Denmark to give 320,000 households money for heating bills

Around 320,000 households in Denmark are to be given money to help cover the costs of soaring heating bills after a majority in parliament backed spending on the issue.

Danish energy minister Dan Jørgensen
Danish energy minister Dan Jørgensen on February 11th announced a subsidy for over 300,000 households who will receive money to help pay for expensive heating bills. Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

Steep increases in energy prices over the last year have affected a large number of households in Denmark, and political parties have in recent weeks urged the government to respond and put forward proposals for how to tackle the problem.

“We think it’s fair that we give this helping hand because we’re in such a unique situation. We are not used to helping people pay these types of bills,” climate, energy and critical supplies minister Dan Jørgensen said at a briefing.

“We have not chosen, as others have proposed, to give a broad tax break to all Danes. That would result in us helping many Danes with a small amount. The effects of this need to be felt be the people who receive the cheques,” he said.

According to the agreement, which was presented on Friday, the government along with its traditional allies on the left wing, as well as the Christian Democrats, support a deal which spends around one billion kroner on one-off subsidies for households affected by high heating bills.

Around 320,000 households will receive 3,750 kroner under the scheme. Payouts will occur automatically, so eligible households do not need to go through an application process.

Conditions for receiving the support include the home being located in an area with district heating driven primarily by gas power plants, or the home having individual gas heating.

Households must have overall annual incomes under 550,000 kroner to qualify for the scheme.

The political agreement also provides for expedited replacement of individual gas heating systems. Spending on this will be 250 million kroner, which means the total value of the agreement is 1.25 billion kroner.

Conservative parties on Thursday evening withdrew from negotiations over a deal, saying the government was not prepared to spend enough and that too few households would therefore receive funds.

“We have left the negotiations because the amount that was proposed was too low. We wanted a model with a higher income threshold so normal families also get help,” Liberal (Venstre) party energy spokesperson Carsten Kissmeyer told news wire Ritzau.

Parties on the right wanted money saved by the government on sustainable energy subsidies – which have not been realised by energy companies due to their increased revenues resulting from high energy prices – to be diverted to the household benefits, to the total of four billion kroner.

Jørgensen said on Friday that this was not possible because those funds were tied in to other areas.

READ ALSO: Why some homes in Denmark are more affected by rocketing heating bills

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IN DATA: Danish incomes rise faster than any time in the last 30 years

The average income earned in Denmark shot up by 6.3 percent in 2023, the largest annual rise in earnings recorded since the early 1990s. We break down the numbers.

IN DATA: Danish incomes rise faster than any time in the last 30 years

The average pre-tax income in Denmark rose to 395,500 kroner in 2023, a 6.3 percent rise on the average in 2022, and the highest year-on-year percentage rise in real incomes seen in the country in 30 years.

The sharp rise was driven primarily by income from investments, with shares and funds which performed poorly in 2022 bouncing back strongly in 2023, leading to a near-doubling in the earnings booked by many Danes. 

"The high increase in the average total income per person before tax in 2023 must be seen in the light of an extremely good year on the financial markets," Statistics Denmark wrote in a press release. The average pre-tax income from assets shot up 77 percent to 24,600 kroner in 2023, after the disappointing 29 percent decline in investment earnings received on average in 2022. 

Income from salaries rose a very solid 4.1 percent, with the average pre-tax salary rising by 10,100 kroner to 255,900 kroner. Income from small businesses rose 3.8 percent from 265,500 kroner to 275,500 kroner, while income for the self-employed was flat compared to 2022 at an average of 18,600 kroner. 

"It's hardly surprising that income is rising on average," Brian Friis Helmer, a private economist at Arbejdernes Landsbank, said in a comment. "Employment rose by more than 30,000 last year, and wages in the private sector, in particular, rose noticeably. With more Danes in work and more in the salary bag, it raises the average income."