FOCUS: How soaring prices are fuelling growing social unrest in Spain

A lorry drivers' strike, mass protests by farmers and fishermen, industrial production stoppages: record inflation levels have fuelled growing anger with Spain's left-wing government as energy prices go through the roof.

FOCUS: How soaring prices are fuelling growing social unrest in Spain
Demonstrators applaud as taxi drivers take part in a demonstration protesting the cost of fuel, in Barcelona on March 23, 2022. - A lorry drivers' strike, mass protests by farmers and fishermen, industrial production stoppages: record inflation levels have fuelled growing anger with Spain's left-wing government as energy prices go through the roof. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)

After a weekend which saw tens of thousands hit the streets, demonstrators were to head out again on Wednesday for further rallies.

Under the slogan: “Rein in prices, protect jobs, stop the deterioration in living conditions”, the action has been called by Spain’s top unions, UGT and the CCOO Workers Committees.

Backed by consumer groups, the unrest comes as Spain saw consumer prices surge to their highest level in almost 35 years, with inflation jumping to 7.6 percent in February, against a backdrop of soaring energy costs, worsened by the war in Ukraine.

“We want the EU to take all the necessary measures, and at least let countries regulate prices… it can’t keep nations shackled with prices that are completely misaligned with the cost of electricity production,” said UGT boss Pepe Alvarez.

Rally organisers warn the consequences for both households and businesses are serious.

“Month-by-month, lighting bills, heating bills, the cost of petrol and diesel, food, housing and transport just keep going up. The whole of society is suffering,” they said in a statement.

The protests were called on the eve of a two-day European Council summit, which is likely to focus on measures to protect consumers from record energy prices that have been exacerbated by the Russian invasion.

Spain has been gripped by unrest since March 14th when lorry drivers launched an open-ended strike over mounting fuel prices, staging roadblocks and picket lines and leaving supermarkets with empty shelves and several sectors struggling to cope.

READ MORE: How the truck drivers’ strike is affecting life in Spain

The government is also facing a strike by fishermen who downed tools on Monday following calls by a federation of nearly 9,000 boats which says diesel prices have left many vessels working at a loss.

And there is anger in the livestock and farming sector, which has been hit by rising animal feed costs, with nearly 150,000 protesters demonstrating in Madrid on Sunday.

Customers pick up milk cartons on the shelves of a supermarket in Madrid on March 23th, 2022. (Photo by OSCAR DEL POZO / AFP)

‘EU must act as one’

It is the biggest wave of social unrest since Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez came to power in mid-2018 and is firmly backed by the opposition, notably the far-right Vox which organised Saturday’s anti-government protest in several cities.

Vox, Spain’s third largest party which is seeing a boom in support, has successfully tapped into the widespread discontent, especially in rural areas, accusing the government of being “a misery factory ruining the middle classes and the most underprivileged”.

The government is in a tight spot.

Despite taking various measures in recent months to improve low wages and contain energy prices by lowering VAT and tax on electricity production, its efforts have been all but wiped out by spiralling inflation.

In a bid to appease his critics, Sanchez has pledged to unveil “a major response plan”, set to be approved on March 29, that will include significant tax cuts.

His government has also set aside a 500-million-euro ($550-million) budget to compensate truck drivers for diesel price hikes.

However, details remain sketchy, with Sanchez on Tuesday insisting the EU should “defend its citizens… (and) act together to reduce energy prices and limit the economic harm caused by the war in Ukraine”.

Over the past week, Sanchez toured European capitals to push for a common EU response after months of lobbying for Brussels to change the mechanism which couples electricity prices to the gas market.

So far, Madrid’s pleas have fallen on deaf ears, despite support from Paris but there’s hope that could change in the coming days.

If there’s no agreement, the government has said it would push ahead alone, adopting emergency measures on March 29th.

But protesters say it is too little, too late, pointing to similar measures already in force in France and Germany.

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EXPLAINED: Spain’s new monthly pass to access porn websites

Spain's government will soon launch an app which forces people who want to watch porn online to use their official digital ID in order to get a monthly pass for adult content websites, a move aimed at protecting children from pornography.

EXPLAINED: Spain's new monthly pass to access porn websites

In Spain, the average age of a child’s first exposure to pornography is between eight and nine years old and 50 percent of children between 11 and 13 years old actively watch or look at this type of content, according to data collected by the Dale Una Vuelta association, which aims to help porn addicts.

The association has been asking for regulation for years, particularly because last year it was revealed that there has been a rise in sexual attacks by minors who watch porn. There has been a total increase of 116 percent in sexual assaults carried out by children in the last five years.

READ ALSO – ‘Learning through porn’: Concern in Spain over rise in sexual attacks by minors

Digital Transformation Minister José Luis Escrivá explained that the app should be fully operational within the next couple of months.

Essentially it will be able to verify the user’s age and issue a credential, which will be valid for 30 days. This will prevent anyone under the age of 18 from accessing a porn site. 

Users must request authorisation through the Beta Digital Wallet application, which will be downloadable onto a mobile phone.

The person must then identify themselves using an electronic DNI, digital certificate or Cl@ve.

Based on the data collected, the person’s age will be verified before they can access a site. This will expire after one month, when they will have to reapply for more credentials.

It works in a similar way to a mobile phone wallet. When you access an adult content platform, the website itself will provide a QR code that must be scanned from the application to prove that you are of age.

Monthly renewal is necessary to prevent web pages from keeping all of the users’ browsing data.

Currently, only adult content platforms in Spain will be required to carry out this verification, but the Ministry has requested the collaboration of other places such as social networks or instant messaging apps.

The National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) will also manage a list of pages with adult content not subject to Spanish jurisdiction, with the aim that browsers will be able to verify the age of those who want to access it, before revealing any content.

The Digital Wallet can also be used to store other official documents, such as university degrees, registration data or electronic DNI.

However, cybersecurity experts say the app will be subject to basic technical flaws, which will make the system totally ineffective.

The initiative has also raised all kinds of ethical, technical and legal questions, with many saying they people shouldn’t have to identify themselves in the same way they do to pay their taxes to be able to access porn. 

The monthly pass has been jokingly dubbed in the Spanish press as pajaporte, a play on words between paja (wank) and pasaporte (passport). 

Minister Escrivá has justified the plan by saying that we need to tackle the problem of children accessing porn. “The data we see regarding minors’ access to adult content and its possible consequences are what have led us to develop this tool as quickly as possible,” he said.