Merkel says she has ‘nothing to apologise for’ over Russia legacy

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel has defended her years-long policy of detente towards Moscow, saying she had "nothing to apologise for" even as the Ukraine war casts a pall on her legacy.

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speaks at the Berliner Ensemble during her interview called: 'So what is my country?'
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speaks at the Berliner Ensemble during her interview called: 'So what is my country?' Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Fabian Sommer

In her first major interview since stepping down six months ago, Merkel insisted she had not been naive in her dealings with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Diplomacy isn’t wrong just because it hasn’t worked,” the 67-year-old said on stage in a Berlin theatre, in an interview broadcast on the Phoenix news channel on Tuesday. 

She recalled her support for economic sanctions against Russia over its 2014 annexation of Crimea, and the German-French efforts to keep the Minsk peace process for Ukraine alive.

“I don’t have to blame myself for not trying hard enough,” the conservative ex-chancellor said.

“I don’t see that I have to say ‘that was wrong’ and that’s why I have nothing to apologise for.”

The veteran leader, who frequently met with Putin during her 16 years in power and championed a commerce-driven, pragmatic approach towards Moscow, said the February 24th invasion of Ukraine had marked a “turning point”.

READ ALSO: Are Germans questioning Merkel’s legacy?

‘Wants to destroy Europe’

There was “no justification whatsoever” for the “brutal” and illegal war of aggression, she said, adding that Putin had made “a big mistake”.

“He wants to destroy Europe,” she warned. “It’s very important for the European Union to stick together now.”

But she batted away criticism that she had been wrong to block Ukraine from joining NATO in 2008, saying it was not ready then and she wanted to avoid “further escalation” with Putin, who was already seething about the military alliance’s perceived eastward expansion.

She also insisted that the 2014-2015 Minsk peace pacts, which now lie in tatters, were at the time seen as the best bet to end the fighting in eastern Ukraine between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian soldiers.

The peace process “brought some calm” that gave Ukraine an extra seven years to develop as a democracy and strengthen its military, she said, in a nod to Kyiv’s much praised resistance against the invading Russian troops.

“The courage and passion with which they are fighting for their country is very impressive,” Merkel said, adding she had “the highest respect” for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

But Merkel insisted there was no way to avoid dealing with Putin because Russia, like China, was too big to ignore.

“We have to find a way to co-exist despite all our differences,” she said.

During the interview, Merkel – who remains hugely popular in Germany – also offered a glimpse into her private life since retiring, spending time on her own on the Baltic Sea coast, taking walks and catching up on her reading.

After 30 years in politics, Merkel said she was enjoying not having to rush from appointment to appointment.

“Personally, I’m doing well,” she told the audience, even if she felt sombre about the war in Ukraine, “like so many people”.

“I had imagined my time after leaving office a bit differently,” Merkel said.

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Former German chancellor Angela Merkel to release memoir in November

From East German chemist to humble politician to 'the world's most powerful woman', Angela Merkel has lived quite a life. Now more details are emerging about her 700-page memoir.

Former German chancellor Angela Merkel to release memoir in November

Former chancellor Merkel, will publish her memoir, titled ‘Freedom: Memories 1954-2021’ later this year. 

Merkel’s long-time political advisor Beate Baumann is co-author of the book, which will chronicle the political stalwart’s early life and career in East Germany, as well as her time in the modern day Federal Republic – including, of course, her 16 years as chancellor Germany as well as her time as head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.

The work is to be published with publishing house Kiepenheuer & Witsch and is expected to be about 700 pages long. 

According to an announcement by the publisher, the memoir will give readers a more personal view of Merkel than has previously been shared. 

READ ALSO: Former German chancellor Angela Merkel to release memoir

In the text, Germany’s so-called ‘Mutti’  talks about her childhood, youth and her studies in the GDR as well as the year when the Wall fell and her political life began. 

READ ALSO: Merkel receives UNESCO peace prize for welcoming refugees

It will also include meetings with powerful international politicians, and also personal turning points for the former leader during times of crisis.

In a statement from the publishers, Merkel said her book examines the question: “What does freedom mean to me?”

Is the notoriously soft-spoken leader ready to share it all?

To those who have followed Merkel closely, the fact that she was releasing an autobiography came as a bit of a surprise.

She has thus far succeeded, to a remarkable degree, in keeping her private life separate from her astonishing political career.

When New Yorker columnist George Packer chronicled Merkel in the America magazine, he titled the piece “The Quiet German”, and wrote at length about her ability to dodge controversy by making herself almost invisible: “The world’s most powerful woman is making every effort not to be interesting.”

It remains to be seen exactly how personal Merkel will be willing to get in a book set to be released in 30 countries.

Merkel said of her book: “I am pleased to reflect on central decisions and situations of my political work and to make them understandable to a broad public, also with recourse to my personal history.”

Angela Merkel will be 70-years-old by the time her book is scheduled to hit the shelves on November 26th, 2024.

READ ALSO: ANALYSIS – Are Germans questioning Merkel’s legacy?