. Nic, thanks for the encouragement. My husband and I will be retiring next year and plan on moving to Bavaria. Our first months will be spent in language school as you advise. Currently we’re zeroing in on Landshut. But who knows! Again, thanks for article and thanks to The Local.

  2. We found Landshut as it it is twinned with Elgin. We retired here and it is a lovely place to live. Old town lively, many restaurants and of course there is the LAHO – the reenactment of a wedding from the Middle Ages. Can recommend it.

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How to find a self-storage space for your belongings in Germany

If you need to temporarily store some of your stuff while you’re away, moving or refurbishing your home, this is what you need to know about available storage options in Germany.

How to find a self-storage space for your belongings in Germany

As you’re probably aware, German homes are not necessarily the most spacious. According to data from Germany’s statistical office, the average German home has 93 square metres of floor space.

The average amount of living space per person in the Bundesrepublik comes to just 46 square metres. For context, that’s more than China, which has an average of 30 square metres per person, but significantly less than the US with an average of 75 square metres per person, according to data compiled by Zeit.

Which is to say, while living in Germany, you may not be left with a lot of space to store all of your personal belongings.

Most apartments in Germany come with a basement or cellar room, called a Keller in German, where you can pile up some of the belongings you’re not using. These are usually on the underground floors, and vary in size but each flat in an apartment building will have one.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED – What you can and can’t do in your basement in Germany

But if you’re between homes, you won’t necessarily have access to a Keller, and if you don’t immediately have another place to store your stuff, this can present a challenge. 

What self-storage options are there in Germany?

There are plenty of private companies offering storage space (Lagerraum) for rent. 

A few established storage space rental companies include: LagerboxShurgard and My Place Self Storage

All of the aforementioned companies have locations across Germany’s big cities, like Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt and Munichcities, as well as a decent number of options in smaller cities as well.

How much does self-storage cost in Germany?

The cost to rent self-storage space varies depending primarily on how much space you need and for how long, but other factors, like the location of your local Lagerraum, can also affect the price. 

So it’s probably worth comparing prices between your local options before renting one, if you’d like to save some money.

Looking at rental price quotes for storage locations in Berlin’s Neukölln neighbourhood, Lagerbox advertises rates around €20 to €30 per month for its smallest storage spaces (from 0.5 to 1.5 square metres).

My Place advertises small space (one to three square metres) from €13,57 per week, with the first four weeks free of charge. Shurgard currently advertises €27 per month for a 1.5 square metre space, but the price appears to be part of a promotional sale.

Note that storage rentals often come with additional fees for things like an obligatory lock purchase or added insurance.

Use a moving company to store your belongings

Especially, if you only need to store your things while in-between houses, you can hire a moving company (Umzugs Unternehmen) which will provide door-to-door delivery service and keep your things secure in between move-out and move-in dates.

Frankfurt-based Fermont offers storage in addition to its moving and relocation services and also operates worldwide. Alternatively websites like Movinga or Smoover can help organise your move, and offer add-on services like apartment painting. Smoover advertises that communication can be managed in English on WhatsApp. 

READ ALSO: What Americans in Germany need to know when moving back to the US