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Everything that changes in Germany in March 2022

From stronger consumer rights and the clocks going forward to the end of many Covid restrictions, here's what's changing in Germany this March.

Everything that changes in Germany in March 2022
Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert

An end to Germany’s long contract extensions

We all know the feeling: one day late in cancelling your gym membership and you’re suddenly signed up for another year. Well, that should be a thing of the past soon.

Over the last few months, Germany has been bringing in changes aimed at strengthening consumer rights.

In the latest step, contracts signed from March 1st 2022 will have shorter notice periods. So that means if you sign up to a streaming service, the gym or an electricity provider, for instance, you can get out of the contract more easily. 

After the minimum contract period, consumers can cancel their contract with a month’s notice and are not automatically bound for another year. However, this does not apply to insurance contracts so check the terms and conditions there. 

Late last year Germany brought in a similar law regarding the automatic renewal of contracts for phones and the Internet. 

READ ALSO: How Germany has made it easier to cancel phone and broadband contracts

Covid rules to be relaxed

From March 4th, the 2G-plus regulation in restaurants, bars, cafes and hotels will no longer apply. It means that unvaccinated people will be able to visit a restaurant again with a negative Covid test, under 3G rules. Nightclubs will also be able to reopen from 4 March – under 2G-plus rules, meaning people will need to be vaccinated or recovered with a negative Covid test or a booster shot to enter.

From March 20th, far-reaching Covid restrictions will be dropped, but basic measures will remain in place. 

READ ALSO: What you need to know about Germany’s Covid reopening plan

A sign urging people to wear masks in a Berlin shop.

A sign urging people to wear masks in a Berlin shop. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Monika Skolimowska

Covid vaccine mandate for employees in health and care

From March 15th, people who work in health or social care will need to be vaccinated or have recovered from Covid. Those who fail to provide proof can face a fine. However, there may be some differences in the implementation depending on the German state.

Better protection for insects

With every passing year, more insects disappear – yet they are indispensable for humans and the ecosystem. Since 2009, about a third of all species have disappeared from meadows and forests in Germany, according to a study by the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

Now under a new law, insect habitats are to be better protected. Meadow orchards and dry stone walls will be recognised as biotopes and the use of insect-damaging biocides like wood preservatives, will be restricted. In nature reserves, new street lighting and illuminated advertising are prohibited.

This is to protect nocturnal insects from light pollution. However, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) does not think the law goes far enough to protect insect diversity in Germany. The organisation is calling for a ban on insecticides in bird sanctuaries and a ban on pesticides containing glyphosate earlier than 2024.

Hands off the hedge

From the beginning of March, the annual grace period for hedges begins. To protect breeding birds, hedges in Germany can only be heavily trimmed during the winter months (from October to February). There is a risk of being fined if you do try to chop up the bush or hedge outside your home. However, minor pruning is allowed in spring and summer.

READ ALSO: Why you should cut your hedge in Germany this February 

Organ donation

Have you documented your views on organ donation? 

A new law which came into force this month aims to make it easier for people to decide and let authorities know whether they want to donate their organs or not. GPs will be able to talk to their patients about organ donation every two years (so your doctor may chat to you about it at your next appointment).

German authorities should also provide information about organ donation, for example when they want to change a driving licence or apply for a new passport.

A nationwide register in which people can state their position for or against organ donation, will go ahead but not this month. It will likely be postponed until the end of the year due to the pandemic, according to the Federal Ministry of Health.

Green licence plate for scooters 

The colour of insurance plates for motorcycles changes every year to make it easier to check whether vehicle insurance is up to date. As of March 1st, all mopeds will have to carry a green insurance number plate instead of a blue one.

Vehicles that must carry an insurance plate include mopeds or scooters, light mopeds, Segways or light quad bikes. Anyone still driving around with the previous blue plate may be fined.

Works council elections

From March 1st to May 31st, new employee representatives will be elected in some 28,000 companies in Germany. Keep an ear out for it in your workplace.

Spring arrives (and clocks go forward)

The official beginning of spring season falls on Sunday March 20th (the same day that many Covid restrictions end) and will last until June 21st, when summer begins.

And get ready to lose an hour’s sleep. On March 27th, the clocks will be set forward by one hour from 2am to 3am. Daylight saving time will then remain in effect until the last weekend in October.

Cherry blossom trees in Berlin.

Cherry blossom trees in Berlin in 2021. Spring is coming. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Bernd von Jutrczenka

Berlin public holiday

People living in the city state of Berlin can enjoy a day off on March 8th for Frauentag (Women’s Day). That falls on a Tuesday – so most people will get a day off for it.  The Feiertag, launched in 2019, means Berlin has 10 official holidays. Although this year, sadly, some holidays fall on the weekend.

READ ALSO: How you can make the most of the 2022 public holidays

Eurovision Song Contest

This month we’ll find out who will compete for Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest on May 14th in Turin. German broadcaster NDR unveiled the selection of musical talents and invited the whole country to get involved in the selection process. At 8.15pm on Friday March 4th, viewers will be invited to tune in to Germany 12 Points and viewers at home will be encouraged to vote. Barbara Schöneberger will once again host the show.

ARD pop radio stations are also being given the chance to vote up until Friday. 

German pizza birthday 

On March 24th, German pizza celebrates its 70th birthday. It all began in 1952 when the first pizza restaurant in Germany, the “Sabbie di Capri”, opened in the old town of Würzburg. Nicolino di Camillo, who died in 2015, came to Bavaria with the American Army from Chieti in Italy and is said to have started the pizzeria with his wife Janine Schmitt.

Anything we missed or something you’d like to know more about? Let us know:

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Everything that changes in Germany in October 2024

From public holidays to night trains and financial support for students, here are the changes in Germany this October to know about.

Everything that changes in Germany in October 2024

German public holidays 

The month starts off strong with a public holiday or Feiertag. October 3rd is Tag der Deutschen Einheit or Day of German Reunification. 

It marks the anniversary in 1990 of East and West Germany coming together after the decades-long separation. It came after the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th 1989, which happened 35 years ago this year. 

October 3rd, which falls on a Thursday, is a nationwide holiday, with the majority of workplaces as well as schools and shops closed. 

READ ALSO: How October 3rd became Germany’s national holiday 

On October 31st there’s another public holiday – but this time it’s regional. Reformation Day is a public holiday in the vast majority of protestant states including Brandenburg, Saxony, Thuringia, Bremen and Hamburg. 

School pupils get ready for autumn holidays 

The new term has only just started, but the Herbstferien (autumn break) is around the corner 

As always, the holiday length and when it starts differs depending on the German state. In North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, for instance, pupils are off from October 14th. In Berlin, Brandenburg and Hamburg a two-week break starts on October 21st. 

In Bremen and Lower Saxony pupils start their holidays earlier on October 4th. Meanwhile, in Bavaria and Brandenburg, the autumn break is just a few days long, starting around October 28th. 

Youngsters go to school in Düsseldorf on August 8th.

Youngsters go to school in Düsseldorf on August 8th. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | David Young

New regulation for winter tyres 

In Germany, winter tyres are compulsory in wintry conditions, for example, when the roads are slippery due to frost and ice or snow and slush. 

Many people follow the October to Easter rule and keep their winter tyres on throughout the late autumn, winter and early spring. But the time of year actually has no bearing on the law – and it just depends on the weather. The general consensus is that winter tyres are much safer when temperatures drop below freezing. 

This year there is a change that drivers should be aware of. From October 1st, cars in winter weather conditions in Germany will only be allowed to drive with tyres that have the Alpine symbol. Up until now, drivers were allowed to use tyres marked with M+S (mud and snow) provided the tyres were manufactured before January 1st 2018.  

READ ALSO: The fines drivers in Germany need to know

Increased financial aid for students

Students in Germany in need of support can get for more financial aid from the winter semester starting in October. 

The so-called ‘basic needs’ allowance as part of the BAföG (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) state funding programme for students will rise from €452 to €475. The housing allowance, which is available to students who no longer live with their parents, will also increase from €360 to €380. 

The maximum amount of funding available will rise by €58 from €934 to €992. Students under the age of 25 from low-income households are also entitled to a one-off study start-up grant of €1,000.


Clocks go back one hour 

Winter is coming. And that means the clocks are going back once again. In the early hours of Sunday, October 27th, the clocks will be turned back from 3 am to 2 am, giving you an extra hour of sleep. The downside is that during Winterzeit evenings will be darker. 

Most digital clocks update automatically but clocks on the oven or your car will probably need adjusting. 

The shift is occurring despite lots of talk in the last few years about seasonal clock changes being abolished in Germany, and the rest of the EU. That doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon. 

READ ALSO: When will Germany ditch the seasonal clock changes?

Berlin-Paris night trains return 

French rail operator SNCF announced in June that the Paris-Berlin night train, which was expected to become a daily service in October, would be suspended from August for construction work.

But on October 28th it is set to return. The Vienna-Paris and Berlin-Brussels routes have also been affected by the construction. 

The line is operated by Deutsche Bahn, SNCF and Austrian operator ÖBB which supplies the Nightjet rolling stock.

READ ALSO: The destinations you can reach by direct night train from Berlin

The Berlin-Paris night "train night-jet" during its launch at the main station in Berlin, on December 11, 2023.

The Berlin-Paris night “train night-jet” during its launch at the main station in Berlin, on December 11, 2023. Photo by MICHELE TANTUSSI / AFP

New questions in theory driving test

People learning to drive should be aware of changes coming up in the theory test. 

From October 1st, new questions will be added. In fact it is worth keeping in mind that the question catalogues for driving licences are revised twice a year. These include reformulations and new questions.

READ ALSO: How much does it cost to get a driving licence in Germany?

Game on in Essen

The leading trade fair for board games ‘Spiel 24‘, which takes place annually in the German city of Essen, will once again be presenting new games from October 3rd.

More than 850 exhibitors from almost 50 nations will be presenting new products for card, board and dice games.

The event, which has been attracting visitors for more than 40 years, lasts until October 6th. 

Halloween celebrations

Halloween doesn’t have the same fanfare as in some other countries like the US but it’s still celebrated in Germany.

You might get invited to a party or even spot some youngsters trick or treating or “Um die Häuser ziehen (Going around the houses)” as Germans often say. 

Stock up on treats just in case – or expect to receive “was saueres” (something sour, or a trick) from a group of disgruntled littl’uns. 

READ ALSO: How Halloween is celebrated in Germany