‘The right decision’: Why foreign residents move to the Swiss countryside

For some international residents moving away from Switzerland’s urban areas to the countryside is the right move. Here they explain why.

'The right decision': Why foreign residents move to the Swiss countryside
Off to the country: Many foreign residents are leaving cities for rural areas. Photo by PhotoMix Company / Pexels

The transition from town to country is not a new phenomenon but it has grown significantly during the Covid pandemic, when many people — Swiss and foreigners alike —  moved from cramped cities to smaller towns and villages.

To many people, this kind of relocation made even more sense given the work-from-home requirement that had been in place off and on during the pandemic.

“There was a Covid effect on a desire for the countryside. We can say that the coronavirus worked as a kind of trigger”, Joëlle Salomon-Cavin, lecturer at the Institute of Geography and Sustainability at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), said in an interview with RTS public broadcaster earlier this year.

The pandemic, however, has not been the only catalyst at play. A study carried out jointly by UNIL and the Federal Polytechnic Institute of Lausanne found three major reasons for the move: the search for a better balance in life, the desire for a less urban and more ecological way of life, and the quest for personal well-being.

Foreign residents are no exception when it comes to a desire for a simpler, greener, and less stressful life — at least this is what emerges from the answers to The Local survey.

We asked our readers to share their experiences of moving from cities to countryside, including their reasons for doing so, and whether they are happy with the choice they made.

Most respondents had mostly positive things to say about the move.

Stephen Farmer moved from Basel to Büsserbach in canton Solothurn because he wanted to buy a house with a garden “and get more peace and quiet”.

In hindsight, “it was absolutely the right decision and I’ve never been happier”.

Before he moved, “several people told me that rural Swiss don’t like foreigners and it would be difficult for me to be accepted. But the people in my village are friendly and I found it easier to make Swiss friends here than in Basel”.

Many foreigners prefer living in Swiss countryside. Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

Steve Fors relocated from Zurich to Remigen in Aargau “for more space and slower pace”.

“It was the best decision”, he said. “We love our flat and village. We’ve found great friends in our neighbours and I work remotely three days a week”.

No regrets either for another reader who moved from Zurich to Walensee in St. Gallen “in order to be closer to nature and enjoy three to four times more space for the same rent”.

Since making the move, he “found more time to read and focus on things I was passionate about”.

His conclusion: “I would never move back to a large city, especially after the past two years”.

Yet another reader relocated from Basel to Lenzerheide in Graubünden but rented out the Basel apartment “in case we want to move back one day”.

So far, however, there are no regrets or desire to go back. “Quality of life is much better here and taxes are lower. I can also ski for an hour at lunchtime or go for a hike”.

Das moved from Bern to Frauenkappellen. While he was surprised by the lack of non-Europeans in the village, “it was a good decision otherwise, both in terms of people and space”.

Sometimes, the readers are brave enough to move from one linguistic region to another, as was the case for John Aran, who relocated from Swiss-German Schaffhausen to Valais in the French-speaking part.

He found the people in his new home “much more friendly”.

“I hope I won’t regret it”

While most of the responses to our poll were positive, some readers were less enthused about their move away from larger cities.

Filip, who moved from Zurich to Wädenswil to be closer to his son’s school, said their new small town “feels lonely somehow. There is hardly anyone around during the day”.

Another transplant, Sandra Shibata, who left Geneva for Valais, found it harder to make friends in her new town. “I hope I won’t regret this decision”, she said.

One reader who also made the move from Geneva to Valais offered a more scathing review of her new home:  “Valais is super backward, sexist, and xenophobic, and job hunting is a nightmare here”.

READ MORE: Where do Switzerland’s foreigners all live?

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Where are the ‘best’ and ‘worst’ places to live in Switzerland in 2024?

A new, large-scale comparison of Swiss communities reveals where life is good — and where it leaves much to be desired.

Where are the 'best' and 'worst' places to live in Switzerland in 2024?

In all fairness, there are no truly ‘bad’ communities in Switzerland, especially in comparison to certain parts of the world.

However, in the only major ranking of this kind conducted in Switzerland, Handelzeitung newspaper set out to find out which Swiss towns of more than 2,000 residents offer the best overall quality of life to its residents, and which  ones — not so much. 

The publication examined 1,000 municipalities, ranking them on 51 criteria, including the tax burden, property prices, security, geographic location, quality of public schools, social structures, and availability of shopping venues, among others.

The data that Handelszeitung used is based mainly on public statistics, as well as on real estate price models from the company Iazi.

“Among the main factors for a municipality to be at the top are low taxes, proximity to the centre, and the presence of a lake,” according the study’s author, Donato Scognamiglio.

The findings can be summed up thus: all the best communities are located in the Swiss-German part of the country (mainly in Zurich and central Switzerland), while the ‘worst’ are predominantly in the French-speaking cantons, as well as Ticino.

And the best places are….

Based on the above criteria, Handelszeitung selected these 10 communes as the best places to live in the country:
1 Meggen (LU)
2 Hergiswil (NW)
3 Oberkirch (LU)
4 Cham (ZG)
5 Zug (ZG)
6 Zollikon (ZH)
7 Freienbach (SZ)
8 Küsnacht (ZH)
9 Hünenberg (ZG)
10 Kilchberg (ZH)

Why has the municipality of Meggen earned  the top spot?

 “Living in Meggen is considered a privilege by most people,” said mayor Carmen Holdener.

“But it’s not just the rich and privileged who live here,” she added. “The population is very diverse.”

City statistics do show that foreign nationals make up nearly 25 percent of the town’s 7,768  residents.

What about Hergiswil, which is in the second-place?

The Nidwalden municipality is well connected by transport, and its location between Pilatus and Lake Lucerne offers many leisure activities.

But its main attraction may lie elsewkere: “We keep taxes in Hergiswil consistently low,” said the mayor, Daniel Rogenmoser. “This is important for taxpayers so that they can plan for the long term with relatively stable taxes.”

This community is diverse as wll: almost 30 percent of the population of 6,185 people are foreigners.

What about the ‘losers’?

This is what the line-up looks like:

1 Val-de-Travers (NE)
2 Chamoson (VS)
3 Le Locle (NE)
4 Riviera (TI)
5 Perles (BE)
6 Biasca (TI)
7 Diemtigen (BE)
8 Saint-Imier (BE)
9 La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)
10 Tramelan (BE)

So what’s wrong with Val-de-Travers, which got the lowest score in the ranking?

Although scenically located amid hills and pine forests, the Neuchâtel municipality has the highest taxes in Switzerland.

But that’s not all: the community of 10,550 inhabitants is “poorly served by publlic transport, poorly structured, and has few jobs on site.”

What about Switzerland’s largest cities?

According to the study, life is not that great (comparatively speaking) in major Swiss municipalities.

Zurich is in the 54th place, Basel in the 486th, and Bern in 491st.

“The reasons for this poor ranking lie mainly in the areas of housing and employment, with reduced construction activity, more difficult financial accessibility, a higher unemployment rate, and fewer business start-ups.”