France and Britain strike deal to develop new missiles

France and Britian have signed a deal to jointly develop new cruise and anti-ship missiles, their defence procurement agencies and manufacturer MDBA said Friday, after months of cross-Channel defence tensions over a submarine deal with Australia.

French destroyer ship
Britain and France strike deal to develop new missiles. Photo: AFP / Joel SAGET

Paris and London “have confirmed the launch of the preparation works for
the Future Cruise / Anti-Ship Weapon,” European missile specialist MBDA said
in a statement.

Both Britain’s Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) and France’s DGA
procurement agency confirmed the three-year contract, which MBDA said aimed to develop weapons “to be fielded at the end of the decade”.

MBDA’s new weapons, a subsonic stealth variant and a “highly manoeuvrable”
supersonic version, would replace existing missiles in use by the two countries’ navies and air forces.

The two countries had been at loggerheads on defence issues since last
year, when Britain and the US struck a deal to produce nuclear-powered
submarines for Australia as Canberra tore up an existing contract with France.

French Defence Minister Florence Parly had said in October that the missile
project was “in difficulties, given the state of our relations with the UK”.

But joint British-French missiles have been on the cards since the neighbours
signed the Lancaster House treaty in 2010, solidifying close defence ties.

Britain and France account for 60 percent of European defence spending and
80 percent of defence research and development outlays between them, far
outstripping Germany and keeping London a key military partner for Paris, even
after its departure from the European Union.

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King Charles III says on D-Day ‘nations must stand together to oppose tyranny’

British King Charles III at a D-Day commemoration in France on Thursday gave a speech in French in which he called for unity as he marked 80 years since the Allied landings in Normandy that changed the outcome of World War II.

King Charles III says on D-Day 'nations must stand together to oppose tyranny'

In the French town of Ver-sur-Mer, he paid homage to fallen Allied soldiers, French civilians who lost their lives and the courage of members of the French resistance.

“It is with the most profound sense of gratitude that we remember them, and all those who served at that critical time,” he said.

“We recall the lesson that comes to us, again and again, across the decades: Free nations must stand together to oppose tyranny,” he said.

“Let us pray such sacrifice need never be made again.”

He said he had been honoured to meet so many veterans over the years and hear their testimonies while they were still alive.

“Our ability to learn from their stories at first hand diminishes,” he said.

“But our obligation to remember them, what they stood for and what they achieved for us all can never diminish.”

Turning to French, he paid homage to what he called the “greatest tragedy of the landings: the unimaginable number of civilians who died in this joint battle for freedom”.

He also saluted the “incredible courage and sacrifice of the men and women of the French resistance”.