Sweden and Finland to submit bids to join Nato on Wednesday

Finland and Sweden will submit their bids to join Nato together on Wednesday at the military alliance's headquarters in Brussels, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson has confirmed.

Sweden and Finland to submit bids to join Nato on Wednesday
Finnish President Sauli Niinistö (right) and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (left) hold a press conference in Stockholm. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

“I’m happy we have taken the same path and we can do it together,” Andersson said on Tuesday during a joint press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto. “It is a sign of strength and a sends a strong signal that we stand united to face the future.” 

The two leaders will travel on Thursday to Washington where they will meet with US President Joe Biden. 
At the press conference, Niinistö said that the two countries’ move towards joining Nato had begun in December, when Russia sought to establish a new system of spheres of influence that would have barred Sweden and Finland from membership of Nato. 
“December last year marked the start of a train of events which has revolutionised our security environment. It forced us to reassess our security politics,” he said. 

“Until then, we had thought that our position of military non-alignment gave more stability to the Baltic. After Russia said that we could not become members of Nato, it meant that if we didn’t act,  people would have thought later that we were military non-aligned because we had no choice.” 
That both countries had in such short time managed to carry out such a significant shift in security policy, was, he said “a triumph for democracy”. 

Niinistö said that he hoped for a quick ratification process from Nato’s 30 existing members, adding that he was certain that “constructive dialogue” with Turkey could help overcome its objections to the two countries joining.

Member comments

  1. Why this façade of being tough , why continue this deluded belief that America can stop a Nuclear Bomb fired at Sweden . Turkey will never allow Sweden into NATO . You have amateurs who know nothing about Warfare or Geopolitics leading their country towards the precipice of War . They are arrogant , they are in denial and this Government becomes more and more dangerous every hour it is in power . Signing this and that will not change a thing . One destroyer will not stop a Damn thing . I have given up on this appointed Prime Minister who thinks Boris Johnson rowing her in a lake and playing Churchill will appease two Despots one in Russia and the other in Turkey who do not like Sweden or Finland . I call for a referendum and public debates to tell the Swedish the truth that the Prime Minister of Sweden is conning her country in order to make money out of Ukraine . Biden is getting the be best lawyers because the Republicans intend to Impeach him for his carefree transfer of Arms and Money to Ukraine at the expense of the United States . Senator Rand Paul is going to block any more money or arms being sent to Ukraine which now has the biggest Military Budget in Europe equal to that Russia . America will soon have to borrow cash from China it’s it so out of control . Trump was Impeached for making a telephone call to Zelensky not sending hundreds of billions to the man who is now ruling without any Opposition parties as he has banned them all . The arms and the money once they leave America are not accounted for !! When the Swedish people learn the truth about the Corruption going on in the present government the likes not seen since Sweden collaborated with Nazi Germany they will not be happy to say the least !! The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister should resign before documents are sent to the Newspapers showing the depth of their complicity in Corruption with the Biden administration whose only interest is to protect Hunter Biden’s Business interests in Ukraine . This is Bo longer a slumber party but a Wake run by lunatics .

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Sweden prepared to manage Nato land force in Finland

Sweden is willing to manage a future Nato land force in neighbouring Finland, which shares a border with Russia, the two newest members of the military alliance announced on Monday.

Sweden prepared to manage Nato land force in Finland

The two Nordic nations dropped decades of military non-alignment and applied for Nato membership in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Finland became a member in 2023 and Sweden this year.

Nato said in July that a so-called Forward Land Forces (FLF) presence should be developed in Finland, which shares a 1,340-kilometre (830-mile) border with Russia.

“This kind of military presence in a Nato country requires a framework nation which plays an important role in the implementation of the concept,” Finnish Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen told a press conference.

The countries said Finland had asked Sweden to manage the force.

“The Swedish government has the ambition to take the role as a framework nation for a forward land force in Finland,” Häkkänen’s Swedish counterpart Pål Jonson told reporters.

Jonson stressed the process was still in an “early stage” and details would be worked out inside Nato.

There would also be further consultations with the Swedish parliament, he said.

Häkkänen said details about the actual force would be clarified through planning with other Nato members, adding that the number of troops and their exact location had not yet been decided.

Nato says it currently has eight such forward presences, or “multinational battlegroups”, in Eastern Europe – in Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.