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How to apply for citizenship in Denmark

We provide an explanation of applying for citizenship in Denmark, including an overview of the rules, a guide to the application process and useful extra information.

danish flag
You can expect to see the Danish flag flying at your citizenship ceremony, should you navigate the process of applying for naturalisation as a Dane. Photo: Niels Christian Vilmann/Ritzau Scanpix

Danish citizenship can only be granted to foreign nationals via legal nationalisation: your application must actually be approved by a parliamentary majority. Accepted applications are normally processed in parliament twice yearly, in April and in October. 

You need to fulfil the conditions for Danish citizenship up until the April or October when your application will be processed and the application needs to be submitted at least two to three months before April or October. 

To be granted citizenship, you must apply to the Ministry of Immigration and Integration for the eye-watering fee of 4,000 kroner (2022). 

Citizenship entitles you to a Danish passport and gives you the right to vote in parliamentary elections, as well as providing a permanent basis for residency in the country.

Danish requirements for citizenship are some of the toughest in the world. In April 2021, the Social Democratic government linked up with conservative parties Liberal (Venstre), the Conservatives and Liberal Alliance on a tighter new agreement around citizenship rights.

You must meet a number of closely-defined criteria and requirements in order to be eligible for citizenship by naturalisation. These fall into six broad categories, all of which will be set out in further detail below.

  • Give a declaration of allegiance and loyalty to Denmark
  • Fulfil prior residency criteria
  • Be free of debt to the public sector and be financially self-sufficient
  • Have no criminal convictions
  • Hold a full-time job or been self-employed for three and a half of the last four years. 
  • Meet criteria for Danish language skills 
  • Pass a citizenship test and demonstrate knowledge of Danish society and values

For children, stateless people born in Denmark, people whose previous Danish citizenships have lapsed and citizens of the Nordic countries, special rules apply. These will not be addressed in this article.

Declaration of allegiance and loyalty to Denmark

It is a condition for acquiring Danish citizenship by naturalisation that you declare allegiance and loyalty to Denmark and to Danish society. You must also declare that you will obey Denmark’s laws, including the constitution, and respect the fundamental values and legal principles of Danish democracy.

How do I do this, you might ask? The answer is, digitally. You sign the declaration online as you file your application on the website. You also reiterate the declaration when you attend the ceremony which confirms your citizenship, once you have been accepted for it.

Prior residency criteria

At the time of your application, you must already have a permit for permanent residency in Denmark for a minimum of two years, and have lived in Denmark for a specified number of years (see below).

People recognised as refugees, equated with refugees, or stateless, need a one year minimum permit for permanent residency.

Being a resident in Denmark means that you live permanently in the country and are registered at a Danish address (where you live) on the national civil registry (Det Centrale Personregister, CPR).

Certain applicants are exempt from one or both of the above conditions, for example Nordic citizens; former Danish citizens; people of Danish descent; members of the Danish minority of Southern Schleswig in Germany; applicants who are residing abroad due to the Danish spouse’s work for Danish interests; and applicants who were born between 1961 and 1978 to a Danish mother and who could have acquired Danish citizenship if their mother had applied for it between 1979 and 1981; and children who apply for citizenship without their parents. You can read more about this here.


Permanent residency is granted via a number of different routes, depending on the way in which you originally made Denmark your home.

EU free movement

If you are a citizen of an EU country or the family member of an EU citizen, you can be granted permanent residency in Denmark after five years’ legal residency in the country under EU free movement rules. For this, you must make an appointment to hand in your application in person to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI). SIRI has branch offices in Copenhagen, Odense, Aalborg, Aarhus and Aabenraa.


Non-EU citizens

If you are not a citizen of an EU country, the path to permanent residency, and thereby citizenship, is longer. To qualify for a permanent residency permit (permanent opholdstilladelse), you must have been legally resident in the country under a limited residency permit (tidsbegrænset opholdstilladelse) for at least eight years (in some cases four years, and exceptions can also apply, for example for persons aged 18 or 19 and people with Danish ancestry).

There are also a number of stringent requirements related to criminal convictions, debt to the state and self-sufficiency, employment history and language skills. These will not be covered here, since they are superseded by the requirements for citizenship itself, but you can find more detail on permanent residency in the articles linked below.


Length of stay

Normally, you must have lived in Denmark for nine consecutive years (without living elsewhere for more than three months) in order to qualify for citizenship. This period is reduced in some cases: for refugees it becomes eight years, citizens of Nordic countries need a two-year stay and people married to Danes qualify after 6-8 years, depending on the length of the marriage.

Other exceptions are made for those who have taken a significant portion of their education in Denmark, who may qualify after five years. If you moved to Denmark before your 15th birthday, you can become nationalised after you turn 18.

In certain cases, exemptions from residency duration requirements are made, for example if a Danish spouse has worked abroad or due to the applicant being stationed abroad while working for a Danish employer.

Public debt

Overdue repayments to the state, in the form of repayable social welfare payments, child support, excess housing support (boligstøtte), payment for daycare, police fines, municipal loans for paying deposits on rental housing, and unpaid taxes and fees can all result in rejection of a citizenship application.


You are required to prove that you can provide for yourself. That means, for example, documenting that you have not received state social welfare support such as the basic unemployment support, kontanthjælp, or the welfare benefits provided to those granted refugee statues (integrationsydelsen), within the last two years.

Furthermore, you may not have received benefits of this type for more than a total period of four months within the last five years.

Other types of state benefit, such as the state student grant (statens uddannelsesstøtte, SU) and state pensions do not exclude you from qualifying for citizenship.

Unemployment insurance, parental leave and sick leave payouts (dagpenge) received over a total period of over four months will be added to the two years in which you must document that you were not supported by the state. Therefore, these types of benefit (which are partially self-funded) do not preclude you from applying for citizenship, and you can be in receipt of them at the time you apply.

Criminal convictions

From April 2021, a new government agreement meant that anyone who has received a criminal sentence, either conditional or unconditional, will never be able to become a Danish citizen. 

Previous rules allowed people with unconditional sentences of up to one year to be granted citizenship following a suspension period.

Milder punishments such as fines can result in a suspension from applying for a period of at least four and a half years. If someone has been penalised several times, the waiting period is extended.

You must declare while applying for citizenship whether you have committed a crime. If authorities later find (a two-year check is carried out) that you have not disclosed any criminal activities, your citizenship can be revoked.

If a crime was committed abroad, the case will be discussed by the Danish Parliament’s Naturalisation Committee as to whether to grant dispensation.

READ MORE: ‘I’m being punished twice’: How a punch-up is stopping this Scot becoming a Danish citizen


Before 2021, there was no specific work requirement, as long as the applicant had not been receiving social benefits for the last four years.

The new rules require having held a full-time job or having been self-employed for three and a half of the last four years, and to still be employed at the time of application.

Full-time employment means employment in Denmark with an average working week of at least 30 hours. Employment as part of an education employment agreement with a company is also covered in this. 

Applications are also considered by those who have been employed abroad by a Danish company or in connection with a spouse employed abroad by a Danish company for less than two years.

And those employed abroad for less than one year, where the posting or deployment is significant for the sake of the applicant’s employment in Denmark.

There can be exceptions from this category, such as former Danish citizens, people of Danish descent, and members of the Danish minority of Southern Schleswig in Germany, certain children applying for citizenship without their parents, applicants who have reached the state pension age or have been granted an early retirement pension or senior pension. 

READ ALSO: How can you get a work permit in Denmark if you are not an EU national?

Language proficiency

In general, you must have passed the national Prøve i Dansk 3 language test, the final exam in the national Danish language school system. As such, you will be comfortable with speaking, reading and writing in Danish at the time you apply for citizenship.

READ ALSO: Danish: Is it really so hard to learn?

There are certain exemptions from the language requirements. Residents of Greenland and the Faroe Islands, as well as Swedish and Norwegian speakers, do not need to document Danish proficiency. Dispensation can be given for applicants with certain types of illnesses and disabilities, and different rules apply to children.

The Danish citizenship test

A condition of getting Danish citizenship, is that you demonstrate knowledge of Danish society, culture and history, by having passed ‘Indfødsretsprøven af 2021.’

In April 2021, the existing citizenship test, (indfødsretsprøven) consisting of 40 multiple choice questions, was supplemented with five extra questions about “Danish values” such as equality, freedom of speech and the relation between legislation and religion. 

If you have taken and passed the previous test of 2015, between the test date in June 2016 and the test date in June 2021, this will be accepted as part of your citizenship application.

The Danish citizenship test is held twice yearly, normally at the end of June and the end of November. 

The pass mark is 36/45 and at least four of the five Danish values questions must be answered correctly. You’ll need to attach a certificate showing you’ve passed when you submit your application.

A few – but not many – exemptions apply meaning some people do not have to take the citizenship test. This includes children under 12 or people from Norway or Sweden, or people from the Danish minority in German region Schleswig-Holstein.


New Danish citizens attend a celebratory event at Christiansborg in 2015. File photo: Linda Kastrup/Ritzau Scanpix

Where to apply

Applications for citizenship are made via the citizens’ self-service website, where you must initially log-in using the MitID system, which replaces the phased-out NemID during 2021. You will then be guided through each step of the application and prompted to upload documentation. Applications can be saved in the system for up to a month. After this, you’ll have to begin from scratch.

You’ll be asked to confirm whether you are using legal representation for your application, then asked to fill in identity information. Some of this – your personal registration number and address, for example – will be automatically filled in. You will also be required to upload a photo of your passport.

Given the hefty application fee, it is important to make sure you have everything in your application correct. It is beyond the scope of this article to cover the many different ways in which personal circumstances and history might affect a citizenship application, but there are options for seeking advice.

You can contact the Ministry of Immigration and Integration for guidance on citizenship rules. Their contact information (including an email address) can be found here.

You also have the option of seeking legal advice. Copenhagen Legal Aid offers such advice to everyone living in Denmark (not just in Copenhagen), and the service is free (depending on your income). You can contact them in person or by telephone.

READ ALSO: ‘I was born in Denmark, but my post-Brexit Danish citizenship application was rejected’

What happens next? 

Once your application is submitted, it’s time to play the waiting game. At the end of 2021, the processing time for applications was approximately 14 months, according to the immigration ministry.

If all goes well and your application is approved by the ministry, you will receive a letter notifying you that you can expect to be accepted for citizenship at the next round of parliamentary procedure, provided you still fulfil the requirements at that time.

Once the new law making you a citizen comes into force, you will be sent a declaration that you have been accepted for citizenship with one final condition: you attend a ceremony, declare that you will uphold Denmark’s laws, values and principles, shake hands with an official and become a citizen.

READ ALSO: Denmark officially ushers in dual citizenship in 2015

Sources: Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet (1) (2) (3),,

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QUIZ: Can you pass the 2024 Danish citizenship test?

If you want to become a Danish citizen, you have to prove your knowledge of the country's culture, history, politics and more by taking a citizenship test. Would you pass?

QUIZ: Can you pass the 2024 Danish citizenship test?

A condition of getting Danish citizenship is to demonstrate knowledge of Danish society, culture and history by passing a citizenship test (indfødsretsprøve).

In April 2021, the previous version of the citizenship test, which consisted of 40 multiple choice questions, was supplemented with five extra questions about “Danish values” such as equality, freedom of speech and the relation between legislation and religion. 

The pass mark is 36/45 and at least four of the five Danish values questions must be answered correctly. 

READ ALSO: How to apply for citizenship in Denmark

There are 45 questions (and they’re in Danish) in the real test. We’ve compiled a quiz version below with 15 questions for you to have a go at answering. Also unlike the actual examination, there is no time limit to answer the exam. 

All 15 questions are drawn from the most recent citizenship test which took place on May 29th 2024.

The pass mark on the real test is 36/45. At least 4 of the 5 “values” questions (the last 5 questions in the test) must be correctly answered. 

In our version, the last 3 questions are taken from the Danish values section of the real test.

The 45 questions in the real citizenship test cover a broader range of topics and styles than those covered here, so please don’t take our quiz as any certain measure of your ability to pass the real thing.

Now it’s time to test your knowledge:

1. When did the Danish Constitution come into force?

  1. 1849
  2. 1864
  3. 1899

Denmark’s Constitution. Photo: Emil Nicolai Helms/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: (a) 1849

The 1849 constitution transformed Denmark into a constitutional monarchy, limiting the monarch’s power and introducing parliamentary rule. It ended an absolutist system which had been in place since the 1600s.

2. In which sector did most people work in around 1850?

  1. Industry
  2. Fishing
  3. Agriculture

Photo: Morten Juhl/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: (c) agriculture

Denmark was industrialised later than larger European countries like Germany and the United Kingdom.

3. Who has the law-making, judicial and executive powers of state in Denmark?

  1. Parliament, government and the courts
  2. Parliament, municipalities and the courts
  3. Government, regions and municipalities

A statue of Frederick VII, who signed Denmark’s first Constitution, on a horse outside the Christiansborg parliament. Photo: Henrik Sørensen/Danish Parliament

Answer: (a) Parliament, government and the courts

Denmark’s structure of government follows the classic principle of the three branches of power.

4. Which parties are part of the current coalition government?

  1. Social Democrats, Socialist People’s Party, Social Liberals
  2. Social Democrats, Liberal Alliance, Conservatives
  3. Social Democrats, Moderates, Liberals

Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: c) Social Democrats, Moderates, Liberals

The current coalition government ‘crosses the centre’ by including both left- and right-wing parties.

5. What was Inger Christensen (1935-2009) famous for?

  1. Artist
  2. Poet
  3. Actor

The Inger Christensen monument in Copenhagen. Photo: Asger Ladefoged/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: (b) poet

Inger Christensen was a novelist and poet most known for her experimental style and “system poetry”, and was also a prolific essay writer.

6. Which Danish television series famously depicted the period 1929-1947?

  1. Krøniken
  2. Borgen
  3. Matador

Photo by Olena Bohovyk on Unsplash

Answer: c) Matador

Widely regarded as the best Danish television series of all time, Matador was produced in the late 1970s and early 1980s, depicting life in a small town and its prominent families.

READ ALSO: The best Danish TV shows to watch to understand Denmark

7. Which pop group released the single ‘Barbie Girl’ in the 1990s?

  1. Whigfield
  2. Me&My
  3. Aqua

Photo: Andrew Kelly/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: c) Aqua

Given the huge popularity of this song outside of Denmark, it may be one of the easier questions for foreign nationals taking the citizenship test.

8.  What type of sustainable energy produces the largest proportion of Denmark’s electricity?

  1. Solar power
  2. Wind power
  3. Hydro power

Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: b) wind power

Wind power provided around 29.3 percent of Denmark’s electricity in 2022, according to official figures.

9. When did Margrethe II become Queen of Denmark?

  1. 1962
  2. 1972
  3. 1982

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe on January 4th 2024 in one of her last official engagements before abdicating. Photo;: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: b) 1972

Queen Margrethe reigned for exactly 52 years, abdicating on January 14th this year to be replaced by her son King Frederik X.

10. In which Danish city can you visit the house of Hans Christian Andersen?

  1. Aarhus
  2. Odense
  3. Copenhagen

Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: b) Odense

Iconic 19th-century author Hans Christian Andersen was originally from Odense, where a major new museum is dedicated to his story and works.

11. When was North Schleswig – today known as Sønderjylland – reunified with Denmark?

  1. 1864
  2. 1901
  3. 1920

Photo: Claus Fisker/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: c) 1920

South Jutland was returned to Denmark by Germany in the aftermath of World War I following a plebiscite held in the region, where the majority of the population is Danish. South Schleswig voted to remain in Germany.

12. On which of Denmark’s EU opt-outs was a referendum held in 2022?

  1. The single currency (euro)
  2. EU immigration law
  3. Security and defence

Photo: Emil Helms/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: c) Security and defence

Danes voted to scrap the defence opt-out, meaning that Denmark now participates more closely in EU defence policy and operations. Denmark has three remaining opt-outs in other areas.

READ ALSO: Why does Denmark have three EU ‘opt-outs’ and what do they mean?

Questions on ‘Danish values’

Do Danish laws allow a parent to decide whether meat served at a preschool comes from a ritually slaughtered animal?

  1. No
  2. Yes

Photo: Ida Guldbæk Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: a) no

This question appears to be asking the obvious, but refers to childcare services (and other municipal institutions) having the right to choose whether or not to serve halal meat.

14. Can you go to prison for forcing someone into an arranged marriage?

  1. No
  2. Yes

Photo: Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: b) yes

Forcing someone to marry against their will is a crime in Denmark.

15. How many people in Denmark believe the police will help them if they need assistance, according to a 2023 Justice Ministry survey?

  1. Around 25 percent
  2. Around 55 percent
  3. Around 85 percent

File photo: Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

Answer: around 85 percent

A large proportion of the Danish population trusts the police and other authorities. Other studies have also found relatively high levels of trust between members of the public.