‘Could have been us’: Why British-German couple took in Ukrainian refugees

Two British-German pensioners were asked last week to take in Ukrainian refugees. Here's how it went - and why they are encouraging others to help out too.

Refugees from Ukraine in Munich main station.
Refugees from Ukraine stand in Munich main station. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sven Hoppe

British-German pensioner Denise Richardson and her partner, who live in Geilenkirchen near Aachen in western Germany, had already decided that they wanted to do all they could to support refugees after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

So when they were asked by a family friend to take in people fleeing the war they immediately said yes. 

“We had less than a day to prepare for their arrival,” said Richardson, adding that it was a whirlwind of “making beds, cleaning, baking and cooking”.

The refugees – two sisters and their sons, aged five and 15 – managed to get out of Ukraine to Warsaw, Poland. They then travelled to Berlin before arriving in Düsseldorf last Sunday. 

Ukrainian refugees in Berlin's main station.

Refugees from Ukraine in Berlin’s main station. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Paul Zinken

“My daughter and I collected them at Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof with our yellow smiley balloon for recognition,” said Richardson, who is 67.

“The sisters and their boys were obviously shattered, bewildered and trying to present brave faces. On arrival at our house and after they had been shown around, the tears of relief flowed – from all of us.”

Although there are language barriers, the families talk with each other through translation apps. 

“We manage to communicate and have had evenings round our table ‘chatting’,” said Richardson, adding that it’s important to allow their guests to have their own space. 

Richardson said everyone comes together to eat a meal in the evening, whether it’s English stew with dumplings, bolognese or German-style food.

“We’ve also had an Omelette with chips which they absolutely loved,” said Richardson. “I’m pretty sure they would try anything, so that is good.”

READ ALSO: How is Germany supporting refugees from Ukraine?

Community help

Richardson said authorities – and locals – have been “brilliant”.

“My daughter contacted the Rathaus (townhouse) and we had a visit from the Refugee Coordinator, school representative and a translator,” she said.

“Forms were completed, ideas exchanged and their benefits, schooling and more permanent accommodation discussed.”

The 15-year-old has already started classes at a local school, with plans to get the five-year-old into the education system when a place becomes available. 

“Their mothers will be helped to find work,” said Richardson. “They will receive several benefits and payments that have been set aside by the EU/German authorities to fund this huge wave of refugees. There is very little red tape and the whole system is user friendly.”

People who have fled war in Ukraine at a refugees arrival centre in Berlin.

People who have fled war in Ukraine at a refugees arrival centre in Berlin. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Annette Riedl

They have received pink slips allowing them to visit a doctor without health insurance, and there are also plans to organise Covid-19 vaccinations. 

Meanwhile the local Catholic Church has an empty flat that the refugees will move into next week.

Richardson acknowledges how strange it must be for her guests – and for others forced to leave Ukraine.

“One of the hardest things for us to imagine is that you don’t know when you’re going home, if there will be a home and how long your exile will last,” she said.

“Taking you away from everything you own and know and in most cases without a husband or partner at your side. It’s a horrible situation.”

She recommend that other people in Germany open up their homes to refugees if they can. Richardson said it was important to be open-minded to avoid culture clashes. 

“You just have to be open, smile a lot and make them feel welcome,” she said.

It has been a hugely rewarding experience for the couple. 

“For us two oldies used to our quiet retirement this has given us a chance to help,” she said.

When the sisters and their sons leave, Richardson and her partner won’t be able to take in more people straight away because they have other visitors. 

But they will continue to support people in the community and volunteer when they can. 

She said: “You know what? It could be us. And how would we feel?”

There are various ways to support people from Ukraine. If you want to and have the space to offer shelter then check with your local authority and any groups in your area organising this. You can also access this site – Elinor – which is helping to connect refugees with private rooms that can be offered for a duration of at least two weeks. You can read more ways to help in our story below:

How people in Germany can support Ukraine

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Germany plans extra €400 million military aid to Ukraine

Germany is planning almost €400 million in extra military aid for Ukraine this year despite a row over budgetary constraints, according to a finance ministry document seen by AFP Thursday.

Germany plans extra €400 million military aid to Ukraine

Berlin has been the second-largest contributor of military aid to Ukraine after Washington and had already earmarked around 7.5 billion euros for Kyiv in 2024.

However, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been facing domestic pressure over the issue, with parties opposed to Berlin’s support for Kyiv making major gains at key regional elections in early September.

The additional funds are needed to “fulfil the German government’s support commitments to the Ukrainian armed forces”, the letter to the parliamentary budget committee said.

Advances by Russian forces in Ukraine have led to “heavy material losses” on the battlefield and there is a “serious risk… that Ukraine will succumb in its defence struggle without a significant increase in support”, it said.

The letter asks for the funds to be made available to provide drones and air defence equipment, among other things, “without delay” so that they can “have an impact on the battlefield in Ukraine during the remainder of 2024”.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky made a fresh appeal earlier this month for more weapons to counter the threat from advancing Russian forces in the east of the country and Moscow’s devastating missile strikes.

Berlin plans to cut back its budget for Ukraine aid next year to around €4.4 billion as it looks to make savings demanded by liberal Finance Minister Christian Lindner, according to draft budget documents.

However, the government has insisted it is “fully committed” to supporting Ukraine “for as long as necessary”.

READ ALSO: Opinion – Germany’s timid strategy risks both Ukraine’s defeat and more war in Europe