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EXPLAINED: The German property tax declaration owners need to know about

Property owners in Germany will have to send the tax office an updated declaration of their property values by January 31st, to help calculate a new amount they’ll have to pay in tax. We explain what they’ll have to do.

EXPLAINED: The German property tax declaration owners need to know about
Property taxes are increasing. Photo by PATRICK HERTZOG / AFP

People owning property in Germany, from individuals who might own their home to commercial landlords, may have recently come across advisories from tax consultants or media stories, telling them they’ll have to submit a new declaration to the tax office as to their property’s value.

Interactions with German bureaucracy – especially the tax office – can be intimidating, but there’s a few easy steps to follow if you have to declare.

Who has to declare, when – and why?

In 2018, Germany’s highest court declared the country’s current laws on property tax (known as Grundsteuer) unconstitutional, partly because the property values currently used to calculate what an owner owes are seriously out of date.

West German properties were last assessed for tax purposes in 1964, and East German ones in 1935.

The constitutional court gave the government until the end of 2019 to come up with a new way of calculating the tax for Germany’s 36 million properties.

That’s why owners are being asked to send in new declarations, based on values as of January 1st 2022.

The tax office will then use those declarations to determine what new tax rates owners will have to pay for their properties. Although they may end up having to bear some of costs of higher property tax later, tenants don’t have to declare anything – just owners.

Owners have until January 31st to send in updated information electronically to the tax office.

READ ALSO: Update: What you need to know about the German property tax reform that affects us all

What information do I need?

Each of Germany’s 16 federal states are allowed to have slightly different regulations in the property tax reform, so be sure to check what specific regulation governs you. That said, a few key documents will help you to provide an updated property value to submit.

Extract from the land register (Grundbuchauszug): For people who purchased their property prior to January 1st 2022, this may be the best option to get the most up to date valuation possible that the tax office will accept. The federal government’s dedicated website on the updated property tax declaration also strongly recommends you have this document in particular. You can get this record by making an appointment with your land registry office, or Grundbuchamt. Each individual district, or Bezirk, will have one. You often have to make appointments with them beforehand to request documents, so call them up or email them to request a time.

Last assessment notice (Einheitswertbescheid), purchase contract, or construction documents: A few other documents, particularly for more recent purchases, will help you fill in the declaration. Construction documents may have been included with your purchase contract, and your local tax office will have sent you an assessment notice after you took possession of your property.

These documents will help you answer a few key questions on the electronic declaration, including what year the property was built, its size, number of parking spaces or renovation year. All of these will end up being relevant for the final declaration.

When will the new rate come into effect?

Tax experts say it may take until late 2024 for the new rates to be calculated. The federal government will decide on a base before each individual state may adjust their rate slightly through state law. That’s why it might take some time to tell owners what their new rates will be, with them expected to come into effect on 1 January 2025.

Until that date, owners can continue paying what they are currently paying with no changes.

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Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

Across Germany, rents have shot up in the last two years while property prices have fallen. Experts say this is making buying more attractive than renting at the moment.

Do rising rents make buying a home in Germany a better option?

For several years, property prices in Germany rose at a much faster pace than rents. Between 2016 and 2022, the average price for apartments climbed by a dramatic 76.5 percent, according to an analysis by real estate company ImmoScout 24. During the same period, rents for flats rose by 26.8 percent.

Experts said this was due to comparatively low interest rates and high buyer demand along with limited supply – all of which caused the property market to explode. 

However, this trend has reversed over the past two years, with rental prices rising significantly more than purchase prices.

According to ImmoScout, falling property prices is a big factor. The price index for apartments fell by 9.4 percent between 2022 and 2024, while rents rose on average by 11.7 percent, reducing the difference in price development from a peak of 39.2 percent in 2022 to 12.9 percent this year.

At the same time, the strong pressure on the rental market has resulted in a considerable financial burden for tenants. An earlier ImmoScout analysis from March showed that rental flats in Germany’s 40 largest cities received 21 times more enquiries than owner-occupied flats.

In another study released in summer, real estate experts Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) found that asking rents for flats in the eight major cities of Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Leipzig climbed by an average of 6.3 percent in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

READ ALSO: Rents still rising fast in major German cities

Real estate experts say it means buying a property in Germany has become more attractive.

“The sharp rise in rents in particular is making buying a property as an investment or home more and more attractive,” said Dr Gesa Crockford from ImmoScout. 

The index values for renting and buying have converged even more in Germany’s five largest cities – Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. 

Berlin prenzlauer Berg

Flats in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Monika Skolimowska

The purchase price of existing flats rose by 65.5 percent between 2016 and 2021, while the rental price only increased by 21.6 percent. From the peak in 2021, prices for apartments have fallen by 2.1 percent, while rents have continued to rise by 28.9 percent. As a result, the gap in price development since 2016 has shrunk from 36.1 percent (2021) to 3.4 percent (2024).

People looking to rent in major cities are not only facing rising rents, but also fierce competition to snag an affordable place to live. 

“In the metropolises, buying has become increasingly worthwhile over the past two years,” said Crockford. “There, the difference between purchase and rental prices has levelled off from 30 percent and more to a low single-digit percentage range.”

Is it better to buy a home than rent?

Choosing to buy instead of renting is of course a personal decision and you have to consider several factors – including whether you can afford the mortgage and extra fees associated with house buying.

That said, property prices are expected to increase again slightly after the dip over the last two years.

READ ALSO: Is autumn 2024 the right time to buy a property in Germany?

However, it should also be noted that tenants rights are strong in Germany so renting can be a worthwhile and savvy way to go, if you can find a home that is affordable to you. 

That goes some way to explain why Germany has one of the lowest level of property ownership in the EU, with just over half of the population owning their own home.

Meanwhile, one study released in 2023 by credit insurer Allianz Trade found that buying property in Germany is “significantly more expensive than renting in Germany”.

Even if rents were raised by the legal maximum of 20 percent next year compared to 2023, the difference between average mortgage repayments and average rents would still come in at €381 per month, said the insurer. 

However, some buyers may consider a home an investment in the long term and rely on the value going up over time – though this, of course, is not guaranteed. 

READ ALSO: How the cost of renting in Germany compares to home ownership