Over 38,000 new Covid-19 cases registered in Denmark

A total of 38,759 new cases of Covid-19 were registered in Denmark on Wednesday, setting another hitherto record for the pandemic.

An information sign for face masks at Danish rail stations during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Nordic country registered almost 39,000 new cases on January 19th 2022, a new record.
An information sign for face masks at Danish rail stations during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Nordic country registered almost 39,000 new cases on January 19th 2022, a new record. File photo: Ólafur Steinar Rye Gestsson/Ritzau Scanpix

The figure is almost 10,000 more than the record as it stood just two days ago and more than 5,000 over the figure from Tuesday, which was the existing record.

224,485 PCR tests were taken during the last day, meaning the test positivity rate was 17.27 percent or around one in six tests.

The total number of patients with Covid-19 in hospital in Denmark is now 821, 11 more than on Tuesday. This number can include Covid positive people who are receiving hospital treatment for conditions other than Covid.

50 people are admitted to intensive care due to Covid-19, with 30 of them receiving ventilator treatment. Those numbers remain stable this week and have fallen slightly since late December.

“As long as the number of hospitalised patients does not increase – and especially the number of patients in intensive care, which is a reflection of how sick the patients are getting – then you have to say that transmission is present throughout the community but does not give rise to the population becoming terribly ill,” Christian Wamberg, the head doctor at the intensive care unit at Copenhagen’s Bispebjerg Hospital, told news wire Ritzau.

“That is probably due to the vaccines and that the (Omicron variant) is not as dangerous,” Wamberg said.

Around 3.4 million people in Denmark – just under 60 percent of the population – has so far received a Covid-19 booster vaccination.

READ ALSO: Sweden scraps negative Covid test for travellers from Denmark

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Covid-19: Danish authorities ’not concerned’ after new subvariant detected

A new subvariant of Covid-19 has been detected in Denmark. Health authorities say they are monitoring the situation.

Covid-19: Danish authorities ’not concerned’ after new subvariant detected

The new variant was first detected in India around three months ago and has now been detected in Denmark for the first time with two confirmed cases, news wire Ritzau reports.

Health Minister Magnus Heunicke confirmed the variant had been found in Denmark in a Twitter post on Saturday.

The variant, BJ.1, is a subvariant of the existing Omicron form of the coronavirus and was first registered in India on July 2nd. It has since been detected in four other countries.

“Two cases of the new Covid-19 subvariant BJ.1 have been found in Denmark,” Heunicke wrote.

“It is completely expected that BJ.1 would appear in Denmark and the State Serum Institute [national infectious disease control agency, ed.] is not currently concerned but is following the situation closely,” he said.

It is currently unclear whether BJ.1, also termed BA.2.10.1, can be expected to cause more serious symptoms than the current dominant form of Omicron.

“BJ.1 has more mutations to the spike protein than subvariants of the dominant BA.5, but the importance of these mutations is not known for certain,” Heunicke wrote.

The most recent infection trends report, issued last week by the State Serum Institute, stated that infection numbers in people aged 60 and over had increased during the preceding week. Infection numbers have been otherwise stable in all age groups in recent weeks.

Denmark currently only recommends a PCR test for Covid-19 for people at risk of serious illness who suspect they have the virus.

Last week’s infection trends report noted that BJ.1 was yet to be detected in Denmark.