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Five official websites to know if you’re planning to work in Switzerland

Whether you already have a Swiss job or are in the process of looking for one, these websites provide information and resources you'll find helpful.

Five official websites to know if you’re planning to work in Switzerland
A number of Swiss websites provide good information for job seekers. Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels

Switzerland is certainly one of the best countries to work in. Its salaries are among the highest in the world, although whether the wages offset the high cost of living is another question.

The country also has strong labour laws encompassing working conditions, employees’ rights, annual leave and other time off, protection from discrimination, and gender equality, among other aspects of employment.

READ MORE: What is a Swiss collective bargaining agreement — and how could it benefit you?

In addition to the basic rules and conditions outlined in this legislation, many employees are also covered by the collective bargaining agreement (CLA), a kind of contract negotiated between Switzerland’s trade unions and employers or employer organisations. 

The type of website that you’ll likely find useful depends on whether you’re still looking for a job in Switzerland or already have one.

If you’re in the former category, you should know that your passport determines how easy or difficult it may be to get a Swiss employer to hire you.

You can find out how to apply for a job in Switzerland in both of the above cases in this separate article.

In a nutshell, if you are a citizen of the European Union or EFTA states (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein), finding a job here is easier than if you are from another country (known in Switzerland as a ‘third nation’).

But first things first…

Before you start your job search, and even if you’ve already found a position, learn about what the Swiss legislation says about your rights and obligations as an employee.

This government website provides a good overview, in English, of what you can expect while working in Switzerland.

As far as official sources go for job seekers, the website of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) features detailed information on how to obtain a Swiss work permit if you are a EU / EFTA citizen or a national of a third country.

There is also separate information for UK citizens, who used to be part of the EU before Brexit but now are considered third-country nationals.

Congratulations, you already have a Swiss work permit

Even if you already have the right to work in Switzerland, you may still have some questions relating to your employment.

This website, put together by the federal, cantonal and communal authorities, is a good resource about short- or long-term employment, as well as self-employment.

All these sites provide good general overview, but you’ll find more specific information on the employment website of the canton in which you work.

There you’ll find all you need to know not only about working in a given canton, but also your rights in case you lose your job.

What about cross-border workers?

At the end of 2021, 362,000 cross-border workers were employed in Switzerland, according to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

Most of them (203,689) come from France, followed by workers from Italy (86,322) and Germany (63, 547). The smallest group (8,489) is from Austria.

These people, who typically commute to and from work on daily basis, but have to return to their main place of residence abroad at least once a week, must obtain the so-called G work permit, which is given only to eligible border area residents.

Border regions are those in close enough geographic proximity to the Swiss border to make daily commuting to and from work feasible.

This site has all the information needed for those who want to become cross-border employees, or already are.

READ MORE: EXPLAINED: Who can work in Switzerland but live in a neighbouring country?

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Switzerland sees record high immigration from European countries

Switzerland has seen record immigration from European countries and a new report reveals a correlation with the country's low unemployment rate.

Switzerland sees record high immigration from European countries

Lots of data indicates that Switzerland needs foreign workers to fill job vacancies.

Now a report from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) confirms the importance that employees from the European Union and EFTA (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein) have had for Switzerland’s labour market and economy in general. 

That is why “demand for foreign labour was strong in Switzerland in 2023,” SECO said in its annual report published on Monday, which assessed the impact that the Free Movement of Persons agreement (FMPA) has had on the country’s employment.

In 2023, 68,000 people from EU and EFTA countries came to work in Switzerland, according to SECO, driven by “employment growth that has significantly exceeded the EU average.”

Why does Switzerland need EU / EFTA workers?

Simply put, they are needed for the country’s economy to function optimally.

As SECO pointed out, while the number of pensioners is growing (due mostly to Switzerland’s exceptionally high life expectancy), “Swiss working-age population has experienced only slow growth over the past 20 years.”

“The country’s economic growth is not possible without immigration,” said Simon Wey, chief economist at the Swiss Employers’ Union. “We need foreign labour if we want to maintain our level of prosperity.”  

READ ALSO: How EU immigrant workers have become ‘essential’ for Switzerland 

In what sectors is the need for these workers the highest?

“A large number of people from the EU coming to work in Switzerland are highly qualified and are employed in demanding activities in high-growth branches of the service sector, such as the branch of special, scientific and technical activities, that of information and communication or the health sector;” SECO’s report said.

But the Swiss economy also recruits EU nationals as low-skilled labour, particularly in the hotel and catering industry, as well as construction and industry.

Why are only people from the EU / EFTA states recruited?

The reason is that, unlike nationals of third countries, people from the EU / EFTA have an almost unlimited access to the Swiss employment market, thanks precisely to the FMPA. 

Also, those coming from the neighbour countries (as most of Switzerland’s foreign labour force does), have the required language skills to easily integrate into the workforce in language-appropriate Swiss regions.