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Ask the expert: How students can remain in France after finishing their degree

France is keen to attract international students, but if you studied in France and want to stay here, there are also several routes tailored towards keeping qualified graduates in the country - specialist immigration lawyer Maître Haywood Wise explains more.

France has set itself a goal of attracting more foreign talent to universities, and the government is also keen for these highly qualified graduates to stay and become part of the French workforce.

Students who have an EU passport can stay with minimal paperwork, but non-EU students will need to change their student visa to ensure that they have the correct documents to live and work in France.

This is neither simple nor paperwork-free (of course) but there are several routes that recent graduates can take in order to stay.

Immigration lawyer, Maître Haywood Wise, who practices in the Paris area, explained some of the options:

Recherche d’emploi et création d’entreprise (RECE) – Job Seeker/ New Business Creator

If you did a vocational degree or masters level (or above) the ‘job seeker’ residence permit might be the best bet for you. 

The goal of this card is to allow you to “have a first professional experience or start a company in a field that corresponds to your training.”

On this residence permit, you will be allowed to search for and hold a job in connection with your degree or research for one year. 

According to Maître Wise, there are several “advantages” to this residency permit. You are permitted to work full-time while on this titre, in contrast to the part-time requirements of the student visa.

Maître Wise explained that the benefit of this permit is that while on it you “do not need a work permit” as a foreigner, as you have the legal right to work while on it – making you instantly more attractive to employers who are spared the burdensome task of security your work permit. 

In order to qualify, you must have received one of these degrees, and during your studies you must have held a student visa (VLS-TS):

  • a Licence Professionelle (vocational degree),
  • a master’s degree or equivalent (such as an engineering degree, a degree from an institute of political studies (IEP), the higher diploma in accounting and management, a veterinary diploma, etc
  • a Specialised Master’s degree
  • a Master of Sciences (MSc) accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles

Keep in mind that this also applies to researchers who completed their research in France (meaning you previously held the residency permit: “Carte de séjour “passeport talent – chercheur”)

If you are worried that the above-criteria might not apply perfectly to your situation, Maître Wise explained that the legal code regarding who exactly qualifies is “rather ambiguous,” and that you might still be able to consider applying for this permit even if you do not come “directly under the terms of the legislation.” However, it is recommendable to seek legal advice in this scenario. 

If you completed an undergraduate degree in France, unfortunately this will “most likely not work” for the ‘job seeker’ permit.

READ MORE: Visas and residency permits: How to move to France (and stay here)

How much does it cost?

For students, the cost is €75, for researchers, the cost is €225.

What rules should I be aware of? 

You are not obligated to do this directly after graduating – in fact, you can apply for the ‘job seeker’ permit up to four years after completing your degree. 

How long does it last?

This residency permit is valid for 12 months – even if you get a permanent job during this period, there is no need to change the permit until the 12 months are up.

At the end of the 12 months, if you have found a job (in your field) or started a business in France, then you must switch onto a different titre

When switching onto the next residency permit, if you’ve set up your own business or set up as a freelancer, you can look into the “temporary residency card: entrepreneur/professional.” For those who were offered a job, the next residency card will depend in part on your salary and field, as shown below courtesy of French government website Keep in mind that exact salary amounts may differ from year to year, so it is best to check with official government websites.

Advice from French website

Carte de séjour: salarié/travailleur temporaire – Employee or temporary worker

If you did any type of higher education in France, you can apply for this visa once you have been offered a job in the field you studied.

The employment contract you must have been offered for this work is either a CDI (permanent position) or CDD (temporary position), but cannot be a stage (internship) or as a pigiste (casual worker).

Normally people getting this type of permit also need a work permit, for which employers need to demonstrate – among other things – that there is no local candidate who could do your job. However if you switch onto this permit type from the RECE card, demonstrating this is not necessary, assuming you meet the other requirements (the job meets the income threshold and is in your field of study). 

You will still need to have your employment contract validated by the DIRECCTE (the Regional Department of Competition, Consumption, Work and Employment) when applying for an “employee” or “temporary worker” residency permit.

You’ll likely also need to provide proof of your current residency permit, your passport, proof of residence, three passport compatible photos, and your autorisation du travail (work permit). 

How long does it last?

The first time you apply for this residency permit it is valid for one year (12 months). It is renewable, and can be renewed for a period of up to four years. 

Passeport talent : carte de séjour pluriannuelle d’un étranger en France – Talent Passport

This residency permit is aimed at highly qualified candidates and for recent graduates it is issued based on your study field and salary level, and there are several different categories within it. 

It’s less common for students, although some researchers qualify for it. For someone who has just finished their studies in France, you most likely would fall under one of these categories: “qualified employee”, “artist” , or “creation of a company.”

If you’re applying as an employee (rather than freelancer or business start-up) you need to have graduated from a professional degree or a Specialized Master’s/Master of Science (accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) or at least equivalent to a Master’s degree, and have been offered an employment contract with a gross annual salary of more than €39,494 or more (as of 2022).

You can find the other requirements HERE. Keep in mind your employer will need to fill out a Cerfa form to request that you fall under the ‘passeport talent’ category.

How long does it last?

This is a multi-year residency permit, and also allows you to bring a spouse and/or family members with you.

Final tips

Check official government websites to see when you must begin the application process for a ‘changement de statut’– sometimes this varies by préfecture, and if you are still waiting on your diploma certificate from your French university you can ask them for a provisional letter attesting you have met the graduation requirements and passed your grand oral (if that applies to you).

Maître Wise recommends the RECE permit if you qualify for it: “Stay on this titre de séjour until its expiration,” he said, adding the reminder that  “each préfecture works differently. Some of these applications are easier in Paris.”

According to the immigration law expert, it is best to take the residency permit process “extremely seriously, particularly because the préfectures lack transparency and are not functioning well.”

His final tip is to “get on it in advance, and be prepared for confusion regarding how you’re going to get employment. If you have an employer, solutions are easy. If you don’t then it’s not going to be so easy.”

Basically, do your homework before going and be prepared for a potentially bumpy ride. If your situation is complicated or atypical, it might be best to spend some money on legal advice.

* Maître Haywood Wise works for the HAYWOOD MARTIN WISE law firm. They offer consultations in English and French. You can find their website HERE

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Americans in France: Shifting political landscapes and buying a French home

From how a far-right win in the parliamentary election could affect Americans in France to the property tax declaration deadline and things you should know before buying a French home, here's our latest newsletter for Americans who either live in France, visit frequently or plan to move here some day.

Americans in France: Shifting political landscapes and buying a French home

Welcome to The Local’s “Americans in France” monthly newsletter for members, featuring all the news and practical information you need as an American resident, visitor or second-home owner in France. You can sign up to receive it directly to your inbox before we publish it online via the link below. 

Dear Americans in France,

We are living through historic times in France. The far-right secured over 31 percent of the vote during the European elections, prompting French President Emmanuel Macron to call snap parliamentary elections. 

The three main camps – Marine Le Pen’s far-right Rassemblement National, Macron’s centrists, and the left-wing coalition (Nouveau Front Populaire) – vying for seats in the Assemblée Nationale all have very different visions of what life in France should look like for foreigners. 

Of the three groups, an RN victory would likely cause the biggest upheaval to life in France for Americans living here, considering the party made its name as an anti-immigration party and its latest leaflet suggests that nothing has changed.  “Drastically reduce legal and illegal immigration and deport foreign criminals” remains listed as one of the key priorities for the party.

We reached out to readers to hear about their thoughts on Macron’s surprising decision to call snap elections. Many said they were worried. One anonymous respondent said they were concerned they would “become unwelcome in France”.

While I am very frustrated that I cannot vote in this election – only those who hold French nationality (including dual nationals) will be able to vote on June 30th and July 7th – I would like to believe that the 2024 will not be the first year France gets a far right government since World War II.

You can follow all the latest election news HERE.

Aside from the ongoing political crisis, there is an important date coming up for people who own property in France. If you did not fill out the property tax declaration form in 2023, then you likely will need to this year. 

The gist is that the document helps inform French tax authorities whether or not to charge you the taxe d’habitation. The deadline for the property declaration form is 11.59pm on June 30th, and to make life easier, we’ve put together a guide on how to fill it out, plus helpful vocab.

As for those who would like to own property in France one day, luckily there are no official rules in France against non French-citizens purchasing property, neither is there any requirement to be resident in the country. 

In practice, there are a number of challenges foreigners face when buying French property, especially if they need a mortgage. These are some of the challenges you might run into when attempting to buy property in France.

If you have been through the process of buying a French home, then feel free to offer some of your advice to fellow Americans who may be interested in following in your footsteps.

As always, we have our ongoing ‘Americans in France’ survey open. You can let us know if there are any topics you would like to see covered, and you can also give helpful tips (the ones you wish you had known beforehand) for other Americans looking to move to France.

And of course feel free to get in touch or leave a comment. You can reach me at

I’ll conclude with the advice of American in France, Jeri Benoit in the Val-d’Oise département: “Expect to live the French way, not the way of Americans. And learn the language (…) Embrace the French way of life. It is full of frustration but also joie de vivre.”