ANALYSIS: Will Germany introduce a vaccine mandate this year?

The German government will vote on the introduction of a general Covid vaccine mandate in April. But with numerous bills competing in the Bundestag, will any of them be able to get enough support to pass?

Vaccine sceptic
"Vaccine mandate? No thanks," reads a sticker on the back of a man's jacket at an anti-vax demo in Berlin on March 18th. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Annette Riedl

Germany has been discussing the product of a population-wide vaccine mandate since November 2021, but progress on the issue has been incredibly slow.

A brief review of the first debate on the mandate in the Bundestag on Thursday gives an indication of why. 

A number of different parliamentary factions and alliances have formed around different views on the controversial topic. Some are calling for a more hard-line version of the mandate, others calling for a softer version, and some reject the idea entirely. 

Buzzing away in the background, there are also fundamental disagreements around more practical questions, such as whether to introduce a vaccine register or track the vaccinations a different way, such as through insurance companies.

READ ALSO: German parliament to vote on general vaccine mandate in April

As politicians took to the podium to make their speeches on Thursday, there were signs that the past few months have only solidified these positions.

If the numbers of the cross-party factions remain the same until the vote in April, there will be no majority for any of the proposals, which could ultimately mean no general mandate.

This would clearly be seen as win by those against a mandate and would come as a major blow to the traffic-light coalition, who have struggled to unify around any one plan. 

But it remains to be seen whether some pro-mandate MPs could modify their positions to ensure that at least one version of the general mandate succeeds.

Here’s what the situation looks like right now. 

What proposals are on the table?

There are currently two bills in favour of general vaccine mandates competing for votes in parliament.

The first is a general mandate for all over-18s put forward by a group of SPD, FDP and Green Party politicians. If this bill passes, all adults who have lived in Germany for at least six months would have to provide proof of full vaccination or recovery after October 1st this year. There would be exceptions for under-18s and anyone with a medical condition or those for whom vaccination is not recommended, such as women in the first three months of pregnancy. Details of the bill would be reviewed every three months and the legislation would expire at the end of 2023. 

The second is a proposal for a vaccine mandate for over-50s and a mandatory consultation for all other adults. This bill was put forward by a cross-party group of MPs surrounding FDP health expert Andrew Ullmann, including a number of SPD and Green Party politicians. If passed, all over-18s would have to provide proof a medical consultation or vaccination certificate by September 15th, while over-50s would be required to provide proof of vaccination or recovery by this date. 

Elderly man vaccination

An elderly man receives his Covid vaccination in Springe, Lower Saxony. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Ole Spata

MPs will also consider a third bill put forward by the FDP’s Wolfgang Kubicki, the Left Party’s Sahra Wagenknecht and a handful of other MPs from the CDU/CSU, Left Party and Green Party. This bill rejects the idea of a vaccine mandate and proposes a number of other measures to improve the take-up of vaccines instead. These include: investigating the current immunity status of the population and the improvements needed to ease the burden on hospitals; writing to citizens personally to invite them to a vaccination appointment; offering multilingual advice centres and stepping up targeted promotion campaigns, particularly in community groups, sports clubs and religious centres. 

Have the opposition parties put anything forward?

As well as bills setting out positions and plans for the mandate (or lack of one), there are also two opposition motions up for consideration.

Some CSU and CDU MPs have already indicated support for one or more of the bills put forward, but the conservatives have also put forward their own draft law. This draft envisions the establishment of a national vaccine register to provide accurate data on the current vaccination status of different population groups and individuals. It also foresees a reactivation of the vaccination campaign to target hard-to-reach groups, the expansion of vaccination infrastructure and an increased offer in places like vets and dentists, and the potential for a “vaccine mechanism” if a more worrying variant comes along. This mechanism would allow the introduction of a targeted vaccine mandate for certain groups such as elderly people and key workers.

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has also put forward a draft. This draft rejects a vaccine mandate as “disproportionate” and also calls for the current vaccine mandate for health workers to be scrapped. 

READ ALSO: What you need to know about Germany’s Covid vaccine mandate for health staff

What are the arguments for each position?

Those in favour of a wide-ranging mandate for adults say that it’s the only way to prevent hard lockdowns and restrictions come autumn, when experts argue there’s serious danger of the health services becoming overburdened. 

While the slightly milder Omicron variant is dominant, now is the time to protect the population against newer, more harmful variants, they argue.

“The probability that we won’t face any difficulties in battling the corona pandemic in autumn is almost zero,” Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) argued in the Bundestag debate. “It’s about as likely as autumn never arriving. We have to prepare.” 

Others argued that it was unfair for a small percentage of anti-vaxxers to impede the freedom of everyone else. Emilia Fester (Greens), the youngest MP in the Bundestag, addressed her comments to the AfD in the debate, saying: “If they and their ‘friends of freedom’ had simply allowed themselves to be vaccinated at a time when most of us were so sensible and took this simple step, we would now have our freedom back again.” 

Emilia Fester

Green Party MP Emilia Fester speaks at the vaccine mandate debate on March 17th. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler

Those pushing for a more targeted version of the vaccine mandate say that the severity of Covid-19 differs among different segments of the population. While most younger people tend to have a relatively mild case of Covid, they say, unvaccinated over-50s are particularly at risk of severe illness and even death.

There are also some key differences between the perspectives of the two groups lobbying against a vaccine mandate.

The group led by Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) acknowledge the value of vaccination but argue that the decision should be made by individuals rather than the state. In contrast, the AfD motion questions whether vaccines are useful in the fight against Covid at all.

“An overload of hospitals endangering the health system has never existed, does not exist, and is not imminent,” claimed AfD leader Alice Weidel in the Bundestag debate. “There is no constitutionally permissible justification for the introduction of a general vaccination mandate.” 

READ ALSO: ‘Doubtful’: German government rows over general vaccine mandate

Who could change in the run-up to April?

With the house splintering into a number of different factions, MPs from pro-mandate groups may manage to secure some last-minute support for their particular bill.

The most likely compromise is the bill put forward by FDP health expert Andrew Ullmann, which envisions an over-50s mandate and an obligatory medical consultation for everyone else.

If the group of traffic-light MPs behind this piece of legislation want to get it passed, they’ll probably have to rely on support from the opposition CDU/CSU parties. 

One way they could do this is to tweak their draft to include the conservative’s proposal for a national vaccine register, which could bring undecided opposition MPs on board.

The conservatives are also likely to come under pressure from the heads of the federal states, who have been pushing for a general vaccine mandate since November. 

While federal CDU/CSU MPs may be content to see the traffic light’s plans fall by the wayside, their counterparts in the 16 states wouldn’t be happy about that.

Since the conservatives are in government in a majority of federal states, this pressure could be enough to force a switch in allegiance from the CDU draft law to the draft by the FDP’s Ullmann.

The fact that MPs aren’t being asked to vote with their parties and are instead free to decide for themselves could also give CDU and CSU parliamentarians the push to work across party lines. 

The same can’t be said for the two groups of anti-mandate MPs. Since most parliamentarians are unwilling to work with the far-right AfD, it’s likely that these competing groups will remain firmly in their respective camps come April. 

READ ALSO: What would a general vaccine mandate mean for the German job market?

Useful vocabularly

draft law – (der) Gesetzentwurf

motion – (der) Antrag

(parliamentary) vote – (die) Abstimmung 

to argue – argumentieren 

to justify – rechtfertigen 

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OPINION: After UK and French elections, Germany’s headaches this summer lie at home

With the British and French election results being kind on Germany, the main problems for Berlin this summer will be homegrown, explains Brian Melican.

OPINION: After UK and French elections, Germany's headaches this summer lie at home

It’s a good job that – in contrast to many in Britain’s outgoing Conservative government – I’m not one for political bets.

If I were, I’d have lost a considerable amount of money over the last seven days. That’s because, for the last 10 years or so, I’ve predicated my predictions on Murphy’s maxim of “If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.” Brexit, Trump, rise of the far right: unlike many others, I never kidded myself that it would somehow all turn out alright in the end.

So last week, my money would have been on an electoral upset in the UK (whose voters can be coy about telling the truth to pollsters) and not on an electoral upset in France (where RN looked odds-on to win big). Also, I would definitely have placed a wager on Germany’s tripartite coalition failing to reach an agreement on next year’s budget – and might have had money riding on the government collapsing as a result.

Yet last Thursday saw Britain’s electorate – and, not unimportantly, its electoral system – hand a thumping majority to a sensible government while keeping the hard-right nutjobs at bay. And on Friday morning, it wasn’t just Britain’s leading centrist politicians standing in front of the cameras with satisfied, if somewhat sleep-deprived smiles. Here in Germany, the heads of the SPD, FDP, and Greens had just pulled an all-nighter, too, to reach a compromise on 2025 spending in time for the breakfast news – and ahead of that evening’s football match between Germany and Spain, as Olaf Scholz underlined with his trademark Cheshire cat grin.

READ ALSO: How Germany’s planned 2025 budget could affect you

Schlaf wird überschätzt” – ‘Who needs sleep anyway?’ – beamed the Chancellor. And I would imagine he didn’t get much on Sunday night, either. Even after the first exit polls suggested that, contrary to expectations, the far-right Front – pardon – Rassemblement National wasn’t going to emerge victorious from the second round of the French parliamentary elections, I shouldn’t imagine anyone in the Chancellery felt truly comfortable nodding off until it became clear early this morning that the RN had come third.

Catastrophe averted for Berlin

An RN win would have been a major headache for Scholz et al.: President Macron being forced to charge Jordan Bardella with forming a government would have presented Berlin with a challenge of the same order as dealing with President Trump in Washington or Theresa May/Boris Johnson/Liz Truss in London. In fact, it would have potentially been much worse. It is stated RN policy to take France out of the European electricity market, for instance, and this is something it might have attempted early to show doubters that it meant business.

The result would have been a new energy crisis, potentially spiralling into a run on the Euro, with our government and several others left scrambling to Brussels for a gruelling summer of economic firefighting.

As it turns out, though, Olaf Scholz, Christian Lindner, Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock might actually get something approaching a – much needed – summer holiday. At the very least, they’ll be able to focus their energies on preparing for what looks to be a difficult autumn while at least the political weather is warm and sunny.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz smiles as he attends a question time on July 3, 2024 at the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) in Berlin.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz smiles as he attends a question time on July 3, 2024 at the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) in Berlin. Photo by RALF HIRSCHBERGER / AFP

London Calling back

Britain, for a start, is back. Even after Brexit, the UK remains, alongside France and Poland, Germany’s most important European ally – especially as Russia’s relentlessness recalibrates long-term foreign-policy priorities away from economic and towards military matters.

The fact that the UK’s new Foreign Secretary David Lammy was here within 48 hours of taking office underscores that Keir Starmer’s new administration understands this – and that there is now potential to rebuild some bridges torn down by Tory intransigence.

Annalena Baerbock will certainly have been relieved that, after dealing first with Liz Truss in her pre-lettuce incarnation, then James (Not-So) Cleverly, and, most recently, David Cameron (“Honey, I blew up the EU!”), she is once again speaking to a British representative with more than half a brain and something resembling a backbone.

READ ALSO: Inside Germany – Budget drama and what Germans think about UK election

Paris ‘en pause’

In France, meanwhile, Berlin will now be waiting for the dust to settle. This dust being French, it will take its time – after all, it will want to join the rest of the country by going on an extended break between 14th July and 15th August (all the more so given that the Olympics are fast approaching).

And for all the breathless commentary on Monday about political pandemonium in Paris after the shock victory of the Nouveau Front Populaire left-wing alliance, Emmanuel Macron is under no immediate constitutional pressure to task anyone with forming an administration. This leaves Matignon in the capable care-taker hands of Gabriel Attal – and anti-German, anti-capitalist, anti-everything lefty loon Jean-Luc Mélenchon is, for all his bombast, not going to be the replacement.

Forming a government will be complex, but by no means impossible given that two third of French MPs are not extremists: parliamentary mathematics will dictate a confidence and supply agreement of some kind. As ever in Paris, after some performative posturing, the most sensible option will prevail. And first, there will be les Grandes Vacances. Whatever government is then installed à la rentrée in September, it will be one Berlin can do business with.

French President Emmanuel Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)

Berlin on a budget

In fact, the only real remaining headache for our government prior to Trump’s inevitable return at the end of the year is, in my estimation, itself.

Yes, the three parties have defied my expectations and the political odds to present a budget compromise, but the agreement is a can of fudge. Yes, I know fudge doesn’t come in cans, so let me explain: that sound you can hear while you read through the coalition’s proposed package is a can being kicked down the road, and that odour is the saccharine smell of sticky political fudge.

Essentially, to get the numbers to work without anyone having to lose face, Scholz, Lindner, and Habeck have used every single accounting trick in the book, from labelling outlay as investment and assuming lower interest with higher growth to repurposing past spending and pushing current outgoings into the fiduciary future.

All of the methods employed are, taken by themselves, perfectly legitimate in the political cut-and-thrust, but there’s a strong chance someone will cry foul.

All the more so since we now have an unexpectedly quiet summer ahead of us and, in politics, the devil makes work for idle hands. Defence Minister Boris Pistorius, forced to accept a €1 billion increase in military spending rather than the €6 billion he’d petitioned for, is grumbling, but seems just about on board. It’s not unlikely, though, that one of the SPD ministers who’s come out with a net decrease in resources will, over the next couple of weeks, find themselves – and a willing journalist – with too much time on their hands. And there’s Rolf Mützenich, head of the parliamentary party, who is audibly angry after being kept out of the loop by Olaf Scholz during negotiations.

Then there are FPD loose cannons like Frank Schäffler and Wolfang Kubicki, always happy to make the headlines with uncharitable comments about coalition partners and with never-ending axes to grind about fiscal stability. And while the Greens, chastened by their recent electoral plunge, will probably keep their head below the parapets, their ministries have suffered some of the worst of the cuts: one of them could potentially surprise me – and everyone else – by going maverick.

Yes, after being caught unprepared by good news over the last few days, I’m expecting to be surprised again at some point this summer – probably by something altogether less positive as Murphy’s Law re-asserts itself and our tripartite coalition gets back into its intolerable habit of agreeing on something only to then disagree about it for months afterwards.

While I think that’s the likely outcome, I hope it’s not what happens. After all, I’m not a betting man.