Swiss vote to ban nearly all tobacco advertising

The Swiss voted on Sunday to tighten their notoriously lax tobacco laws by banning virtually all advertising of the hazardous products, partial results showed.

tobacco advertising
Switzerland votes to ban tobacco advertising. Photo: CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP

Nearly 56 percent of voters and 15 of Switzerland’s 26 cantons backed the near-total tobacco advertising ban, according to official results after all ballots had been tallied in 22 cantons.

“We are extremely happy,” Stefanie De Borba of the Swiss League against Cancer, told AFP as the results became clear.

“The people have understood that health is more important than economic interests.”

Switzerland lags far behind most wealthy nations in restricting tobacco advertising – a situation widely blamed on hefty lobbying by some of the world’s biggest tobacco companies headquartered in the country.

Currently, most tobacco advertising is legal at a national level, except for ads on television and radio, and ones that specifically target minors.

Some Swiss cantons have introduced stricter regional legislation and a new national law is pending but campaigners gathered enough signatures to spur a vote towards a significantly tighter country-wide law.

‘Kills half of all users’

Opponents of the initiative, which include the Swiss government and parliament, had argued that it goes too far.

“This initiative is extreme,” said Patrick Eperon, a lobbyist with an employer organisation and a spokesman for the “No” campaign.

By banning basically all tobacco advertising in the name of protecting children, “it infantilises adults”, he told AFP before the vote.

His concerns echo those voiced by Philip Morris International (PMI), the world’s largest tobacco company, which, like British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco, is headquartered in Switzerland and has helped fund the “No” campaign.

“This is a slippery slope as far as individual freedom is concerned,” a spokesman for PMI’s Swiss section told AFP.

“(It) paves the way for further advertising bans on products such as alcohol or sugar,” he said.

Jean-Paul Humair, who heads a Geneva addiction prevention centre and serves as a spokesman for the “Yes” campaign, flatly rejected that comparison.

“There is no other consumer product that kills half of all users,” he told AFP.

Campaigners say lax advertising laws have stymied efforts to bring down smoking rates in the Alpine nation of 8.6 million people, where more than a quarter of adults consume tobacco products.

There are around 9,500 tobacco-linked deaths each year.

Animal testing

While they backed the effort to ban most tobacco advertising, Swiss voters were not convinced by a number of other issues on the ballot Sunday as part of the country’s direct democratic system.

Partial results showed they had flatly rejected a bid for a blanket ban on all animal testing, with nearly 80 percent opposed.

All political parties, parliament and the government had opposed the initiative, arguing it went too far and would have dire consequences for medical research.

Switzerland has rejected three similar initiatives by large margins since 1985.

Researchers say medical progress is impossible without experimentation, and even the Swiss Animal Protection group has warned against the initiative’s “radical” demands.

Swiss authorities say the country already has among the world’s strictest laws regulating animal testing.

As the laws have tightened, the number of animals used has fallen in recent decades, from nearly two million per year in the early 1980s to around 560,000 today.

In another animal-themed vote, first results indicated that inhabitants in the northern Basel-Stadt canton have massively rejected a bid to afford non-human primates some of the same basic fundamental rights as their human cousins, with over 75 percent opposed.

Among the other issues on Sunday’s slate, partial results also showed that some 56 percent of voters had rejected a government plan to provide additional state funding to media companies, which have seen their advertising revenues evaporate in recent years.

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Can foreigners be treated in Swiss hospitals?

With the recent news that an increasing number of Germans are seeking medical treatment in Swiss hospitals, you may be wondering whether, and under what conditions, foreign nationals have the right to access Switzerland’s healthcare system.

Can foreigners be treated in Swiss hospitals?

With a number of hospitals in Germany being closed, an increasing number of people from that country are seeking medical treatment in Swiss health facilities.

This phenomenon is especially visible in hospitals located in border cantons like Basel, Aargau and Schaffhausen, where thousands of patients from Germany are being treated for a variety of health problems.

The highest numbers are recorded in maternity wards; in some Swiss clinics, for instance, 40 percent of women giving birth come from Germany.

A question that may come up right now is: are foreign nationals  allowed to seek medical treatment in Switzerland and if so, under what conditions?

That depends on several factors:


If you are a foreigner who lives in Switzerland with a B, L, or C permit, you are obligated to purchase a Swiss health insurance policy which covers you for medical treatment and prescribed medication in your canton of residence.

You can get an exemption from taking on Swiss health insurance if:

  • You are retired and get a pension exclusively in an EU or EFTA state
  • You are a cross-border worker with healthcare policy in a EU or EFTA state
  • You are a foreign student and have comparable insurance from your country
  • You work for international organisations or are a diplomat


If you hail from the EU or EFTA states (Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein), your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will cover you, free of charge, for medical emergencies — just as a Swiss tourist would be within the European Union / EFTA. This also applies to non-EU citizens who are resident in EU countries and are registered in the local healthcare system.

Keep in mind though that Switzerland has very specific rules about what constitutes a true medical emergency, as explained here: What are Switzerland’s guidelines for health emergencies?

The EHIC will also cover you if you need to seek treatment in Switzerland for medical conditions that require immediate attention but are not life-threatening — for instance, if you come down with an illness which requires a prescription for medications that can’t be postponed until your return to your country.

It will not cover the cost of repatriation back to your home country.

Visitors to Switzerland are advised to take out travel insurance that will cover the costs which EHIC will not.

What if you are a tourist from a third country who needs medical help while visiting Switzerland?

In this case, you will have to pay for the treatment you receive right away with your credit card, and then seek reimbursement either from your health insurance in your country or from your personal health or travel insurance.

Alternatively, you can purchase a ‘visitor’ plan from a number of Swiss insurance companies that will cover you for the duration of your stay. But here too you will have to pay for your treatment right away and then file a claim with the insurance carrier, including documents, such as the medical report and proof of payment. 

What about non-emergency treatment?

This brings us to the aforementioned German patients who come to be treated in Swiss hospitals.

In non-urgent situations, such as elective surgeries or giving birth for instance,  the EHIC is not sufficient.

To receive treatment in a Swiss hospital, foreign nationals must either have a Swiss health insurance or have supplementary coverage that would cover them for treatment abroad.

Without this supplementary coverage, European patients should ask health providers in their countries whether treatment in Switzerland would be covered.