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Nine things you need to know when relocating to Vienna

Vienna waits for you, Billy Joel sang, but he forgot to mention the mountain of administration and culture shocks also waiting. Martine Pey, who has lived in Vienna for more than 20 years and works as a relocation consultant, spoke to The Local about her top tips for moving to the Austrian capital.

Vienna skyline
There is a lot to sort out when moving from one country or another, but don't neglect these nine crucial points. Photo: Dimitry Anikin/Unsplash

1. Take care of necessary bureaucracy 

The first step when relocating to Austria should be to complete the Meldezettel, which is the compulsory address registration certificate. Without a Meldezettel you won’t be able to rent an apartment, get a mobile phone contract or register for family allowance, so make sure it is at the top of your to-do list.

READ MORE: Meldezettel: Everything you need to know about Austria’s compulsory address registration

2. Learn the language

Learning German is more of a long-term goal and it’s not going to happen overnight, but it’s important to have some basic language skills, even if just for simple tasks like buying groceries. When I first moved to Austria from France I made some simple mistakes, like buying powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar because I didn’t have knowledge of the language. Learning a few basic words can really make a difference when you arrive!

3. Understand the rental market

Finding a good home can be hard when you first move to Austria as most adverts and websites are in German. It can be confusing when comparing offers because some prices will include utilities, like heating, whereas others won’t. To prepare for this, I would suggest translating some key words and terms to make sure you understand the advert before booking a viewing. Another tip is to get help from a colleague, a relocation company or a friend with good German skills. 

Also, don’t make the mistake of visiting the same flat with two different agents. If you decide to take it they will both expect the commission (known as a Provision). Apartments are often listed with several different agencies and tenants can end up receiving two invoices from two different agents for the same property.


4. Get help with contracts

It’s crucial to understand a rental contract before signing it. Google Translate can help to an extent but it can’t tell you if a clause is unusual or illegal. I recommend people seek advice from a tenant’s association, a lawyer or a relocation company before signing a contract. Examples of unusual clauses include having to repaint the entire flat, or a two-year non-cancellation clause. This is illegal but most people that have recently relocated to Austria won’t be aware of it.

5. Explore the city

When moving to a city like Vienna it’s a good idea to spend some time visiting the different districts before making appointments to view apartments. People often do the opposite and start searching for a flat online, then realise they don’t actually like the area when they visit it.

The best way to explore a new city is by bike or public transport to get an understanding of the local infrastructure and to identify the most attractive areas for your needs. In Vienna, many residents use the Qando transport app. It helps people to find the fastest route between where they are and where they want to go.

Keep an open mind and visit as many neighbourhoods as you can before deciding where to settle. Photo: Dan Visan/Unsplash

6. Find a doctor

Finding a doctor in Vienna is quite easy. Around 70 percent of doctors are public, which means visits are covered by social insurance payments. Plus, there is no obligation to stay with the same doctor in Austria, so if you don’t like one, you can try another practice.

New residents in Vienna can find a doctor by using the Praxisplan platform (an online search tool). Praxisplan allows users to submit their criteria, including whether they would prefer a male or female doctor and any language specifications. Alternatively, new residents can speak to friends or colleagues to get recommendations. 

READ MORE: How the Austrian healthcare system works

7. Don’t be afraid to seek advice from professionals

In Vienna, new residents can visit the Expat Center, which is financed by the Vienna Business Agency. They offer free advice on a range of topics, from launching a business to finding a relocation company or even help with formalities.

8. Be prepared for cultural differences

Many people think that Austria is similar to Germany but it’s actually quite different and I advise anyone relocating here to have an open mind. Try not to make too many comparisons with your home country or neighbouring countries. Austria can actually be quite laid back and there is almost an Italian bohemian quality to the culture. Today, all countries in Europe look similar with the same shops and brands, but Austria is a bit different and there is something special here that people should be aware of.

9. Make an effort to integrate 

Integrating into Austrian life can be difficult for international residents – especially for couples without children who don’t meet other parents through a school. Austrian people often have their own lives and don’t always have space for new friends that don’t speak German, so it can be hard to meet new people. Loneliness can become a problem when relocating to Austria but engaging in some activities can be worthwhile, like walking a dog or joining a badminton group. Another problem is when a spouse stays at home while the other is at work and we are currently in the process of creating an expat club in Vienna to help new residents with integration.  

Martine Pey is a founding partner of Recom Relocation in Vienna.

What are your tips for people relocating to Vienna, or elsewhere in Austria? Get in touch at to share your comments, and we may share a selection in a future article.

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  1. “Without a Meldezettel you won’t be able to rent an apartment”

    You need an address for the Meldezettel, or so I thought. So how does this work?

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Five unusual cafes in Vienna you should not miss out on

In the mood for a coffee inside an elevator, surrounded by cats, or served by an Austrian grandmother? Here are five of Vienna's most interesting cafés that you should not miss out on.

Five unusual cafes in Vienna you should not miss out on

Vienna is known for its rich coffeehouse culture, with elegant cafes serving traditional brews in grand settings.

But beyond the classic spots, the city is also home to a range of quirky and unusual cafes offering unique experiences for those looking to explore something different. From eccentric decor to themed menus, these hidden gems add a playful twist to Vienna’s famous coffee scene.

Whether you’re a local or a visitor, these cafes provide a refreshing break from the ordinary, offering not just coffee, but a chance to step into a world of creativity and charm.

Here’s a look at some of Vienna’s most intriguing spots to enjoy a drink with a difference.

Café Neko

This is the place to go if you want to pet some cute cats while enjoying a coffee or cake.

You will find Café Neko – which means cat in Japanese – in a cute street in Vienna’s city centre, and once you enter, you will be greeted by the café’s five resident cats. 

In addition to cat petting, you can enjoy a wide range of coffees and Austrian and Japanese cakes since one of the co-owners is from Japan. 

The café opened in 2012 and is Austria’s first cat café and one of the first ones in Europe.

Here, you can enjoy a cosy atmosphere, surrounded by cats playing with their toys spread around the rooms.

Find out more about the café here.

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READ ALSO: Caffeine, war and Freud: A history of Vienna’s iconic coffee houses

Aufzug café

Are you a fan of old Austrian elevators? If so, this is a place worth visiting. 

Here, you can drink your coffee while sitting in one of the cafe’s old elevators. The staff serving you are also dressed as old-time elevator porters. 

You can enjoy high-quality coffee, different drinks and some cakes.

Due to the size of the space, the menu is quite simple, but the coffee and cakes are known for their good quality.

The café is also a bit of a museum, with elevator-related attributes, books about elevators, and photos of old Austrian elevators, sometimes with an explanatory text next to them.

Read more about it here

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If you have problems with allergies or are on a strict diet, this is the place where you can enjoy your drinks, cakes, and snacks without any issues.

Here, you can order cakes or pastries without fructose, low in histamine, or without additives, to name a few examples.

You can also find various types of milk for your drink, such as rice or almond milk.

The café uses ingredients that minimise the risk of cross-contamination to ensure that its pastries are suitable for people with specific dietary needs.

The setting is cosy and friendly, and the café has a terrace.

Check out the menu here

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READ MORE: How to drink coffee like an Austrian


This café is one of Vienna’s most famous ones. It was created to support the city’s elderly by providing them with a sense of community, a weekly activity, and an opportunity to earn extra money.

The idea turned out to be a success, and the concept is seen as a win-win situation for both the employees and the visitors, as the cosy café offers delicious cakes, coffee, and drinks.

While visiting the café, you usually pay for a package and can thereby sit in the cosy atmosphere for a certain amount of time. During this time, you can enjoy as much coffee as you want together with your cake.

Vollpension Café has two locations in Vienna and, in addition to the many different cakes and drinks, also offers breakfast.

If you get inspired by the pastries, you can take a baking class at the café, which is regularly organised.

Find out more here

Karin Hofbauer, 62, bakes for Vollpension, and smiles as she shows a baking tray in front of a laptop. (Photo by JOE KLAMAR / AFP)

Café Phil

You should go here if you do not want to visit only a café but also a bookstore and vinyl shop.

You can enjoy coffee and cake here while looking through many books and vinyl records.

The café often hosts cultural events such as book readings and live music gigs and is where people in Vienna gather regularly.

The atmosphere is familiar, and the menu includes light dishes and snacks in addition to coffee and cakes.

You can read more about it here

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READ NEXT: IN PICTURES: The Vienna coffee shop where phone-less visitors get a discount