Macron says France to ‘intensify’ military, humanitarian aid to Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday that France would "intensify" its supply of military and humanitarian support following a conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.

macron and zelenksy
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) and French President Emmanuel Macron shake hands after a press conference following their meeting in Kyiv on February 8, 2022. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)

Zelensky thanked France for “large-scale military shipments that contribute to the Ukrainian resistance,” Macron said, adding “that this support will continue to intensify, as will the humanitarian assistance provided by France”.

“The mission of French experts contributing to the collection of evidence to fight against impunity and allow the work of international justice concerning crimes committed in the context of the Russian aggression will continue,” he said.

The United States, France, the Czech Republic and other allies have provided Kyiv with hundreds of long-range artillery pieces to help it counter Moscow’s offensive in the Donbas.

Paris is sending its ultra-modern Caesar canons.

The French presidency said on Saturday that aid to Ukraine amounted to “more than 615 tonnes of equipment, including medical equipment, generators for hospitals, food aid, shelter aid and emergency vehicles”.

READ ALSO: Why France is leading the EU in seizing Russian assets

Newly re-elected Macron said he wanted to “work actively during his second term to restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, always maintaining close coordination with its European partners and allies”.

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France to finance Ukraine aid with Russian assets

France will use a share of €1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) in revenues from frozen Russian assets to finance purchase of military equipment for Ukraine, the defence ministry said Friday.

France to finance Ukraine aid with Russian assets

“Alongside other (EU) member states, the ministry… will take part in implementing the new support measure for Ukraine from the European Peace Facility,” it said in a statement.

The European Commission in Brussels had given the go-ahead for “swift procurement of priority material from French industry” including ammunition, artillery and air defences, the ministry added.

READ ALSO: France seizes €4.5m coastal villa linked to Vladimir Putin

Around €200 billion of Russian assets have been frozen across the 27-nation European Union since Russia’s invasion of its neighbour Ukraine in 2022.

Around 90 percent of them are held in Belgium, where international clearinghouse and securities depository Euroclear is headquartered.

EU member states agreed in May to use the interest generated by seized assets belonging to the Russian central bank to support Kyiv.

A first tranche of €1.5 billion was green-lighted in July.

The interest revenue is expected to amount to between €2.5 and €3 billion per year to arm Ukraine and cover the costs of post-war reconstruction.

Russia has denounced the EU decision as “illegal”.

At a June meeting, G7 leaders reached a “political agreement” on a similar arrangement at a meeting in Italy.