Swedish for Immigrants teacher ‘on sick leave’ after raging at Muslim students

A video taken at a Malmö adult education college showing a teacher screaming at a class of mainly Muslim female immigrants has led to the teacher in question being put on sick leave.

Students at SFI, Swedish for Immigrants language lesson.
Illustration photo: A language lesson at an SFI school - Swedish for Immigrants. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT /

The teacher at a the Svenska för Invandrare (Swedish for Immigrants, SFI) course in Malmö verbally attacked her students on Friday last week, mocking their unwillingness to use a Swedish word for a penis. 

During the video, which was filmed by one of the students, the teacher can be heard saying, “Vad heter det? Kom igen, hur länge har du bott i Sverige?” (“What is it called? Come on, how long have you lived in Sweden?”)

A student says she is scared and that she wants to leave the classroom, after which the teacher screams at her, orders her to stay, and locks the door.

This video shows what happened in the classroom.

“Like everyone else, I was shocked and appalled by what I saw,” Andreas Eriksson, the headteacher for SFI in Malmö, told Swedish state broadcaster SVT. “This is not something we are used to.”

According to SVT, Eriksson has talked to the teacher and to several of the students who were in the classroom.

“I do not know what triggered this. The students say it just happened suddenly,” he said.

The Swedish football journalist, Nima Tavallaey Roodsari, whose tweet brought the video to the attention of English speakers, said that it had first gained attention on Arab language Twitter.  

“It went viral on Arabic Twitter and a friend of mine, knowing I’m a native Swedish speaker, sent it to me and I translated verbatim what is being said in the video,” he said. 

He said that the teacher’s statements were “clearly intended to humiliate this woman because of her religious beliefs”. 

“And thus it has disgusted people everywhere, not just Muslims, but generally people like myself who are atheists.” 

He said that Muslims in Sweden had emailed the school in large numbers calling for the teacher to be dismissed, and for the school to make an official apology. Several people, he claimed, had filed a police report against the teacher for harassment. 

“This happens way more often than people think, it’s difficult to say how often as no real research into the matter has been done,” Roodsari said. “Personally speaking, I had my first similar experience with a teacher in a Swedish school at the age of six. That was in 1987, and the attitude towards non-European refugees has hardly improved in Sweden since.” 

According to SVT, the school is talking to the students and will offer interpreter assistance when the class gathers next Friday to talk about the event in the classroom. The teacher has been put on sick leave, and the students have been given a substitute teacher.

Member comments

  1. Unbelieveable !! Cant think of such attitude by a Swedish Teacher in a Swedish class ! The body language, the approach, the scream….just lunatic !

  2. I just wrote about this on Facebook . Sweden is to blame for it’s generosity for allowing immigrants from all over the World to seek refuge in a homogeneous society . I warned the Government about the dangers of doing Schenghen that Sweden with a land space four times the size of the UK and only ten million people would face serious problems by relaxing the Visa Laws . The bridge from Denmark was the death knoll . Ten years ago when thousands of undocumented Refugees were allowed into Sweden , the problems began . In the first week a ten year old Swedish boy was raped by an Afghan Refugee at a Public Swimming pool and saw nothing wrong in what he had done as it is common in his country to sleep with boys as women are meant to produce children . The next week was the killing of a 24 year old Migration Worker in her office by a Refugee . Crime soared so much so that the once peaceful Sweden is now a murder haven with drugs and guns and no go zones in Malmo and Stockholm for the armed Police who prefer to let the foreigners kill themselves rather than kill them over their drug deals and these are Muslims selling drugs so the religious aspect is baloney . They can not get jobs because they do not have Swedish surnames so they turn to crime . The teacher is wrong , she had a melt down but I know why , because in the last few years people who are completely different than her , that do not assimilate or speak English and come from cultures that have not one iota of Swedish culture , have taken the jobs , have taken the money from the Welfare system that once guareented the Cradle to the Graveyard Mentality of native Swedes have made her life and her children lives more difficult . A teacher like this would once vote Socialist , nut now openly vote for the Neo Nazis or anyone that will protect her rights , and her culture in her country . Twenty years ago this would not have happened unless she was drunk , but the open. border Immigration policy that Sweden still adopts , whereas Denmark and Finland have put an end to the flood of immigrants . Norway has now clamped down as well . Mosques are now everywhere in Sweden a country with more Churches than any other European country . The smiles I once saw have gone , the look is what is he or she doing in my country unless you have a British accent or American accent and are Black . When they see that you do not live on the State , that they can practice their English with you and that you speak fluent Swedish with a British accent then no problem . You are no longer a threat , you are no longer a parasite , a strain on their Welfare State who refuses to assimilate . I am not defending her but I am certain that when she saw the Video she must have cried at her behaviour . If you call a Swede a Racist they go berserk , they still have a mindset of the old Sweden when a Black person was a novelty , or rare to see . The Law is strict in Sweden , and if she is not jailed I will be surprised , but the Judge will sysmapthise with her the same way I understand her anger but the Judge will look at the Law and jail her or prevent her from ever working again . People have changed , the crime rate is outrageous now . In 1998 there were to murders in Sweden and that was because of Alcholol . I remember reading my Local Newspaper and saying is this figure right , is there no crime in this country to my Swedish girlfriend and then I heard some Mosque speaker calling people to prayer in central Stockholm and having lived in London , I said here it comes here comes trouble . If everyone is called Peterson and Johansson and look the same how in the hell are these women and men with their views and their strange ways going to fit into Sweden . This class is a sham , they wil only speak their languages when they get permission to live in Sweden , but in Finland a Refugee must pass a written and verbal test before any residency stamp or Finnish passport is give to them . In Denmark it takes four years to even get their wives into the country and if they do not pass the strict Immigration Laws they are put in Immigration Camps on an Island . When Refugees hear that Denmark treat them like animals they pack their bags , get on a train or bus and drive over that bridge into Skane , and set up States within States . It has affected me , who invested in Sweden , learnt the ways and customs , went to the best schools in the World and never crossed the line in Sweden and one has to let the Swede know that I am not one of them by having to really turn on my Old Etonian Upper Class Accent and then watch the defence wall fall but no longer all the way down . Who needs it , who wants to be treated like a piece of scum because the Swedish Government keep bringing them in in the thousands . They just allowed ten thousand former Child Soldiers from South Sudan to live in Sweden . I am a Black man proud to be , and I love my Sweden , the Sweden that loved me from the day I stepped in the country to go to a party not to live off the State and shoot people . If a Swede was to do anything that did not adhere to the Laws of the countries these people come from their hands would be chopped off or worse . Am I being to blunt , I hope so , because until the Swedish Government stop this open door no background check crazy policy , a Woman like this one in the video who has a family , enjoys her Midsummer and her Swedish ways will explode and explode until the attack on Black and Brown people that happened at Central Station in 2016 in Stockholm will become common place . I have lied and worked all over the World , I have homes all over the world , I like to live in Sweden , because I like the low profile , orderly lifestyle and beauty that is My Sweden and when I invite my English and American friends to come for a holiday to Sweden they love it . I am too old to be insulted by a suspecting Bank Clerk who thinks I am a Drug Dealer because I have money . I am too old to be denied a table at a restaurant went through that in New York and London in the sixties and seventies . The only saving grace for me is that Sweden is a Police State . Once you are in the system they will know what side of the bed you sleep on . Your neighbours will call the Tax Office to tell them you bought a new car and then invite you for dinner . I no longer get angry at the changes , I just swallow hard and remain calm but this Video is a sample of what is going on with Middle Class educated Swedes . My Doctor calls me a Racist , and that if I was White I couldn’t get away with what I say or write . Can you imagine !!! I am saying it has to stop now , even though it is too late , or if they want to come let them live in the North of Sweden with the reindeer and where it is dark 24 hours a day plus freezing cold and they will run to Germany . West Africans are everywhere now , eating out of dustbins not ashamed to live like animals and I ask them why do you need to put yourself through this when there is nothing wrong in Nigeria or Ghana why freeze to death and be spat on ?? Their Visas run out in The Netherlands so they cross the bridge into easy to get into Sverige and the easy handouts from Sverige . I now sound like a Racist because I am writing and will continue to write the truth about the madness concerning Immigration in Sweden . Close the doors or learn Arabic , Hindi , Yoruba , and Somali . This teacher is a human being who has to deal with this every day of her life to feed her family and she made a mistake which has now ruined her life . I better stop I am getting angry .

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Politics in Sweden: What’s in the Social Democrats’ plan to eradicate Sweden’s ‘vulnerable areas’?

The Social Democrats have given a sneak preview of their plan to eradicate Sweden's so-called 'vulnerable areas', where extreme segregation is combined with severe crime problems. Would it make a difference?

Politics in Sweden: What's in the Social Democrats' plan to eradicate Sweden's 'vulnerable areas'?

With “strategic demolitions” in the most segregated and crime-ridden housing areas, a ban on people on benefits moving into them, and a limit on the share of rental housing in such areas, the plan sketched out in an opinion piece in the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper on Sunday is the boldest new policy proposal the Social Democrats have made in years. 

It’s basically a sanitised version of the “ghetto plan” launched in Denmark back in 2018. 

And judging by the reaction – with right-wing commentators decrying what they call tvångsblandning (forced mixing) and bussning (using buses to swap pupils between areas) and left-wing ones decrying the demolition plans and proposals to let educated people jump rental queues, it promises to be almost as controversial. 

But what’s the alternative, Lawen Redar, the Social Democrat MP who led the working group on segregation, asked Swedish public broadcaster SVT on Sunday. 

“Should we just leave the situation like it is today?” she said of Sweden’s 59 problem housing areas, in some of which 80 percent or more have an immigrant background. “I am extremely frustrated over this. Something must be done.” 

What are the Social Democrats proposing? 

Redar and her three colleagues made 11 proposals in their article: 

1. A national list of “vulnerable areas” with a set of targets to promote: the physical reconstruction of the areas to combat segregation and promote integration; a better mix in the population; an increase in the use of Swedish language in welfare services; bold moves to increase the amount of people in work; and an increased police presence to fight criminality.

2. Central government to hold so-called “Sweden negotiations” with municipalities to jointly fund physical improvement of the areas, by new building, densification, strategic demolitions, and new traffic and public transport solutions. 

3. A limit to the proportion of rental apartments in vulnerable areas. Areas with high levels of rental apartments would be required to take action to increase the share of private and cooperative housing. 

4. Government to give credit guarantees to companies building detached, semi-detached, and terraced houses in vulnerable areas.

5. Government funds for renovation and upgrading of “Million Programme” areas. 

6. Minimum income for those moving to vulnerable areas. Landlords would be banned from renting out property in vulnerable areas to anyone who has lived off benefits in the last six months. 

7. People with university degrees would be given priority in the queue for rental apartments in vulnerable areas.

8. New regulations to prevent landlords setting high income requirements for rental properties outside vulnerable areas. 

9. Government to give credit guarantees and other forms of investment support to companies building affordable rental apartments outside vulnerable areas. 

10. An inquiry into how to increase the share of rental properties owned by non-profit and public housing companies outside vulnerable areas 

11. An inquiry into how to give municipalities first right to bidding on socially important and strategic land. 

What’s the problem? 

Although Sweden’s recent epidemic of gang shootings has been blamed by many on the country’s extreme housing segregation, Redar and her colleagues said that this was far from the only problem. 

Fully 40 percent of adults between the ages of 20-64 in Sweden’s 59 “vulnerable areas” cannot support themselves through their work, three out of 10 children in such areas leave secondary school without the grades needed to go to upper secondary school or gymnasium.

Part of Sweden’s segregation problem, as Lawar recognised, is built into the architecture. The Social Democrats’ “Million Homes programme”, enacted between the mid 1960s and the mid-1970s, may have rescued people from slum conditions, but it also created a series of isolated urban communities on the outskirts of Sweden’s cities, often cut off from the rest of towns and cities by motorway ring-roads. 

Although they were initially built for working-class ethnic Swedes, as the rate of immigration to Sweden picked up in the 1980s,1990s and early 2000s, Swedes became outnumbered as part of so-called “white flight”.  

Fully 80 percent of those living in the so called “especially vulnerable areas” now have a foreign background, a share that rises to above 90 percent in five of the most segregated districts. 

“We believe that there is no more important task for Sweden than breaking segregation and fighting the class society. No task is more urgent,” Redar and her colleagues wrote in their article.

“The fact that children and young people are growing up in this cemented inequality is nothing less than a social failure which brings shame to our country. It must come to an end.”  

What are opponents saying about it? 

Fredrik Kopsch from the right-wing Timbro thinktank complained that efforts to increase the number of people with immigrant backgrounds in middle class and rich areas of Swedish cities would not work. 

“The income requirement [for rental apartments] will be reduced through the law, and state subsidies will create cheap rental apartmments in socio-economically strong areas. It is detached from reality to think that this will help deprived people,” he wrote in an article in Svenska Dagbladet.  

Will it help the Social Democrats? 

The Social Democrats were criticised for lacking concrete policy proposals, both in the run-up to the 2022 general election and in their first year and a half in opposition. 

With this proposal, together with a proposal to make kindergarten compulsory for children over three years old, that has changed. 

If the rest of the 11 policy working groups set to present their conclusions at the party’s congress in August come up with similarly detailed proposals, the party will be overflowing with new ideas. 

While this will finally give its politicians something to say for themselves, it will also make them easier to attack.