Five key things Danish PM said about country’s coronavirus situation

During a briefing on Monday evening, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen stressed key government messages relating to the current status of the Covid-19 epidemic in Denmark.

Danish PM Mette Frederiksen had a clear message for unvaccinated people in Denmark during a press briefing on November 8th.
Danish PM Mette Frederiksen had a clear message for unvaccinated people in Denmark during a press briefing on November 8th. Photo: Ólafur Steinar Rye Gestsson/Ritzau Scanpix

Frederiksen on Monday announced the government would reintroduce requirements to show a valid coronapas (Covid-19 health pass) at bars, restaurants and some events.

During the briefing, Frederiksen and other senior officials confirmed the decision and underlined a number of other messages related to the Covid-19 situation as Denmark enters late autumn.

READ ALSO: Danish parliament expected to green-light return of coronapas

Frederiksen urges unvaccinated to get a jab

The prime minister did not mince words as she stressed the importance of vaccination in keeping infections and pressure on hospitals at bay.

Frederiksen, along with Health Minister Magnus Heunicke, Danish Health Authority director Søren Brostrom and Henrik Ullum, head of the national infectious disease agency SSI, all pointed out Denmark’s high vaccination rate while saying it also needs to be higher.

“It can’t be said clearly enough. Those of you who are not yet been vaccinated: do so,” Frederiksen said.

Data clearly shows lower infection rates and lower hospitalisation rates, and less time spent in hospital with Covid-19 for people who are vaccinated, she said.

“For all of you who are not vaccinated, (things) are going to become more difficult. And that’s also how I think it should be,” she added with reference to incoming coronapas requirements.

Denmark currently has a Covid-19 vaccination rate of just over 75 percent.

Government does not expect new lockdown

A new national lockdown echoing those put into place in March and December 2020 is not an eventuality the government is working towards, Frederiksen said on Monday.

“We are considering to a greater degree what we can do to stop the views small group of unvaccinated people have on the vaccine from ruining everything for the vast majority,” she said when asked about the potential for lockdowns.

The PM did not go into further details as to what that would entail.

Elevation of Covid-19 to “critical threat” status

The government supports upgrading Covid-19 to the status of “critical threat to society”, following a recommendation from the advisory Epidemic Commission and reversing move in September which saw the status of the virus downgraded and earlier restrictions lifted. 

The commission includes representatives from health authorities, the police and four ministries.

A disease is considered a “critical threat” when it threatens the functions of society as a whole, by for instance, overwhelming the health system.

In such instances, the government can impose bans on people gathering, close schools, demand Covid-19 passes, and mandate use of face masks, provided a parliamentary majority does not oppose this.

“We cannot let the virus run wild in Denmark,” Frederiksen said.

Return of coronapas

The government on Monday wants to reintroduce rules requiring a valid coronapas at bars, restaurants, nightclubs and large events, amid surging cases of the coronavirus in Denmark.

The coronapas is used to document a recent negative Covid-19 test or immunity against the virus due to vaccination or recent recovery from infection.

The health pass will also be required at indoor events with over 200 spectators and outdoors events with over 2,000 spectators.

The period for which earlier infection can form the basis for a valid coronapas will be reduced from 12 months to 6 months, Heunicke said during the briefing.

Rules requiring the pass will apply to those over the age of 15, in a change from the earlier minimum age of 16.

Parliament is expected to give the necessary backing for the move.

Upcoming local elections get Covid-19 safety focus

Provisions to cast a ballot outdoors will be made available at next week’s municipal and regional elections.

Frederiksen said outdoors voting would be offered at poll stations across the country for the November 16th elections. She also said poll stations would ensure adequate cleaning and that hand sanitizer was available.

“You are also welcome to bring a facemask and your own pen, if you are most comfortable with this,” the prime minister said.

Over 400,000 foreign nationals, including non-EU citizens, are eligible to vote in the local elections.

READ ALSO: How to vote as a foreign resident in Denmark’s local elections

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Denmark extends detention of Prime Minister’s suspected attacker

The man accused of assaulting Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen on a public square earlier this month will remain in custody until July 4th, a Copenhagen court ruled on Thursday.

Denmark extends detention of Prime Minister's suspected attacker

The 39-year-old Polish man is suspected of punching Frederiksen on June 7th as she walked in central Copenhagen, leaving her with a minor whiplash injury.

“The court has decided that the suspect will remain in custody until July 4th,” a court official told AFP, following a hearing that lasted less than an hour.

The man, who was arrested immediately after the incident, has denied responsibility and says he has no recollection of what happened.

Frederiksen, 46, underwent a medical examination afterwards and was diagnosed with a “contusion on her right shoulder and a minor whiplash injury”, according to her office.

A medical certificate was presented to the court on Thursday.

Frederiksen and several witnesses have been questioned in the ongoing investigation, police said.

In police questioning, relayed to the court on Thursday, Frederiksen said the man approached her and uttered something incomprehensible, then hit her on the shoulder with a closed fist, Danish news agency Ritzau reported on Thursday.

READ ALSO: Danish PM Frederiksen makes first public appearance since assault

According to prosecutor Line Steffensen, the man was drunk and had stolen alcohol from a grocery store just prior to his encounter with the prime minister.

Steffensen said the man had been arrested on several occasions for shoplifting since moving to Denmark five years ago.

Frederiksen became Denmark’s youngest ever prime minister when she was elected in 2019, aged 41. She won re-election in 2022.

She said after the attack that she was “shaken” and did not take part in the final day of campaigning for the EU election.