Do Germany’s planned changes to abortion laws go far enough?

A long-awaited change to Germany’s punitive abortion laws is underway, but some believe it stops far short of what's needed. Here’s what you need to know.

Do Germany's planned changes to abortion laws go far enough?
A woman receives a consultation at a catholic pregnancy advice centre in Baden-Württemburg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Marijan Murat

In January this year, Germany’s traffic light coalition – made up of the Social Democrats, Free Democrats and Green party – announced its intention to undertake “the biggest reform of family law in several decades”, introducing sweeping protections for same-sex couples and non-traditional families.

Centre-stage in these reforms was a drastic overhaul of Germany’s outdated reproductive laws – stripping away a controversial clause on advertising abortion that has remained unchanged since the 1930s.

Discussing the move, Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) said the current state of abortion law in Germany created an “unacceptable situation” where doctors faced criminal proceedings for trying to help people stay informed. “That doesn’t belong in our times,” he said.

On the face of it, it seems like the long decades of feminist campaigning has paid off. But a closer look at Germany’s current abortion laws suggests that the planned reforms may only scratch the surface. 

What’s are the current abortion laws – and how will they change? 

Once of the most controversial aspects of current abortion law in Germany is Paragraph 219a, a Nazi-era clause forbidding doctors from “advertising” the availability of abortion services or sharing information on the procedure with patients. 

The government has promised to dispense with this paragraph and, earlier this year, Buschmann announced that the cabinet had agreed on a draft bill to do just that. With this initial move to allow doctors to provide information to pregnant patients, the long road to reform has already begun.

READ ALSO: Why Germany is planning to overhaul abortion information laws

However, the much-publicised and in-the-works repeal of Paragraph 219a is only one piece of the many barriers to abortion in Germany. At present, the coalition has not announced a formalised intention to abolish Paragraph 218, which continues to fundamentally criminalise abortion, leaving pregnant women to manoeuvre within tightly-defined exceptions to the law.

A pro-choice protester in Berlin wears a mask with "away with §218" on it.

A pro-choice protester in Berlin wears a mask with “away with Paragraph 218” on it. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Paul Zinken

The prospect of changing this status quo remains murky, couched in extremely careful language. The coalition contract does clearly state that access to cost-free abortions should be a part of reliable healthcare. But when it comes to fully decriminalising the act of abortion, the document only announces that a commission on reproductive self-determination and reproductive medicine will examine options for regulating abortion “outside of the framework of the criminal code”. No concrete promises there.

Katrin Helling-Plahr, FDP parliamentary group spokesperson for legal policy, was actively involved in negotiating this section of the coalition contract. Plahr has long advocated for more progressive laws on reproductive medicine, and greeted the demise of Paragraph 219a as long overdue

Responding to a request for comment on the coalition’s cautious language, she reiterated plans to appoint an exploratory commission, but made clear that her party did not necessarily regard a total decriminalisation of abortion as legally or ethically viable. 

We Free Democrats are of the opinion that Paragraph 218, as the result of a long societal discussion, represents a successful compromise with regards to protecting the life of the foetus and the right to self-determination of the pregnant person,” she wrote.

Abortion access remains fraught

Meanwhile, individuals seeking to terminate a pregnancy in Germany are often left with little choice but to travel abroad for care, to one of the many European nations with fewer barriers to abortion. 

As long as Paragraph 218 stands, those seeking legal abortions in Germany face mandatory and often aggressively pro-natalist counselling, a waiting period and strict time limitations, with abortions only available in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. And even when eligible for a legal abortion, finding a provider to perform it is another matter entirely. 

A recent story from investigative news site CORRECTIV.Lokal showed the barriers faced by individuals seeking to terminate a pregnancy in Germany, including poor access to abortion providers, discriminatory treatment, patchy insurance coverage of the costs and extensive bureaucratic burdens. As the Green parliamentarian Ulle Schauws pointed out, despite more readily available information on performing doctors after the removal of 219a, the actual sparse landscape of abortion coverage won’t automatically become any more densely populated.

The difficulty of accessing contraception 

Abortion access isn’t the only thorn in the side of folks who would rather not be pregnant. 

In 2015, Germany finally made the morning-after pill available over the counter, without a prescription. Though many people are able to obtain it without too much hassle, there’s evidence to suggest that different pharmacies handle the situation differently – with some taking a more invasive approach. 

When US citizen Courtney Harrison tried to get emergency contraception at a German pharmacy, she found the experience intensely personal and far removed from the ease of obtaining most other over-the-counter medications. Before being given the medication, she was brought back to a separate room and had to speak with multiple staff members. 

“They had to ask a bunch of questions and I had to fill out a form,” she said, questioning the necessity of sharing “intimate details” with two different people just to obtain an over-the-counter medication. 

A woman holds the morning-after pill at a pharmacy

A woman holds the morning-after pill at a pharmacy. Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn | Benjamin Nolte

“I hope people who need Plan B here in Germany don’t face judgement when they have to personal answer questions about their reproductive health and sex history. I felt embarrassed and overwhelmed,” she added.

While reforms to access to contraception aren’t specifically on the cards, the traffic light coalition has pledged to ease the financial burden of obtaining it.

In the coalition pact, the parties say they want to give health insurance companies the ability to cover the cost of regular contraception “as a statutory benefit”, as well as making free contraceptives available for those on low incomes. Emergency contraception is already covered by health insurance – but only after a visit to the GP. 

They also want to invest in research for contraceptives “for all genders” – presumably including the much-awaited pill for men. 

READ ALSO: What you need to know about the abortion law battle that divides Germany

Do the reforms go far enough?

Though the traffic-light coalitions have made pledges that go far beyond anything posited by the previous conservative-led government, some campaigners question whether the changes set out will be enough to make a meaningful difference. 

At present, potential expense, legal issues and a mountain of bureaucracy often limit women’s access to reproductive healthcare. That, and the ever-debated Paragraph 218, that continues to consider abortion a criminal offence. 

“In Germany my body belongs, de facto, to the state,” journalist and campaigner Mithu Sanyal said in an interview with Deutschland Funk. “You can see that in a law like Paragraph 218: the state can decide whether I get an abortion or not.”

Though the coalition has also pledged to make abortions free of charge and tackle the information and access issues, the legal issues remain a sticking point. 

Speaking to broadcaster RBB24, Sabrina Odebrecht, who works at a pregnancy advice centre in Berlin, said she thought it was right for women to be offered counselling before an abortion. But, she added, they should have the right to choose whether to accept it without fearing legal consequences. 

“I think it is wrong to criminalise the procedure in principle, to criminalise and frighten women and doctors,” Odebrecht said. “That is why Paragraph 218 should finally be dropped.”

So despite the incoming changes, the debates surrounding abortion law are far from over. 

Member comments

  1. I wonder are these pro choice people and ministers the same ones who want to force people into vaccination?
    Everyone should have a choice. But I dont think abortion should be touted as a cure all. Decriminalise it and allow the parties involved to openly discuss options. It just can not be made too easy it is a very serious thing. Not a quick fix.

  2. Florida just changed their law and I find it reasonable. It gives women an option, but not an open-ended one that takes into account fetal development.

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Should you take vitamin D supplements in Germany?

With the mornings and evenings getting darker, many people may be wondering if taking a vitamin D supplement is recommended in Germany. Here's what to know.

Should you take vitamin D supplements in Germany?

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for overall health and well-being, and most people are aware that it can be absorbed via sunlight. 

But as long-time residents in Germany know all too well, sunlight is often hard to come by in the autumn and winter months. In December, there’s only a few hours of daylight per day, typically when most people are at work (and it often isn’t even sunny).

This makes it much harder to get enough vitamin D. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to several health problems in the long run. Muscle weakness and cramps, fatigue and depression are among the symptoms of not getting enough of this vitamin. 

How do I get the most vitamin D in Germany?

It mostly involves getting outside in the warmer months. Germany’s disease control agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), says that vitamin D production happens from March to October and this is when the body builds up reserves for the winter. 

“During this time, the body is not only able to cover its acute needs, but also to build up vitamin D reserves in fat and muscle tissue for the winter months,” says the RKI.

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The RKI adds that to counteract low vitamin D levels all year round in Germany, current recommendations suggest “exposing your face, hands and arms to the sun uncovered and without sun protection two to three times a week between March and October”.

However experts add that sun protection measures, like wearing sunscreen, must be taken when spending longer periods of time in the sun.

Meanwhile, the German Nutrition Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung or DGE) states: “It is recommended to expose the body to the sun for a total of around five to 25 minutes per day with face, hands and large parts of arms and legs uncovered.”

A number of foods provide some vitamin D. It’s mainly found in fatty fish, roe and fish liver, but red meat, egg yolks and liver are other sources.

Vitamin D is also added to some foods in Germany, such as some milk or vegan milk drinks, yoghurt and other snacks. The nutritional label on food packaging will let people know how much vitamin D they are consuming. 

Although eating foods rich in vitamin D is generally recommended in moderation as part of a varied diet, the DGE says the main focus should be on the body’s own production of vitamin D through exposing skin to sunlight.

READ ALSO: Essential phrases and customs to survive the German winter

What about supplements?

Another way to improve your vitamin D status is to take supplements. 

The German Nutrition Society recommends going down this route if an improvement in vitamin D status cannot be achieved through other routes like getting out and about in the sunlight. 

But be aware that experts also say that taking larger doses over a long period of time can be harmful. 

Pictured are Vitamin D capsules.

Pictured are Vitamin D capsules. Photo by Michele Blackwell on Unsplash

During the height of the Covid pandemic in 2021, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) warned of the health risks of taking vitamin D supplements without taking to a medical professional first. 

“Higher doses should only be taken under medical supervision and taking the individual vitamin D status into account,” the institute said.

“Anyone who wants to take vitamin D on their own should only use supplements with a daily dose of up to 20 micrograms (800 international units),” said the BfR. “With this amount, health impairments are not to be expected.”

According to the BfR, regular daily intake of vitamin D via high-dose preparations – for reasons other than medical reasons – increases the risk of health damage such as the formation of kidney stones or kidney calcification. There have also been cases of acute kidney failure as a result of uncontrolled self-administration of vitamin D preparations, experts said. 

There are a number of people deemed to be more at risk of a vitamin D deficiency.

From the BfR’s point of view, a general vitamin D intake of the upper limit of 20 micrograms per day should only be considered for nursing home residents and other risk groups. 

“This is because vitamin D is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. However, many older people hardly exercise outdoors,” the BfR said. Vitamin D production also decreases significantly with age.

READ ALSO: 8 tips for enjoying the cold like a true German

The risk groups for an inadequate vitamin D supply also include people who rarely or never spend time outdoors or who – for cultural or religious reasons – only go outside with their bodies completely covered. Some people who suffer from chronic gastrointestinal, liver or kidney diseases or who take medication that impairs vitamin D metabolism are also more at risk. 

If you suspect that you’re not getting enough vitamin D, go to your GP. They can test for various deficiencies, but bear in mind that these tests are not usually covered by statutory health insurance. 

Even if you don’t test, GPs will be able to advise you on whether you should take a supplement in winter – or all year round – depending on your individual case.