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What to expect if you’re travelling to Germany this Easter

Tourism to Germany has been difficult in the pandemic. But with many countries around the world easing measures, visitors are returning. Here's what you should know if you're planning or thinking about a trip to Germany.

Easter eggs hang from a tree in Schmilka, Saxony.
Easter eggs hang from a tree in Schmilka, Saxony. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild | Sebastian Kahnert

Some readers have contacted us to ask for advice about what Germany is like to visit now. From travel measures to Covid rules and culture, here’s a look at what’s changed (and what remains the same) since the pandemic began.

Travel – can you enter Germany?

Travel restrictions brought in to curb the spread of coronavirus remain in place two years later – but they have been significantly eased. 

At the beginning of March this year, Germany wiped all countries from its high-risk list. It means that people don’t have to quarantine – even if unvaccinated – when entering Germany.

But it is still the case that people coming from non-EU countries have to be fully vaccinated (with a European Medicines Agency approved vaccine). Unvaccinated people are generally not allowed to enter unless they have an essential reason.

Note that Germany does allow unrestricted entry for people coming from a small group of ‘safe list’ countries.

Plus this ban on entry does not apply to German citizens or members of their immediate family, and to citizens of EU and associated states and members of their immediate family. 

3G proof to get into Germany

Furthermore, you should know that before coming to Germany you will be asked to either upload your Covid documents (proof of vaccination, recovery or a test) while checking in or show evidence before boarding – regardless of where you are coming from, even if it is within the EU. This is known as the 3G rule in Germany, which stands for geimpft (vaccinated), genesen (recovered) or getestet (tested).

This rule applies to everyone aged 12 and over, and also applies to transit passengers. 

A bar owner in Augsburg letting customers know about the change in Covid rules (to 3G instead of 2G).

A bar owner in Augsburg letting customers know about the change in Covid rules (to 3G instead of 2G). Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Stefan Puchner

You are not excluded from carrying this Covid proof if you’re coming by other means of transport, like driving. In theory, random checks near borders can be carried out but this doesn’t seem to happen very often. 

Since no countries are currently on the risk-list, you no longer have have to fill in a digital entry form before travelling to Germany. The proof of vaccination, recovery or test is enough. 

People should keep track of any changes in the “risk level” of the country you are travelling from on the Robert Koch Institute’s risk list. If a variant deemed dangerous is discovered in a country then stricter measures can be brought in at short notice. 

The travel rules have been extended until April 28th 2022, but they may be extended beyond this date. 


Are there Covid rules in Germany?

Yes, there are a few things to be aware of. Germany was supposed to loosen up almost all restrictions on March 20th. But due to infections increasing upwards again, states have been hesitant to lift the rules. 

From April 2nd there will be a change in culture though – the Covid entry rules to get into restaurants and bars will fall away. That means you won’t have to show evidence of Covid vaccination, recovery or a test. 

Masks – Plus there will be a huge change on mask restrictions. Masks will no longer be mandatory in shops and in restaurants and bars – usually you have to wear them when walking around a venue. They also won’t be compulsory in gyms, cinemas and museums. However, individual businesses can decide keep the mask rule in place so be prepared for that. 

You will still have to wear a mask if going to a GP, hospital, nursing or care home. Plus masks are still mandatory on public and long-distance transport as well as flights. In Germany the norm has usually been to wear a medical mask (that’s an FFP2 or the surgical mask). Cloth masks haven’t been around for some time. 

READ MORE: What are Germany’s new Covid-19 mask rules?

Exceptions – Some German states are choosing to declare themselves a Covid hotspot, meaning that the tougher restrictions are extended. So far the northern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg have chosen to take this route. We’ll update you on any other states who also take this route. 

Tourists sit in front of the Reichsburg in Cochem on the Moselle River.

Tourists sit in front of the Reichsburg in Cochem on the Moselle River. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Thomas Frey

Tourists and visitors to Germany are not meant to get the EU digital Covid pass. You can show evidence of your own digital or official vaccination certificate (like an American CDC card or Indian digital vaccine pass). Some places prefer that you have a QR code that they can scan. However, if you have official vaccination proof on paper from a foreign country, they are usually understanding. 


What about culture changes?

Masks get thumbs up

One thing to note is that Germans have generally been on board with wearing a face mask during the pandemic. So it will be interesting to see if lots of people continue to wear one in future even in places where it is not mandatory. 

READ ALSO: Half of Germans will keep wearing masks after mandates end

Testing is encouraged

Germany really went to town on offering free (well, taxpayer-funded) Covid-19 antigen tests during the pandemic. You’ll find testing stations and centres dotted around cities and towns. People are encouraged to get tested regularly to keep an eye on their Covid status. You can also buy Covid tests in supermarkets, drugstores and pharmacies but they’re selling out regularly at the moment because of the coronavirus spread.

Tourists and visitors can also use the antigen testing centres, although there’s a different system for PCR tests. And if you test positive? Here’s what you should do.

Lüften, Lüften, Lüften

Anyone who has spent a bit of time in Germany will be aware that the love and passion for the ventilation of rooms, known as Lüften in German, is strong. Due to the pandemic, it’s now even stronger. You’ll often find windows and doors wide open in cafes and other places, making sure that Covid does not linger in stale air for too long. So remember to wrap up when you go out for Kaffee und Kuchen.

You’ll also find a lot more options to sit outside to eat and drink, even when it’s chilly. When restaurants had to close many people took take-away food and sat outdoors in three layers to eat it and that outdoor-living culture has been embraced.

An exception? Smoking bars in Berlin – Raucherkneipen – are still smokey and nobody tends to open windows or doors to air them out. 

Germans still love cash

Despite an uptick in card payments at the very beginning of the pandemic, it didn’t really last. Bars, restaurants and shops still tend to prefer that customers pay in cash. So make sure you’re stocked up with euros when you head out for food or a drink. 

But there has also been a move to embrace more digital services, although who knows how long it will take for the land of the fax machine to move on completely to the digital world. 

READ ALSO: 7 things the Covid-19 crisis has taught us about Germany

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Germany begins expanded border checks to limit migrant arrivals

Germany from Monday is expanding border controls to the frontiers with all nine of its neighbours to stop irregular migrants in a move that has sparked protests from other EU members.

Germany begins expanded border checks to limit migrant arrivals

The government announced the sweeping measure following a string of deadly extremist attacks that have stoked public fears and boosted support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser on Sunday said that the step aimed to limit irregular migration and “put a stop to criminals and identify and stop Islamists at an early stage”.

The border controls will be in place for an initial six months and are expected to include temporary structures at land crossings and spot checks by federal police.

Poland and Austria have voiced concern and the European Commission has warned that members of the 27-nation bloc must only impose such steps in exceptional circumstances.

Germany lies at the heart of Europe and borders nine countries that are part of the visa-free Schengen zone, designed to allow the free movement of people and goods.

Border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland were already in place before the crackdown was announced.

These will now be expanded to Germany’s borders with France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark.

Faeser said the government hoped to minimise the impact on people living and working in border regions, promising “coordination with our neighbouring countries”. She also pointed out that there should be “targeted controls, not blanket controls”.

The interior ministry however noted that travellers should carry identification when crossing the border.

READ ALSO: How Germany’s increased border checks will affect travel from neighbouring countries

‘Islamist attacks’

In recent weeks, a string of extremist attacks have shocked Germany, fuelling rising public anger.

Last month, a man on a knife rampage killed three people and wounded eight more at a festival in the western city of Solingen.

The Syrian suspect, who has alleged links to the Islamic State group, had been intended for deportation but managed to evade authorities.

The enforcement failure set off a bitter debate which marked the run-up to two regional polls in the formerly communist east, where the anti-immigration AfD scored unprecedented results.

With national elections looming next year, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government has been under intense political pressure to toughen its stance on migrants and asylum seekers.

READ ALSO: Debt, migration and the far-right – the big challenges facing Germany this autumn 

Scholz was in Uzbekistan on Sunday to sign a migration deal for workers to come to Germany, while simplifying deportation procedures in the opposite direction so that “those that must go back do go back”, the chancellor said.

Closer to home, the German government has presented plans to speed up deportations to European partners.

Under EU rules, asylum requests are meant to be handled by the country of arrival. The system has placed a huge strain on countries on the European periphery, where leaders have demanded more burden-sharing.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that Germany tightening its borders means that it would “essentially pass the buck to countries located on the outer borders of Europe”.

Austria’s Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said his country “will not accept people who are rejected from Germany”, while Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk condemned Germany’s move as “unacceptable”.

‘Welcome to the club’

Warsaw has also struggled with migration and accused Moscow of smuggling people from Africa and the Middle East into Europe by sending them through Belarus to the Polish border.

Berlin on Friday said that Tusk and Scholz had discussed the issue and agreed to strengthen EU external borders, “especially in view of the cynical instrumentalisation of migrants by Belarus”.

Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, meanwhile, mocked the German chancellor on social media site X, writing: “Bundeskanzler Scholz, welcome to the club! #StopMigration.”

Germany took in more than a million asylum seekers in 2015-16, many of them Syrians, and has hosted over a million Ukrainians since the start of the Russian invasion in 2022.

The extra burden on municipal authorities and integration services in Germany needed to be “taken into account” when talking about new border controls, Berlin’s interior ministry said.

In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Dick Schoof on Friday unveiled the country’s strictest migration policy yet, saying it will request an opt-out from EU common policy on asylum next week.

A four-party coalition dominated by far-right firebrand Geert Wilders’s Freedom Party wants to declare an “asylum crisis” to curb the influx of migrants through a tough set of rules including border controls.

By Raphaelle LOGEROT with Celine LE PRIOUX in Berlin