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EXPLAINED: Will Swedish housing prices plummet as interest rates rise?

The Swedish financial supervisory authority warned on Wednesday that rising interest rates could lead to house prices falling "quite sharply". How likely is it that this will happen?

EXPLAINED: Will Swedish housing prices plummet as interest rates rise?
Houses for sale at an estate agent in Stockholm. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

What financial circumstances might make it difficult for borrowers to repay loans?

With an increase in the cost of living, including rising interest rates and rising electricity prices, there are plenty of circumstances that may make it difficult for borrowers – especially those holding large debts in relation to their income – to repay their mortgages.

Households with large debts are therefore more sensitive to an increase in interest rates, according to the Swedish financial supervisory authority, known in Swedish as Finansinspektionen (FI).

The agency published its annual Swedish Mortgage Market report on Wednesday.

“Large debts also mean a higher sensitivity if you were to suffer unemployment during an extensive recession,” said Henrik Braconier, the authority’s chief economist.

Other factors that could stretch borrowers’ finances include rising energy prices, higher food prices, and growing inflation.

“Apples, oranges, tomatoes have gone up by 30 percent,” said Américo Fernández, a household economist at SEB. “Wheat is coming from Ukraine and it’s getting harder and harder to get hold of.”


Will homeowners become unable to repay their mortgage loans?

Not according to Fernández.

“One of the last things Swedish households will fail to make their payments on is their mortgage and their houses,” he said. “They would rather decrease their spending on vacations abroad, or restaurants.”

The FI report noted that most new mortgages include margins that allow for fluctuations in the borrower’s finances. This means that mortgage holders have a cushion that allows them to handle financial changes.

“Our stress test shows that they can handle increases in the interest rate and also loss of income,” said Magnus Karlsson, FI’s director of macroanalysis. “New mortgages have margins in them calculating discretionary income, and will be able to absorb increases in interest rates and loss of income.”

SEB foresees an interest rise of up to three percent over the next two years, Fernández said,an increase that can be absorbed by most households.

Both Fernández and Karlsson agreed that if homeowners have to cut back on spending, those cuts will not come from debt repayment, but from their disposable income – the money they might ordinarily spend on entertainment, eating out, or travelling.

So while household spending may have to change, financial stability is not at stake for most households.

What’s going on with the housing market?

Right now, a record number of mortgage-holders have loans that are worth more than 4.5 times their income. This year, more than 14 percent of new mortgagors took on such large loans, compared to 6.3 percent last year.

A “low interest rate, increase in housing prices, increase in disposable real income and a housing market that is not functioning well” are all factors in the large debts that homeowners have incurred today, Karlsson argued.

Fernández noted that there is an imbalance between the low supply of housing and the high demand for housing, which is in part responsible for the high housing prices we see today.

He said a decrease in price of a few percentage points would not be surprising: “We’re coming from two years of exaggerated prices.”

Will housing prices begin to decrease after two years of increasing prices?

Calculations for three different scenarios tested by FI show that housing prices will decrease, Karlsson said.

While the agency does not predict housing prices, its report shows that under three different scenarios – the first an increase in mortgage interest rate, the second an increase in energy prices, and the third a combination of the first two with a reversal to pre-pandemic housing preferences – prices will decrease.

The Local Sweden reported last year about increasing housing costs in Sweden, spurred on in part by a desire for bigger homes further away from urban areas during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fernández called the two years of increasing housing costs “surprising.”

“10-12 percent two years in a row, that’s historical in these uncertain times,” he said, noting that prices were still increasing in figures for March this year.

What sorts of housing will see the largest price decrease?

The FI report also included various scenarios of how the price of different types of housing may fluctuate based on changes in the interest rate.

One scenario assumed a 1 percent increase in interest rates this year and a 0.5 percent increase next year, and predicted that while the price of apartments owned in a cooperative – called bostadsrätter – would fall only slightly, the price of detached houses would fall by 10 percent.

Another calculation that accounted for rising electricity prices and a decline in new housing purchases found that the price of bostadsrätter and detached houses risked falling by an average of 30 percent.

Is there a plan to let borrowers end their mortgage terms early?

“We believe it needs to be simpler and more inexpensive for households to repay their mortgages early,” FI Director General Erik Thedéen is quoted as saying in a press release published by the agency on Wednesday.

To that end, Thedéen said at a press conference that the agency had sent a request to the government to change the calculation model for how banks are compensated when mortgages are terminated early.

“When you terminate a loan agreement and the bank incurs costs, it must be reimbursed,” Thedéen said. “But at present the banks are overcompensated, that is what our calculations show. If the government follows our line and changes the model and follows our line, then the banks must simply adapt.”

When asked about the likelihood of this request being granted, FI recommended reaching out to the Ministry of Justice for comment.

What does this mean for foreigners in Sweden?

If you’re already a mortgage holder, then as Karlsson and Fernández assured, mortgage calculations include a cushion that allow for changes in your financial circumstances.

If homeownership is in your future, housing prices may begin to decrease in the near future, so it’s worth keeping an eye on your local real estate listings.

By Shandana Mufti

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Why luxury Swiss mountain resorts are becoming ‘lifeless’

Properties are expensive — and getting even more so — in many parts of Switzerland. But the situation is especially dire in chic mountain resorts, where the cost of holiday apartments has soared substantially. This is having an impact on the local population.

Why luxury Swiss mountain resorts are becoming 'lifeless'

In the past several years, the already pricey holiday homes in the Swiss Alps have become 30 percent more expensive, according to a new UBS report analysing 140,000 properties in the mountain resorts of Switzerland, France, and Austria.

Swiss towns, however, are the most expensive of the lot, having taken nearly all the top spots in the ranking.

Verbier, in canton of Valais,  is in the first place — the price for a square metre of living space in this resort town now costs over 21,500 francs.

St. Moritz in Graubünden is a close second (21,200 francs for sq/m), followed by Zermatt (19, 900), Gstaad (19,700), and Andermatt (18,000).

By comparison, the per-square-metre price (in Swiss francs) in the most expensive ‘foreign’ resort — Kitzbühel, Austria — is 16,200, and in the highest-priced French resort, Courchevel, 13,500.

Mountain villages are certainly picturesque and offer many skiing and hiking opportunities for sports enthusiasts, but these are not the only reasons for the influx of well-heeled residents.

This trend took off during the Covid pandemic, when numerous city dwellers wanted to escape farther away into the ‘nature’ and be able to work from home.

What does this all mean?

Getting a top franc for their property is enticing to many homeowners, who can cash in and make a good profit.

And having affluent taxpayers move in boosts local economy, which means that everyone living in the community benefits at the end.
“This generally supports the municipal finances which, in turn, raises the scope for infrastructure investments and thus increases the attractiveness of a destination for second home owners,” UBS said in its report.

However,  like the proverbial double-edged sword, high property prices also have a negative side.

For instance, as the wealthy move in and prices go up, the lower and middle-class people who may have lived in these mountain communities for generations — running local shops, restaurants, ski lifts, and other essential businesses — can no longer afford to live there and are forced to move out.
While there are no official statistics  showing how many people move away from these resorts for financial reasons, anecdotal evidence indicates this phenomenon does exist. 

One of many such testimonies comes from Graubünden’s Engadin region. 

“Locals have sold historic Engadin houses to wealthy owners, who in turn converted them and used them as holiday homes, becoming popular retreats that are often empty in the off-season,” according to Anna Florin movement, which encourages villagers to withstand the pressure from the real estate agents to sell their properties.
 “Life in the village is therefore dwindling or disappearing completely.”