Russia warns of ‘consequences’ if Sweden and Finland join NATO

Russia's foreign ministry on Friday warned of unspecified "consequences" should Finland and Sweden join the US-led NATO defence alliance, after Moscow sent troops into Ukraine.

NATO ship on its way through the Stockholm archipelago after the visit to Stockholm.
NATO ship on its way through the Stockholm archipelago after a visit to Stockholm. 23rd March 2022 Photo: Urban Andersson / TT

Moscow’s military actions in Ukraine have sparked a dramatic U-turn in public and political opinion in both Finland and Sweden over long-held policies of military non-alignment.

Finland said this week it will decide whether to apply for NATO membership within weeks, and Sweden is also discussing joining the alliance.

“The choice is up to the authorities of Sweden and Finland. But they should understand the consequences of such a step for our bilateral relations and for the architecture of European security as a whole,” Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

She added that Sweden and Finland’s membership in NATO is “unlikely to contribute to strengthening (their) international prestige”.

Zakharova said that the non-alignment policy of the two countries “provided a reliable level of security”, while membership in a military alliance is “not capable of strengthening their national security”.

“They will automatically find themselves on the NATO frontline,” Zakharova said.

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev warned on Thursday that Russia would deploy nuclear weapons close to the three Baltic states and Scandinavia if Finland or Sweden decided to join.


INTERVIEW: ‘Nato will process a Swedish application quickly’

Swedish PM on Nato: ‘I see no point in delaying the process’

Member comments

  1. Instead of throwing ourself in prestige and ego battleground, I wish Govt. think about their people and avoid unnecessary consequences. We had enough of war impact globally, why to instigate by such steps when its not needed at the time.
    Government should first think of Swedish people and than worry about global image. Hope they will think for people first 🙁

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Sweden prepared to manage Nato land force in Finland

Sweden is willing to manage a future Nato land force in neighbouring Finland, which shares a border with Russia, the two newest members of the military alliance announced on Monday.

Sweden prepared to manage Nato land force in Finland

The two Nordic nations dropped decades of military non-alignment and applied for Nato membership in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Finland became a member in 2023 and Sweden this year.

Nato said in July that a so-called Forward Land Forces (FLF) presence should be developed in Finland, which shares a 1,340-kilometre (830-mile) border with Russia.

“This kind of military presence in a Nato country requires a framework nation which plays an important role in the implementation of the concept,” Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen told a press conference.

The countries said Finland had asked Sweden to manage the force.

“The Swedish government has the ambition to take the role as a framework nation for a forward land force in Finland,” Häkkänen’s Swedish counterpart Pål Jonson told reporters.

Jonson stressed the process was still in an “early stage” and details would be worked out inside Nato.

There would also be further consultations with the Swedish parliament, he said.

Häkkänen said details about the actual force would be clarified through planning with other Nato members, adding that the number of troops and their exact location had not yet been decided.

Nato says it currently has eight such forward presences, or “multinational battlegroups”, in Eastern Europe – in Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.