Italy’s heatwave to last another week and get even hotter, say forecasts

With extreme heat causing severe drought and blackouts in northern Italy this week, temperatures are expected to soar further in the coming days.

Italy's heatwave to last another week and get even hotter, say forecasts
The dried-up bed of river Po in Boretto, northeast of Parma, on June 15th, 2022. Photo by Piero CRUCIATTI / AFP

With thunderstorms in mountainous areas of northern Italy on Thursday, there are hopes that we could soon see the end of the blistering heatwave that has brought temperatures up to the high 30s and low 40s this week.

But stormy conditions are not expected to cool things down, with forecasters at weather website warning that “maximum temperatures are seeing slight and temporary decreases, but the relative humidity, and therefore the heat, is increasing” in northern areas.

Meanwhile, the south and centre of the country continues to swelter in still, humid conditions, with temperatures in the high 30s expected throughout the weekend.

Weather forecasters warn that the heatwave is set to continue until the end of the month.

Temperatures of “up to 40°C in the shade” can be expected across much of Italy early next week, according to forecasts in newspaper La Repubblica on Thursday.

Drought in Italy: What water use restrictions are in place and where?

The Italian health ministry has issued red alerts for extreme heat on Friday and Saturday in and around the cities of Bologna, Campobasso, Florence, and Pescara.

Lower-level amber or yellow heat alerts were issued for Friday and Saturday in almost every other part of the country, except Turin and Genoa.

While the most extreme temperatures are being seen in the southern and island regions of Italy – particularly in Sicily, Puglia, and Sardinia – the north of the country has suffered badly with drought and power outages due to the heatwave. 

The Italian government is set to announce a state of emergency in the regions of Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna, which are suffering the most severe drought seen in 70 years.

In Milan and Turin, a massive increase in electricity usage for cooling day and night has pushed the electricity grid beyond its limits over the past week, leading to blackouts.

Until a few years ago, the typical maximum temperatures in Italy at the end of June would be around 26°C in the north, 27 in the centre and 28 for the south, according to

With many parts of Europe experiencing unusually high temperatures for this time of year, experts have repeatedly warned that the increase is caused by global heating.

“As a result of climate change, heatwaves are starting earlier,” said Clare Nullis, a spokeswoman for the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva.

“What we’re witnessing today is unfortunately a foretaste of the future” if concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continue to rise and push temperatures towards 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels, she added.

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Italy issues storm alerts for nine regions

Italy’s Civil Protection department issued a ‘yellow’ weather warning for nine regions on Wednesday as intense storms that lashed large parts of the country on Tuesday were expected to continue.

Italy issues storm alerts for nine regions

The alert was set to cover parts or the whole of the following regions: Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, Basilicata, Abruzzo, Marche, Molise, Umbria and Campania.

A ‘yellow’ warning is the least severe type of alert under Italy’s alert system, but still indicates some level of risk. 

River levels in the affected areas are likely to rise rapidly and waterways could become flooded, as could nearby underpasses, tunnels, and basement-level structures, according to Italy’s Civil Protection.

A map of the weather alerts issued by Italy’s Civil Protection on Wednesday, September 4th

A map of the weather alerts issued by Italy’s Civil Protection on Wednesday, September 4th. Source: Italy’s Civil Protection department

Intense storms were expected in the centre and south of the country, particularly along the Apennines and on the Adriatic coastline, from the early afternoon, forecasters said.

Heavy rainfall was expected to be accompanied by strong winds on coastal areas.

The northwest of the country, including parts of Piedmont and Lombardy, was also set to be hit by storms, with Alpine areas expected to be among the worst hit.

Wednesday’s weather warnings were issued after multiple areas of the country were lashed by storms on Tuesday. 

Torrential rain hit Rome on Tuesday afternoon, causing flooding in some areas of the city centre, including Termini, Prati, and Piazza Risorgimento, close to the Vatican, and forcing transport operator Atac to temporarily close the Manzoni and Lepanto stops on metro line A, according to Ansa.

Rome’s Environment Councillor Sabrina Alfonsi said that “60 millimetres of rain fell in central Rome in less than an hour, the same amount that typically accumulates over an entire month in autumn”.