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OPINION: The tragedy at Almedalen is an attack on Swedish democracy

Almedalen took place this week in the shadow of Russian military aggression, but on Wednesday it became tragically clear that the immediate danger was from within, says David Crouch

OPINION: The tragedy at Almedalen is an attack on Swedish democracy
People leave flowers at the restaurant terrace in Donners Square in Visby where a woman was stabbed to death on Wednesday. Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT

Oslo, Copenhagen, and now Visby. Norway, Denmark and Sweden have all witnessed shocking bloodshed in the space of two weeks.

Two were shot dead and about 20 injured when a man opened fire at a gay bar in Oslo on June 25. And on July 3, three were killed and several injured by a gunman at a shopping centre in Copenhagen. 

This time the location was Sweden’s annual festival of politics in Almedalen park on the island of Gotland.

The festival was held this week in the shadow of the Russian military threat, but on Wednesday it became tragically clear that the immediate danger was from within. 

Ing-Marie Wieselgren was stabbed to death at the heart of Almedalen, amid a throng of people there to take part in the week of debates. Wieselgren was one of Sweden’s leading voices on mental health as a national coordinator for SKR, the organisation representing local government.

She took part actively at Almedalen, recording a daily video blog with her thoughts on mental health. Her final words, filmed on the morning of her death, reflect on how we can equip children mentally to deal with life’s ups and downs. It is a grim irony that her killer was likely motivated by her public commitment to mental health issues, according to the prosecutor in the case

But this was more than an isolated assault by a sick man with a grudge. Wieselgren’s murder was an attack on Swedish democracy. Large gatherings where political leaders and public figures mingle with crowds are vulnerable to fanatics. People will think twice before coming to Almedalen again, and those who do will feel a shiver of concern for their own safety. Politicians will wonder if they could be next.

The day before the attack, the chief of Sweden’s security police, Säpo, was at Almedalen, where she spoke to the press. It is not only foreign powers that threaten Sweden, Charlotte von Essen said: “The climate of debate is polarised and extremism is growing within it, which can lead to violent extremism. The threat comes from both violent Islamist extremism and right-wing extremism. There are individuals who have both the intention and the ability to carry out an assassination.”

Swedish media were quick to pick up on connections between Wednesday’s killer and the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (Nordiska motståndsrörelse), or NMR. The man was active in the NMR for several years until at least 2018, writing for its website and taking part in its demonstrations, according to Expo, which monitors the extreme right. 

While the NMR had no visible presence at this year’s Almedalen, the festival has had a problem with the organisation’s aggressive behaviour in recent years. In 2017 there was uproar when the neo-Nazis were allowed to formally take part in Almedalen for the first time. In 2018, NMR supporters assaulted a woman, while its uniformed thugs marched through the town and interrupted Centre Party leader Annie Lööf’s speech with shouts of “traitor”. The following year, gay and trans rights organisation RFSL pulled out of the event because of neo-Nazi threats.

Although police said the NMR connection is not a central focus of their investigation, the Almedalen killer’s recent background with the neo-Nazis can be no coincidence. The organisation is imbued with violence and a hatred for liberal democracy – hardly surprising given its ideology. Participants in NMR demonstrations are often uniformed and armed with long staves and shields. In 2016-17 the organisation’s supporters were involved in a series of deadly attacks, including planting bombs at homes for asylum seekers and an anarchist bookshop.

A few hours after Wednesday’s tragedy, a visibly shaken Annie Lööf delivered her scheduled speech to Almedalen. She praised the police, ambulance workers and bystanders who had helped capture the attacker and tried to save Wieselgren’s life. She drew a connection between the horror of what had happened and the daily horrors inflicted by the Russian army on Ukrainians.

Echoing the words of Moderate party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt at Almedalen eight years ago, she praised those who “open their hearts”, homes and schools to Ukrainian refugees. 

The very fact that Lööf’s speech went ahead was a signal that this deep wound to Sweden’s body politic can heal. The country is familiar with violence aimed at politicians and politics. From the shooting of prime minister Olof Palme outside a cinema in 1986 to the 2003 stabbing of foreign minister Anna Lindh on the steps of a department store, Swedes know what the shock of an assassination in a public place feels like. 

Each time, after the mourning and soul-searching, Sweden has recovered from these blows and maintained its tradition of openness. When Uzbek asylum seeker Rakhmat Akilov drove a truck through shoppers in central Stockholm in April 2017, killing five and maiming many more, he was motivated by the hatred of Islamic State for western values. But the crowds of people who came out onto the streets the following day were clear about the importance of defending their freedoms.

A popular political event like Almedalen can never be 100% safe, and no democracy can ever promise total security to its citizens. That is the price we pay for the freedoms we normally take for granted. Ing-Marie Wieselgren will not be forgotten. Next year’s Almedalen will take place in defiance of violence, in defiance of extremism, and with an even greater appreciation of the event’s broader significance as a symbol of Swedish openness and democracy. 

David Crouch is the author of Almost Perfekt: How Sweden Works and What Can We Learn From It. He is a freelance journalist and a lecturer in journalism at Gothenburg University.

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Why August is an underrated month for summer holidays in Sweden

In her first week back at work after an unusually late summer holiday (by Swedish standards, at least), The Local's Becky Waterton wonders why Swedes seem to overlook August as a great summer month.

Why August is an underrated month for summer holidays in Sweden

Anyone who has spent the summer working in Sweden knows that the country grinds to a standstill after Midsummer when most people head out to their summer houses for three weeks (or more), returning in early August.

By the end of July, most Swedes are already back at work, lamenting the end of the summer as autumn approaches. At the start of August, I heard someone on the radio say that autumn was just around the corner. 

Maybe it’s due to my childhood spent in the UK, where school holidays usually don’t start until the end of July, but I couldn’t help but think that Swedes are overlooking one of the best summer months.

The weather is still great

Sure, the weather is usually good in July, too, but it’s not like temperatures drop to 15 degrees and the sun stops shining on August 1st (not every year, at least). In the last two years, at least down here in Skåne, the weather in August has been better than in July, with more sun and fewer rainy days.

Even if August is too hot or muggy for you, then surely you’d rather spend those stuffy, warm days lounging by the sea or a lake in a Swedish forest somewhere than sitting at your desk working?

There are fewer crowds

Another advantage of going on holiday when most of the country is already back at work is that any summer destinations or attractions are much quieter. In August, you can beat the crowds of schoolchildren and holidaying Swedes, which is much less stressful.

Of course, you might be joined by tourists from other countries where holidays in August are more common, whether that’s Brits travelling during their school holidays, or people from southern European countries like Italy or Spain coming to Sweden for a “coolcation” to escape the heat back home. 


Even something as simple as a beach day or a day trip to a local castle or natural beauty spot can be much more enjoyable in August than in July, if you’re not a fan of big crowds.

One very specific advantage in taking August off for people living in Malmö where I live is that you can enjoy Malmöfestivalen – a music and food festival which takes over the city for a week – during the day, avoiding the crowds in the evening.

Flights are cheaper

Making the most of the quieter months also extends to going on holiday. If you’re lucky enough to be able to travel outside of the school holidays, you can save a lot of money by travelling in August instead of in July, and the airport will probably be emptier than usual too. 

This applies to train tickets, too. The summer rush (and some of the summer maintenance) is over, so it’s a good time to plan a day trip or Swedish getaway – although it’s probably a good idea to avoid the rush hour commuters.

You’re more likely to get the summer weeks you want

Although you’re always entitled to at least three consecutive weeks of holiday in the summer months, that doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get the exact three weeks of holiday in mid-July that you ask for, as everyone else probably wants those weeks too.

If you want time off in August, though, your boss will probably approve it happily, knowing that you’ll be able to cover for everyone else during those quiet weeks in July when everyone else is off at their summer house.

It makes your summer feel longer

If you choose to work through July and take August off, things aren’t exactly busy before you go on holiday. You probably won’t be able to get anything done that requires collaboration with anyone else, and you’ll most likely see your workload diminish.

That doesn’t mean you should start slacking off, but it does mean that the pace will naturally be slower than usual and things will be less stressful. And there’s nothing to stop you from heading to the beach, enjoying your daily fika coffee break in the sun outside, or meeting up with friends after work.


By the time your colleagues are all returning from their holidays, you’re only just heading off on yours, which can make it feel like you’ve somehow hacked the system to get even more time off work during the summer to decompress.

Most of the shops and lunch restaurants are open again

During July, shops and restaurants in the city centre often close as staff take a break over the summer. If you’re on holiday in July, you can’t make the most of a cheaper midweek “dagens lunch” deal, as these often cater to office workers.


In August, however, the workers are back and the restaurants are open again – and you can eat your cheap lunch while smugly remembering that you don’t need to rush back to the office once you’ve finished your meal.