Everything you need to know about Swedish bomb shelters and where to find them

Sweden has over 65,000 shelters to be used in the event of war. Find out how to find your nearest shelter, and how you'll know when to use it.

Everything you need to know about Swedish bomb shelters and where to find them
A Swedish bomb shelter in Stockholm. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

Sweden’s 65,000 shelters have enough space for 7 million people, and are mainly for use in larger towns and cities which can be difficult to evacuate. You can recognise them easily – all shelters display a sign comprising of a blue triangle inside an orange square, over the word skyddsrum in capital letters.

Which shelter do I belong to?

You are not assigned a specific shelter, but are advised to attend the shelter closest to your location. They are often located in apartment cellars, but can also be found in metro stations or commercial buildings.

Don’t worry if your apartment building’s shelter is currently used for another purpose, such as bike parking or for storage. Shelters are designed to be used for other purposes in peacetime, and must be emptied within 48 hours’ notice by the building’s owner in the event of an alarm.

A full list of Sweden’s shelters is available here – just type in your address in the top left-hand corner under sök skyddsrum to find out where your nearest shelter is.

How do I know when to go there?

Have you ever heard an unexplained loud honking noise around 3pm on a Monday? That’s “Hoarse Fredrik”, Sweden’s alarm system used for warning the population in the event of a life-threatening situation in peacetime.

The siren system is tested in populated areas all over Sweden, on the first Monday of March, June, September and December at three o’clock on the dot. If you hear Hoarse Fredrik outside of these times, he’s warning the public of danger such as a big fire or an explosion. 

But this signal (seven-second blasts interspersed with 14-second silence, followed by a longer signal which indicates ‘hazard over’) does NOT mean you should head to your nearest shelter, only that you should go inside, close all windows and turn on Swedish public radio.

In wartime, on the other hand, the air raid alarm (which consists of a signal with regular two-second bursts, lasting for a minute in total) will instead be used, and when you hear that you should head to your nearest shelter, and again, turn on the radio.

What facilities are there in a shelter?

In a shelter which has been correctly prepared, there should be water, heating, ventilation and toilets. There is no food. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency recommends that you take the following with you:

  • a torch
  • bottled water
  • food which can be stored at room temperature
  • hygiene products
  • toilet paper
  • medicine
  • first aid kit
  • warm clothes
  • valuables (ID card, cash, debit or credit card)
  • keys
  • mobile phone and charger or powerbank

A complete checklist is available on pages 10 and 11 of the agency’s brochure, “If Crisis or War Comes”.

Shelters are designed to protect against gases used in war, as well as shockwaves and shrapnel from a bomb weighing up to 250 kilos. They should be able to provide shelter for up to three days.

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EXPLAINED: Is national service compulsory in Sweden?

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently revealed plans to introduce compulsory national service, referencing Sweden as an inspiration for this. But how does national service work in Sweden, and is it compulsory for everyone?

EXPLAINED: Is national service compulsory in Sweden?

Although Sweden hasn’t formally been involved in a war since 1814, the country has had some sort of conscription system since the 17th century, excluding a seven-year window between 2010 and 2017, where it was scrapped (or more specifically, “suspended in peacetime”).

Historically, it applied to men only, but was extended to include women in 2010.

Is it mandatory?

Yes and no.

When a Swedish citizen turns 18, they receive a letter from The Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency asking for information on their health, interests and education, in order to determine whether they should be called up for compulsory military service, officially known as värnplikt (“duty to protect”). 

This document is sent out to all Swedes turning 18 in a given year, and it is mandatory to fill this in, with a few exceptions, such as people who receive benefits from the Social Insurance Agency or residential care homes for children and young people (like HVB-hem or SiS-hem).

Having said that, it is by no means every Swede turning 18 in a given year who actually ends up carrying out military service.

In 2023, the agency collected information on 102,286 young people in Sweden turning 18 that year, with 36,420 called up for testing.

If you don’t turn up to these tests, known in Swedish as mönstringen, you can be sentenced to brott mot totalförsvarsplikten or “crime against the total defence obligation”, which carries with it a fine of 2,000 kronor or up to a year in prison.

These tests at the Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency are mandatory, and include a theory test, a medical examination, eye and colour blindness tests, hearing tests, as well as an EKG test, pulse and blood pressure tests.

You’ll also need to do a general fitness test and a strength test, as well as an interview with a psychologist to determine whether you’re cut out for military training.

Each test will be scored separately, with your total points determining which course within the Swedish armed forces you’ll be assigned to. You’re allowed to express a preference, although you’re not guaranteed to get a position on the course of your choice. Military training (colloquially known as lumpen) takes between 9 and 15 months, depending on the course.

Not everyone who carries out these tests will actually be called up for military training – in 2023, 6,144 (around 6 percent of everyone turning 18 that year) were assigned a course within the Swedish army, where they were joined by an additional 1,166 individuals who had applied of their own accord. 

Those who pass the tests but who aren’t assigned a position in the army are placed in the reserves, alongside people who delayed their conscription (due to their studies, for example). People in this group could be called up to perform military service if Swedish security is placed on high alert.

What about conscientious objectors?

People who for religious or political reasons do not want to use weapons can apply to carry out weapon-free military service or vapenfri tjänst. 

This doesn’t mean that you won’t have to serve at all, but you could be assigned to civil basic training, which essentially means you’d help ensure that important services like healthcare, childcare or the fire services were still running if there was a crisis.

At the moment, there are no civil basic training courses for conscientious objectors running, although the government has the power to reintroduce these.

There is no programme in Sweden similar to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s plans for 18-year-olds to dedicate one weekend a month volunteering in the community, for example by “delivering prescriptions and food to infirm people”.